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Why the wonky hair/eye colors?


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So FE is...like your average medieval fantasy, only it does what a lot of anime does, and gives people hair/eye colors that are WAY unnatural. Blue, green, purple...the list goes on and on, blue and green only being unnatural for hair that is.

I was quite interested in biology and genetics in school, so awhile back I attempted to make some sense of this:

Unless stated otherwise, hair and eyes are coded the same. Black and white are not possible for eyes.

Dominant Genes: BK(black), BN(brown), RD(red)
Recessive Genes: we(white), yw(yellow), be(blue)

Modifier genes produce a different color when paired with certain genes. If the modifier is paired with a gene that isn't compatible, the color gene will be expressed by itself. White with the light or dark modifier will result in white, for example.

Light Modifier: L
LBK = gray, LBN = tan/hazel, LRD = pink, Lbe = light blue

Dark Modifier: D
DRD = maroon, Dbe = dark blue, Dyw = orange

Metallic Modifier: M
Myw = gold, Mwe = silver, Mbe = steel blue, MBN = copper, MRD = purple

Hair Streak Modifier: S
This is a special modifier. It is compatible with all colors except white, and can be by itself or with another gene. When this modifier is with another, both are passed down. The streak is always white. No other color is possible.

Codominance occurs when two genes of the same rank but with different results are paired, blending the results of the two.

Codominance(dominant): RDBK = maroon, RDBN = dark orange, BKBN = dark brown
Codominance(recessive): beyw = green, bewe = light green, weyw = beige/blond

I even explained Heath's white streak xD There's a race section in there too that tells you like...if a laguz and a branded have a kid, what race it can be, but this topic is only about the colorations. I made this before Awakening came out...so don't try to apply it to it. Sumia would likely give Lucina light blue or black hair according to this...then again IS doesn't use it...and we can't do DNA tests on game characters. I'd assume Chrom might carry a white or yellow hair color gene. Emmeryn and Lissa are blond...my brain hurts already.

Anyway, why do you think IS decided to do this? To be different? Because theyre all anime weeaboos? I can't think of another franchise off the top of my head that does the unnatural colorations.

Edited by Dragoncat
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It might be a Japanese fetish or something. But I never minded it because it let me give my Awakening Avatar teal hair. :D

And there are some unnatural hair colors in Zelda. Saria has green hair, Kafei has purple, etc.

Edited by Anacybele
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Anyway, why do you think IS decided to do this? To be different? Because theyre all anime weeaboos? I can't think of another franchise off the top of my head that does the unnatural colorations.

Final Fantasy? Ys? Mario? Lunar? Legend of Zelda? It's really not that uncommon.

It might be a Japanese fetish or something.

It's really not a fetish so much as it is a stylistic choice. The Simpsons for example depicts people with an unnatural yellow skin tone. Doug featured characters with blue or green skin. Edited by Starman
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You also have to consider the limited palette of the NES. There's something like 56 set colors, and that's it--no more, no less. You can't arbitrarily decide the perfect shade of anything, and on top of that, you only had four colors per 16x16 area if it was a standard graphic, or three colors if a sprite.

Giving different color hair can also be a design choice to give more variety/detail to a character, and to help differentiate them. If this is true, the different hair colors are a vestige from this.

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Zelda has it less than FE...Saria and Kafei are the only two examples we can think of. Whereas FE has it EVERYWHERE.

And yeah, I remember Doug...and The Simpsons.

I'm willing to bet the thing about the NES is it. Not hair dye being cheaper xD Lol. That's debunked by Lucina having blue hair as a newborn. I REALLY don't think Chrom's crazy enough to splash dye on her as soon as she emerges from her mom's womb "because she has to look like ME, damnit! I dyed my hair blue when I was 5 and it's been that way ever since!" Yes I am aware that was supposed to be a joke.

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Colours are fun, also it's easier to distinguish people drawn in an anime style with hair colour because the style tends to use simplistic facial features. (I'm just assuming, I don't actually know.)

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Why not?

because it looks stupid

I'm inclined to agree it was due to palette concerns.

also shout-out to a Good effort-post OP, mods please sticky this thread

assuming the science is legit but i don't see why it'd not be

Edited by Parrhesia
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Lot of games do it, heck, in Skyrim my woodelf is walking around with bright green hair! It makes things a bit more interesting beyond the standard set of haircolors. Not to say that the 'normal' ones don't offer a wide variety of course, just that we shouldn't feel confined to it. Also, earlier on in the series, it helped to distinguish between characters when the amount of info that could be stored on them was very lacking.

Lastly, the term 'weeaboo', please don't use it. Seriously. Weeaboo's are people who wish to abandon their own culture due to an over-obsession with Japanese culture, not people who enjoy japanese-made games and the like. Loving to eat sushi does not make you Japanese. I don't think the FE developers could be weeaboo's anyways because they ARE Japanese.

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also shout-out to a Good effort-post OP, mods please sticky this thread

assuming the science is legit but i don't see why it'd not be

Haha thank you! May biology nerds rule the world!

Lastly, the term 'weeaboo', please don't use it. Seriously. Weeaboo's are people who wish to abandon their own culture due to an over-obsession with Japanese culture, not people who enjoy japanese-made games and the like. Loving to eat sushi does not make you Japanese. I don't think the FE developers could be weeaboo's anyways because they ARE Japanese.

True...but I wasn't exactly serious when I said that, just...throwing things out there.

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Lastly, the term 'weeaboo', please don't use it. Seriously. Weeaboo's are people who wish to abandon their own culture due to an over-obsession with Japanese culture, not people who enjoy japanese-made games and the like. Loving to eat sushi does not make you Japanese. I don't think the FE developers could be weeaboo's anyways because they ARE Japanese.

Spoken like a true weeb.

No, though, trust me. I know weeaboos. For the most part, from what I've seen, the people on this site aren't weeaboos. Statistical geeks? Probably. Weebs, not really.

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because it looks stupid

why do you think your opinion supersedes at all times

because it's a fantasy video game; trying to make an algorithm for isn't worth your time because the only correlation that ever seems to spawn from FE families is the hair color matches for the family(Until you look at situations like the Frelian royal family or fe13). Having the same color for everything gets boring, so they decided to not do that.

In the case of heath, did you consider he possibly has a white forelock?

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Spoken like a true weeb.

No, though, trust me. I know weeaboos. For the most part, from what I've seen, the people on this site aren't weeaboos. Statistical geeks? Probably. Weebs, not really.

this site has tons of weebs, wtf are you on about

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1: trying to make an algorithm for isn't worth your time

2: In the case of heath, did you consider he possibly has a white forelock?

1: Just like a lot of things fans do isn't worth someone else's time...like, for example, people making pairs in Awakening so the kids will have the best possible stats. Isn't something I find worth my time, but others find it worth theirs...soooo it's up to the person. I for one enjoyed making that scientific dealeo.

2: Dunno what you mean by forelock, but it's either he just dyed that part or put fake hair in, right? My explanation makes more sense imo...markings are possible in nature. It's like a dog having one white paw.

Edited by Dragoncat
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This reminds me of that FftF topic I made where Anon said the most hilarious thing.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure it's stylistic. I think it's kinda cool and I'm not really bothered so...

Of course, I've been driven up walls by FE genetics involving hair color so...

/Genetics Nerd.

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This reminds me of that FftF topic I made where Anon said the most hilarious thing.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure it's stylistic. I think it's kinda cool and I'm not really bothered so...

Of course, I've been driven up walls by FE genetics involving hair color so...

/Genetics Nerd.

Care to share what the hilarious thing was?

*highfives* Yay! Someone shares my nerdiness.

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