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S-Rank HM Tier List ("Oh boy, let me make my own" edition)

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You know I don't actually disagree with you that he's not very nice. I also think he could be more pleasant. But come on dude, making a stab at someone's supposed insecurity as an attempt to end a discussion is something else entirely lol.

Edited by Irysa
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I was trying to show some empathy about it, because as I've said I've gone through it myself, but you're right, this isn't the setting to bring it up, and I take it back. I just find debates with him to be highly unpleasant, in a way unlike all the other's I had with many other people. The coldness of his tone just makes his posts painfull to read, and I really don't want to continue, even if he is very knowlegable on issues of substance.

Edited by GreatEclipse
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You see, this is what I'm talking about. You have no right to be mean, to smart or stupid people.

when have i been mean to you in this thread

Being charitable in how you interprete people's arguments, and showing tact in how you express your disagreements, makes you come across as someone who trully believes every word the're saying.

when have i not been charitable in interpreting your arguments in this thread

i can only go by what you say, not what i think you're saying, because there's much more room to erroneously interpret an argument in an uncharitable fashion. furthermore, if i don't address your argument as written, that opens up for the simple "that's not what i actually said" defense. i would even go so far as to say that i am one of the more charitable people on this forum in this respect because i don't have a tendency to jump on small factual errors and point to that as evidence that a user doesn't know what he's talking about.

I'm not the first person to feel this way. I know Solid Sense personally, btw, and he's the most intellegent guy I've ever seen. He was right when he told me to leave this place behind.

um so there is no conceivable way in which i can say "i disagree with this statement" without insulting solidsense or otherwise blaming him in some way. so i will only say this much. interesting that you didn't express outrage at how inui might have been insulted, but he was a worse offender of logic in that thread.

honestly i will have to make an appeal to the audience here. i thought this conversation was going nicely and i didn't think that my previous post in particular was inflammatory or otherwise unjustly mean (except maybe the last paragraph, where a bit of my frustration got through), at least to the extent to precipitate such a response. i would like a third party to be the judge.

Edited by dondon151
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i could be meaner if you were really being stupid

The only thing that dondon said that could be construed as mean is this line. Everything else has been relatively tame and not-offensive, imo.


I don't quite see how Fir is as valuable, because if she's killing enemies in one turn, then exp is being distrubuted less all around. Sure, she's good at killing axe-users, but the chip-EXP + Kill EXP matters just as much as the straight kill EXP. I dunno, i'd like a rebuttal on this one, because i personally don't know how valuable exp really is towards the end-game max rank, but that's how I see it.

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I don't quite see how Fir is as valuable, because if she's killing enemies in one turn, then exp is being distrubuted less all around. Sure, she's good at killing axe-users, but the chip-EXP + Kill EXP matters just as much as the straight kill EXP. I dunno, i'd like a rebuttal on this one, because i personally don't know how valuable exp really is towards the end-game max rank, but that's how I see it.

right, but the more chip EXP you have to gain, the more likely it is for your combat rank to take a hit.

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The only thing that dondon said that could be construed as mean is this line. Everything else has been relatively tame and not-offensive, imo.


I don't quite see how Fir is as valuable, because if she's killing enemies in one turn, then exp is being distrubuted less all around. Sure, she's good at killing axe-users, but the chip-EXP + Kill EXP matters just as much as the straight kill EXP. I dunno, i'd like a rebuttal on this one, because i personally don't know how valuable exp really is towards the end-game max rank, but that's how I see it.

the idea is that she's a low leveled unit that doesn't take forever to kill things and thus gains exp quickly, especially in said chapter

kinda like if you deploy raven later on in FE7 if you haven't given him levels prior, his good stats in relation to his level help a lot

EDIT: yeah what dondon said

Edited by General Horace
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People tend to misinterpret dondon's blunt demeanour as rudeness, but given that he pretty much maintains that level of frankness in anything but entirely non serious posts I'd have to disagree that he's overly harsh.

However, I can accept that often such behaviour is upsetting to others, simply because most people tend to take extra steps to avoid such misunderstandings in the first place (even adding the odd dumb emoticon or "lol" goes a surprisingly long way). Generally speaking, I think expecting the internet to be a hugbox is rather too optimistic when conversing with strangers, but alas, I am not everyone.

My only beef with dondon is that is that he appears to be perfectly aware of these facts, yet continues to act in such a manner anyway, and that often escalates the situation and turns it into a feedback loop. Obviously I recognise that having to apologise for nothing at all is stupid, and nobody should have to do it; but complete nonsense like this is exactly why human communication is so completely fucked up in the first place and people attempt to take precautions to avoid the mess that is misunderstanding.

tl;dr, we should all become newtypes.

Edited by Irysa
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right, but the more chip EXP you have to gain, the more likely it is for your combat rank to take a hit.

Then even so, it's not worth it to have a scenario where two-three enemies are being chipped by Lance, for instance, and then having them all come after Fir/Lance for the following turn to gather the exp off of kills? Or is it just more difficult to manage this in the earlier stages of the game

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i don't think it's particularly useful to use these sorts of specific scenarios. if you care about your combat rank, you should be using units that are good to begin with and mostly stick to making those units into juggernauts.

My only beef with dondon is that is that he appears to be perfectly aware of these facts, yet continues to act in such a manner anyway, and that often escalates the situation and turns it into a feedback loop. Obviously I recognise that having to apologise for nothing at all is stupid, and nobody should have to do it; but complete nonsense like this is exactly why human communication is so completely fucked up in the first place and people attempt to take precautions to avoid the mess that is misunderstanding.

i like to think that i set an example for others to follow.

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That's one way to have an outlook on it, but I'm just surprised you haven't gotten sick of having to deal with people overreacting to things you say on such a frequent basis.

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this sort of thing works better in speech than it does in writing, i'm pretty sure. it's definitely bothersome, but not as much as people being systematically wrong about things.

I was trying to show some empathy about it, because as I've said I've gone through it myself, but you're right, this isn't the setting to bring it up, and I take it back. I just find debates with him to be highly unpleasant, in a way unlike all the other's I had with many other people. The coldness of his tone just makes his posts painfull to read, and I really don't want to continue, even if he is very knowlegable on issues of substance.

that's interesting, because i find few things to be less enjoyable than debating with someone like inui, who gravitates to all the wrong premises (without bothering to research the correct ones) and then goes about asserting misinformation like an arsonist starts fires.

we still have that kind of organism here on SF, in fact - it's called a snowy_one.

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