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Who did you enjoy defeating the most?


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  • Petrine
  • The Black Knight
  • Ashnard
  • Gheb
  • Valter
  • Caellach
  • Fomortiis
  • Lundgren
  • Erik
  • Darin
  • Sonia
  • Nergal
  • Fire Dragon
  • Narcian
  • Zephiel
  • Jahn
  • Valtome
  • Numida
  • Lekain
  • Jiol
  • Gharnef
  • Medeus
  • Lang
  • Gangrel
  • Excellus
  • Walhart
  • Validar
  • Grima

This is pretty much my list here.

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Hilda, and only killing her isn't good enough, there's nothing more satisfying than abusing her with Tinny.

And Shagall as a close second.

Edited by Sartek
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Alvis and Zephiel. Alvis because he tricked Sigurd into his own defeat. AND even taunted him by showing him how he's going to make love with Deirdre that night. Serlis deserved the kill. Zephiel because he simply cannot hit Rutger without eating crits to the face.

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Totally agree that more bosses need to move. If it's an Arrive/Seize/Escape chapter, they can do what they occasionally did in PoR and just put above-average units on those spaces while the boss is elsewhere.

I'd say just add more sub-bosses and/or commanders along the way. Worked pretty well in Jugdral.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Manfroy because he really deserved it

Zelphiel because he's such a boss

i reckon defeating the black knight in fe9 would've been quite satisfying, but i never got the chance

the fire dragon from 7 was a good one. basically what severlan said

Edited by Aizenberg
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Arvis has a sad tale. (Tragic Characters)
Like Zephiel. Just because of one wrong has turned aside everything and to lead to astray.

All the "douchenators" from FE10, Valtomé the most!

Uvee hee hee...

More contenders are:

Narshen, the 3 morphs from FE7, Nergal, Gheb, Valter, Gharnef, Excellus and Validar.

Oh, and I absolutely enjoy killing Makalov with Marcia!

I agree with all the douchers needing to be burned in a lake of fire but...

Pink Jesus horse man needs to have some respect. D:

I have an unhealthy tendency to enjoy killing off Matthis. Every single rendition of his mug always irritates the hell out of me. Not really an antagonist, but still.


He's so stupid for never having mind of his own and will even attack his sister without a moments notice. x.x

Hilda, and only killing her isn't good enough, there's nothing more satisfying than abusing her with Tinny.

And Shagall as a close second.

I second this notion.



Said above for Matthis and Medeus is always the greatest battle in the series. "Fuck the world" is his motto just because that they don't agree to his decisions. Even though that Gotoh and him were allies for a long time.


Because he's such a coward and a bastard. It's because of him is why that the city went chaotic and leading bandits to kidnap Silk. x.x

FE3-Same as FE1 and Astram.

Astram I always kill for having the Mercurius earlier and I'm sick and tired of him getting in Marth-san's way. x.x

FE4-Let's see...where to start...


-The Beige Ritter for killing Mahanya and the game practically ignored her death. x.x


For not leaving Leen/Laylea alone and not knowing when to quit.


For giving Leif too much troubles in his lifetime and his obssession for capturing Leonster is rather comical especially after Leif wins it back more than once. XD

Hilda(Of Course)-For leading Tinny's/Linda's mothers to their deaths and is pretty spiteful in general. Even children are involved in her hitlist.

Manfloy-(Cause of most of the troubles in all of Jugdral)It's rather comical that he kills himself if you defeat Julius first before him.

Yurius Defeated (Manfroy Is Alive)
“W, what’s happening!? Oh no! The life-force of darkness is fading… Nyaagh… Loput… ou… su…”
“Ah… What was I… Ah, Manfroy… his black magic was controlling me. Celice came to my rescue… I’m sure of it!”


-Leading Travant to killing Quan and Ethlyn.

-Destroyed Deidres(Seliph's) mothers brain to get her to marry Arvis to have a son.

-Responsible for administering the dark cults.


Kempf-He's such a jackass and I love it when I do this(Which is near all the time)Plus he's the douche of this game!

