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I'll play in a bit too. I need practice with all my characters... lol More so Luigi than Ike though. And I haven't touched Robin or Toon Link yet at all in the Wii U version. xP

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Guys remember when I said my 3DS broke during a tourney?

Well i finally got a pic of my 3ds...this is what I play with (and is partially why i've taken a little break from Sm4sh)


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Dang, how did that weirdness happen? o_O Did you drop it? I remember dropping my old DS Phat once and it wound up with a similar break as a result...

Anyone want to play Smash Wii U? Well, as soon as I transfer my custom Ikes from my 3DS game. :P

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I suppose. I'll be alternating between different characters, and I think range has something to do with my troubles in using Luigi against her. Palutena totally out-ranges him with her staff and wings and then there's her projectiles...

So yeah.

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Fell 8 inches, from that spot on my couch onto the wooden floor. I have it in a Nerf case now so it helps hold it in form but the R trigger is still a bit weird.

I persevere tho!

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Just eight inches? Wow...

That's odd, I've dropped my 3DS farther than that and it didn't break.

And sorry, Tsunami, but those matches were so laggy for me that I could barely play. Especially input lag. It wasn't reading my button presses at all like every five seconds. I swear, there was no other reason I was quitting. Although I didn't like that you picked Final Destination. I find that stage to be very unbalanced and not fun to play on. Just my opinion.

Someone else want to play? Hopefully Tsunami and I just have a bad connection. I don't want Smash Wii U to have the same internet troubles as the 3DS version. I found that the internet on there was even worse than Brawl's.

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You're probably better. I got pretty good with him on the 3DS version, but I don't play it anymore, and I'm still getting the hang of the Pro Controller for the Wii U. In fact, maybe it's just not the right controller for me and I should go back to the Wii Classic controller... I'm just not sure now.

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Just eight inches? Wow...

That's odd, I've dropped my 3DS farther than that and it didn't break.

And sorry, Tsunami, but those matches were so laggy for me that I could barely play. Especially input lag. It wasn't reading my button presses at all like every five seconds. I swear, there was no other reason I was quitting. Although I didn't like that you picked Final Destination. I find that stage to be very unbalanced and not fun to play on. Just my opinion.

Someone else want to play? Hopefully Tsunami and I just have a bad connection. I don't want Smash Wii U to have the same internet troubles as the 3DS version. I found that the internet on there was even worse than Brawl's.

It's fine. It's a shame our connection doesn't seem to be so good..

As for Final Destination, I just like going there because of the music selection. Melee Menu Ver. 2 Is my favorite track in the game.

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Yeah, it's odd. The connection was just fine last time we played. I still had a little bit of input lag, but it wasn't so bad that it was hindering me all over the place. I would've beaten you in that Ike vs Peach match had I not SD'd, but this time, the lag was just awful and I got my ass handed to me. >_< (that's why I used my "Crud" taunt btw)

I might be kind of bummed to lose like that whether there's lag or not, but I do want to get better, whether I stick with the Pro controller or not. I don't know why I'm having trouble getting the hang of it though, it's not much different from the Classic controller aside from the shape. The control sticks and buttons are in the same places, I think.

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Well, I just beat a pretty good Dedede player using Luigi. And Dedede out-ranges Luigi too. And since I recently got a tip to use Luigi's d-throw in combos more, that has helped my skills with him.

Knife, if you think you're that much better than me, let's see how much then. I don't expect to win, but why not play me just for the lulz?

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