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Nobles Only Run of Awakening - Now in Progress

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So, yeah, this is gonna be a thing. Why? Well, one, I need something to do while I wait for FEFT to come into full swing, and second, I don't have the sanity to do one crazy thing alone, so *maniacal laughter*! *ahem* Anyway, as the title states, this will be a Hard Mode run of Awakening (I will NEVER touch Lunatic because Chapter 2) using only nobles:



















Any extra Spotpass characters I may need (I intend to cover EVERYTHING, even Apotheosis!!!)

Gangrel, Walhart, Emmeryn, and Yen'fay are VERY strict maybes

If I forgot anyone who was born into a noble family, please let me know, so I can make edits to the roster I use. As far as when the fresh heck I plan to do this, I'm gonna try the neighborhood of September 13 or earlier so I can have time to get everything in order (again, I don't have a capture board, so don't complain about the quality). I'm not gonna even try doing the dialogue that Sangyul did for his Avatar runs because I don't wanna put any stupid dialogue that ruins the characters for anyone (and I honestly prefer to show the actual gameplay and provide commentary (hoo boy, I'm not a regular commentator, so this'll be interesting)). As far as pairings, I will recruit all of the characters, so everyone will be paired up, but it may take a while for me to decide (even though it doesn't matter because I don't believe in OTPs). Also, since the gender ratio looks uneven right now, I may end up adding a few other characters for pairings, but whether I'll actually use them or not is undecided.

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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How is Sully a noble? I know that she comes from a long line of Ylissean knights, but that doesn't make her a noble.

Point taken. I thought that being in a long line of royal knights meant that it counted, but if that were actual logic I would have added Frederick, but he isn't exactly a noble scion, so...well, reading the lines of supports and all that was never my specialty.

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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Any extra Spotpass characters I may need (I intend to cover EVERYTHING, even Apotheosis!!!)

Gangrel, Walhart, and Yen'fay are VERY strict maybes

No Emmeryn? And what about Flavia and Basilio, the Khans of Ferox?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Probably gonna be the case, yes. As far as the avatar, more than likely Lissa (or Say'ri, I haven't decided).

Oh, I would've thought you'd pair Lissa with Ricken (Since that's such a popular pairing) and then have Robin marry either Lucina or Brady/Owain if you're doing female robin.

Edit: Duh, obviously you're going male Robin, going by the choices you mentioned.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I'm...not one to ship MaMUxLucina, really. All though, I may have to add other males since there aren't many noble females unless I go with FeMUxsomebody.

Fair enough. Is it a future children in general thing?

Also, does Tiki qualify? She's essentially the pope of Nagaism...

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I am almost certain that Sumia and Sully are both nobles. Gaius refers to Sumia as a noble in their supports and there are a lot of hints that suggest Sully is one as well - Vaike's support, Virion's support, her talk with Miriel in Harvest Scramble …

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Fair enough. Is it a future children in general thing?

Also, does Tiki qualify? She's essentially the pope of Nagaism...

In a sense yes. Also, as far as Tiki, while she is the descendant of Naga, I don't exactly count her as part of noble lineage, but that's just my way of thinking. I could be completely wrong, though.

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I am almost certain that Sumia and Sully are both nobles. Gaius refers to Sumia as a noble in their supports and there are a lot of hints that suggest Sully is one as well - Vaike's support, Virion's support, her talk with Miriel in Harvest Scramble …

Wait, for real? Don't know how I missed that. May have to re-examine (but if it's true I can ship MaMUxSumia). *looks closely* Hmm... I'm not sure. I can't exactly say that thinking bee larvae as a delicacy among the higher-ups really constitutes enough proof.

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Sully has a couple of things that are more implicit. x Donnel mentions growing up in a castle, and she IS Chrom's childhood friend. One may argue that Vaike is Chrom's friend and he's hardly a noble, but I'd imagine Chrom as an adult would have a lot more freedom of movement than Chrom as a child, sooooo

I'm still going through her supports, though. I have most of them unlocked.

[9/3/14, 10:30:15 PM] Euklydia: found 'em both

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Wait, for real? Don't know how I missed that. May have to re-examine (but if it's true I can ship MaMUxSumia). *looks closely* Hmm... I'm not sure. I can't exactly say that thinking bee larvae as a delicacy among the higher-ups really constitutes enough proof.