Conversation (Olwen, Kempuf)
“It’s so nice to see you again, General Kempuf.”
“You… You’re Olwen! You dirty traitor!”
“If I am a traitor, then you are a loser. A loser and a coward.”
“What! Why am I a coward?”
“You’re too scared to fight. All you did was flee at Dandrum, and even now you’re cowering behind the protection of your troops. You can never surpass my brother that way!”
“Errrgh… You…bitch…! Someone! Capture her! I’ll kill you all… I’ll kill you, I say!”
“Lord Leaf, my part is done… I wish you luck…”
(The next turn)
“You! Order the troops to charge! Tell them there will be a reward for every enemy slain! Demolish them! Leave none alive!”
“B-But General Kempuf! That would be going against General Nicaraf’s orders!”
“Shut up! Everything will be fine as long as we win! Have you forgotten that I come from a part of the royal family?
All troops, charge! Kill them! Kill them all!”


Cuz Tanya's throat was going to get slit and ripped out if Dadgar and player didn't interfere and he gives you such a hard time. x.x

Gustav-To get him the fuck off of Leonsters throne. He has no right to sit on it.

Saias-Persuade more like it. Even though he doesn't deserve to be killed, he's the biggest jackass in Strategy/RPG history. (Ch17A and 22)


I would say Narcian, but he makes me laugh to high heaven. So...Oro. Because his fake persona makes me ill and he should be beheaded.


Sonia-For giving Nino misery and pain. x.x



Cuz he's the biggest troll.


The biggest troublemaker and killing Glen is a nono and leading Cormag to eternal pain. Sorry, but you have to go.



It was him for awhile, but not anymore. He now just gives me good laughs. XD

Listen to me, you boors! You cannot possibly understand the pursuit of beauty. You are savages! You are a blight on the world, and you must die!"
He's so obssessed with beauty that he is blind of the world's surroundings.

...And now seeing why that he is loved enough to make it to spotpass.

I'd say Schaeferr for attempting to leading the priests to their deaths.
Schaeferr is killed
...Gwaar... Haaaarr... Haaaaaa...Shoulda brought...more priests...Or some...babies... Dang...
Lekain-For the cause of all the troubles of the continent and leading Sephiran to purging the world which lead to Ashnard to do what he did. He's the cause of both of these games existences. Has to be the biggest enemy in all of Tellius.
Lekain deserves
this more than death as this is alot worse.
Sanaki vs Lekain
Sanaki: Burn, traitor!
Lekain: Watch your tongue, girl!
(This is what I adore most)
Valtome-For practically spitting on the royalties faces and leading Elincia's kingdom to turmoil many times.
Izuka-For devolving the laguz's minds till they think of only fighting until they die.
Same as FE1.
Same as FE3.
Excellus-Being the biggest scumbag and he ain't beautiful either. When Oliver does it better, humph... x.x
Tear Ring Saga
Gwenchaos-The cause of the troubles of this game and sucking out the 4 sisters blood for revival is in-despicable. x.x
Narsus-For being a lying cheat that doesn't ever try to do anything for himself and is a scoundrel like Makalov. Makalov is forgiven cuz he did his dues, Narsus doesn't without completing certain tasks.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Gafgarion-As much as I love him...he must be beheaded for what he's done.
Wiegraf-For not giving a shit about his sister Miliuda's death(When she has fought hard for you)when he only cares for power.
Dycendarg-For leading the Beowolve kingdom in astray and being the cause of all of the troubles upon it.
Edited by PuffPuff
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Does DLC count?

It should.

What do you hate in the DLC, me...probably the boss in Est's chapter since the one Algol in Ch21 makes his return who is not nice. x.x

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It should.

What do you hate in the DLC, me...probably the boss in Est's chapter since the one Algol in Ch21 makes his return who is not nice. x.x

Technically mostly I enjoy taking on RaR3 because I most play in that DLC

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Alvis was really enjoyable to kill, but it made me fell bad for him afterwards, so I'll go with his son, because killing him in chapter 10 is really fun.

Izuka deserves a honorable mention, though: ripping him in two with Tibarn is the most enjoyable part of that game for me.

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Pink Jesus horse man needs to have some respect.

Seriously I cannot respect someone, who's so stupid to do suicide on his own sister.

When I played FE9 the first time I put Marcia in Makalov's range. I thaught he would talk to her and join automatically. Instead he attacked her and Marcia killed him with a critical hit.

Since that happened I always kill this "idiot" with Marcia, even if Makalov is a decent unit.

However I miss the best recruit conversation in the Fire Emblem series :.(

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I think I'm going to go with Gangrel, but Valter is a close second. Valtome is third, then Izuka, then Lekain.

Valter is more messed up, but he isn't anywhere near as intentionally annoying as Gangrel is.

Izuka is a really weird character for me because the second he first appeared on my screen I literally laughed out loud. It constantly broke my suspension of disbelief that ANYBODY was trusting this guy. Ever. For any reason. He is the most obviously evil character I have ever seen. He has the most stereotypical "untrustworthy lunatic" character design in the universe, and yet even when he says and does obvious and overtly evil things everybody just keeps hanging out with him. All I could think during his boss chapter was "How have you lasted this long."

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Izuka is a really weird character for me because the second he first appeared on my screen I literally laughed out loud. It constantly broke my suspension of disbelief that ANYBODY was trusting this guy. Ever. For any reason. He is the most obviously evil character I have ever seen. He has the most stereotypical "untrustworthy lunatic" character design in the universe, and yet even when he says and does obvious and overtly evil things everybody just keeps hanging out with him. All I could think during his boss chapter was "How have you lasted this long."

Well, there really is nobody who trusts him... except for the guy who is also gullible enough to believe that it's perfectly normal for certain contracts to be signed with blood. It's a shame that only the extended script has Lekain pointing out to Pelleas how ridiculous this is.

Edited by BrightBow
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I really enjoyed killing the Condor Corps in Chapter 25 of TRS (...the desert map). Fuck desert maps, fuck their unclear attack boundaries (I had Runan try to recruit Narcissus once while being NOWHERE near their range and they all went near him ;/), fuck them having a fuckton of crit and dodge, fuck them being fliers in a desert map, I hate everything about them. ORKOed them all with Narron, good riddance. I had to do it several times too because I was trying to rig Narron's levels (shut up) and it was just as satisfying each time.

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Hmm a tough question I gotta go with berdo cuz you know all of FE 5 revolves around him....

JOKING he was probably the least epic ever. But my most enjoyable kill has to be Dheginsea everything in that level is tough as hell and its so satisfying to destroy a dragon 8 times the size of Ike plus in my first play through I didn't see that coming before I got kurthnaga.

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I really enjoyed killing the Condor Corps in Chapter 25 of TRS (...the desert map). Fuck desert maps, fuck their unclear attack boundaries (I had Runan try to recruit Narcissus once while being NOWHERE near their range and they all went near him ;/), fuck them having a fuckton of crit and dodge, fuck them being fliers in a desert map, I hate everything about them. ORKOed them all with Narron, good riddance. I had to do it several times too because I was trying to rig Narron's levels (shut up) and it was just as satisfying each time.

I forgot about those guys. They are such a pain. I have no idea how to properly tackle these guys.

Since they all give massive support bonuses to each other, paying attention to their movement order and then taking them out one by one on enemy phase seems to be the most obvisious solution but because of the desert, only Raffin and Dragonknight Mahter can possibly pull that off. And using Aura Rain would be cheap.

Not to mention that Kress needs to kill Marco in order to progress with the Leetana event.

Of course they are an optional boss and can be ignored but Narcius (and the money he stole) can't be recruited without triggering them.

Thankfully one can legetly save mid-chapter in TRS. And I can't think of a better opportunity to use a charge of the Memory Staff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Blazing Sword, I really liked how I defeated Lundgren and brought his greedy plans to ruin with Lyn. In Sacred Stones, it was probably Valter, as well as the final bosses in the Tower of Valni and Lagdou Ruins. And from other games, I've enjoyed defeating the Black Knight in PoR, and Grima in Awakening in hard mode.

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Holy War made me hate so many people.

- Shagall was such a bastard. I can't believe Eltshan was so loyal to such a greedy, selfish, MFer. I couldn't wait to kill him. (He even has a Psychic Staff and never uses it to heal anyone! The bastard!)

- Alvis... What can I say. He deserved every horrible thing imaginable for what he did at the end of Chapter 5. But in the end... I just felt sorry for him. He was blackmailed from the beginning, but always tried his damndest to get rid of Julius, and to stop the child hunts. I got the feeling that he honestly believed in the Crusader's cause, and would have joined Serlis, if only he was not responsible for so many things. He stayed behind to guard Chalphy castle, knowing he would die there - as a way of atonement I guess.

In the end, I really did feel sorry for him. But every time I play through the first generation I remember just how much of a contemptible bastard he was. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, regardless of his motives, this guy really deserved to die.

- Death is far too good for Manfloy. No sympathy at all. This guy should have been captured and then tortured for the rest of his miserable existence.

Honorable mention to FE9 Black Knight - I never really hated him half as much the others though.

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