There's a conversation between Sumia and Maribelle that highly implies that Sumia is a noblewoman. Let me pull up the relevant parts (thanks Euklyd):


I see! That's most admirable, Sumia. Self-improvement should never be discouraged. And yet I wonder at your decidedly ambitious choice of role model... Might it not be a bit more practical to set yourself a more...attainable goal?


Oh, I know I'll never reach your level. But I want to learn from the best!


*Ahem* Indeed. You are wiser than you appear... Very well, I shall instruct you in the ways of the noblewoman. Lesson one: poise! A noblewoman never allows herself to become flustered.


W-wait! I don't have my pen ready! Argh! And I dropped my notebook in the sand! Okay, okay, just a sec. "Flustered = bad." ...Oh, gods! How do you spell that again?! Is it with an "f" or a "ph"? Ugh, I'm falling behind! This is no good! Somebody HELP! *Huff, huff*


*Sigh* Let's forget poise for now and move on to lesson two, shall we? Attire. Attire is extremely important. A lady must always be impeccably dressed.


Right... *scribble, scribble*


Those two are the basics, I'd say. The foundations upon which the edifice of noblewomanhood is built.

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I personally consider Frederick to be a noble. He just seems too much like one NOT to be one. Sure, one doesn't have to act like a commoner to be a commoner or act like a noble to be a noble, but the only thing that could hint at all to Frederick's lineage is the fact that he grew up in a village in the hills. But the implications of how he was brought up definitely say his parents went to a lot of trouble to teach him what he knows. He obviously has had a LOT of combat training, been schooled a great deal, especially on etiquette and chivalry, and for gods' sake, he was even taught how to reward women of different standings! And this must've cost a lot. I just can't see a real commoner being able to afford such education. xP (which is why I theorize that Frederick IS indeed of noble birth, he just didn't live in typical noble surroundings because of certain circumstances. It's kind of similar to how Elincia grew up in Tellius) Also, commoners don't typically earn as high a rank as Frederick did (lieutenant/knight captain).

But this is debatable, as you could probably also say the palace paid for Frederick's education, so who knows. It's up to you whether or not you want to use Frederick, I'm just putting in my two cents. :P

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i think frederick is likely a noble because he has a really nice set of armor (which isn't cheap) and etc

i mean, compare to vaike (who is also arguably a "knight" depending on how you view the shepards), vaike has nothing but his axe and the shirt on his back

Frederick has a horse, horse drapings and a nice set of armor. That already hints at his wealth.

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To be totally fair, at one point knighthood was considered to be lesser nobility. Whether the same holds true in Ylisse, we don't really know.

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To be totally fair, at one point knighthood was considered to be lesser nobility. Whether the same holds true in Ylisse, we don't really know.

So we can more or less assume that any formal knights can be considered pseudo-nobility?

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Nobility is a title. Not a "how I act" or "how rich I am".

Yeah, but the way nobles are raised is pretty different from how commoners are, which most often leads to different behaviors and lifestyles between the two. Just compare Maribelle to Vaike. xP

Cases like Sully or Brady are just those oddly different rare ones. Plus, Vaike can be Brady's dad. lol

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So we can more or less assume that any formal knights can be considered pseudo-nobility?

Again, depends. As of the late Middle Ages, knighthood was no longer widely considered nobility, and focused more on upholding chivalric ideals. So it boils down to what specific period of the Middle Ages Awakening bases its concept of knighthood on (if any at all). Additionally, in the case of Sully, hereditary knighthood is often associated with noble birthright. She says herself she wants to earn her title, implying that it would be simply granted to her, likely due to her heritage.
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As far as Frederick, I don't really think he qualifies as one of noble birth. Sure, he's a stern knight, but I'm trying to base this off of people who are scions of noble birth, not by their behaviors. That's also the reason why I'm a bit iffy about Sumia. Looking closely at the dialogue, I still find it hard to believe that she is of noble blood in any sense. *sigh* This is why I wish Nintendo would explain the characters' backstories in more detail. Either way, as much as I like Sumia, I probably might not end up using her, but we'll see what pops up down the line.

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