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Well, maybe they like watching it happen to others, but once it happens to them, I bet they'd hate it.

Also, you tell me to just not leave myself open to it, but that's easier said than done. I can't and don't read opponents, you know. So I don't know how to avoid them unless I stay far away from my opponent and I can't beat them if I don't approach them.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ice Sage, General Horace, Shin, Radiance, myself, Refa, and Jotaru Kujo are all here and can appreciate the Ganoncide, and walk off after being slammed without much disappointment. Id like to see other people in this thread who genuinely dislike the [X]cide a even half as much as you. I'm really curious now...I've never seen anybody i know actually quit a match over getting Ganoncide'd

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I didn't quit the match, I left the room after the match was over. And it was Bowsercide in my case, not Ganoncide. And I'm pretty sure I met others that hated those tactics, at least back in the Brawl days. It's a reason I don't like them myself. I could see why they were hated.

And Yoshi, I'm taking a break too. I still have yet to open Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam. And I'm hungry. :P

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Who using a Game Cube controller actually does use Tap Jump? X and Y feel so much more natural and up tilts are so much easier to pull off when there's no risk of accidentally jumping. First thing I did when I got Smash 4 was disable it. The fact that you can disable is unknown to some people surprises me. you could turn it off in Brawl too (as well as turn off C Stick Smash but who would turn that one off!)

i do, since it's more similar to melee. there are no restrictions to having tap jump on once you get used to how far up you have to push the analogue stick to be able to up tilt but not jump.

the only people that hate suicides are salty players that don't know how to avoid it. it's a bad tactic against good players. if good players fall for it, then they deserve it.

Edited by Comet
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I didn't quit the match, I left the room after the match was over. And it was Bowsercide in my case, not Ganoncide. And I'm pretty sure I met others that hated those tactics, at least back in the Brawl days. It's a reason I don't like them myself. I could see why they were hated.

And Yoshi, I'm taking a break too. I still have yet to open Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam. And I'm hungry. :P

don't worry about it also paper jam is pretty great

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Of all the suicide options Ganoncide is actually the least complain worthy since you can only effectively use it off stage (most of the time anyway) and even then it's quite a bit harder to pull off than the others. I'm quite sure they left the whole enemy dying first feature of it because its the most skill orientated suicide option (well of the practical ones).

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I agree. I love the suicide kills. Ganoncide is the best! Dont be open for it to happen to you. Tried to aether spike Elie is and it failed lol. Yeah Aether can spike people

Edited by Radiance
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Being salty is one thing, but Ganoncide and all other -cides are completely legitimate tactics given that they can be read fairly easily. Refusing to even attempt to read your opponent and/or dismissing moves such as Ganoncide that people will use regardless of your personal opinion on it as cheap won't help you improve as a player. If you get hit by a Ganoncide, it's your own fault. Just deal with it and move on.

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Refusing to even attempt to read your opponent and/or dismissing moves such as Ganoncide that people will use regardless of your personal opinion on it as cheap won't help you improve as a player.

I've tried to learn to read my opponent in the past. I just can't do it. I can't understand how to do it at all, no matter how hard I try. It's like trying to fold up a potato chip bag the way my stepdad does. He's shown me how to do it several times, but I can't ever get it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Pick up bad habits people tend to do. Like yesterday, I read your side step because you have a habit of side stepping a lot and charged a down smash. Exploiting habits makes reading easier. Thats an example.

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I side-dodge to distance myself from my opponent when I feel I need to and avoid an attack at the same time. But I COULD probably use it a little less overall. I am trying to do a balance of side-dodges, spot dodges, and shielding, after all.

But I see.

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I know but I am saying use your tools sparingly. I mix up my play in order to keep going. I would not say you would have to balance them, just use them when you need to use them such as shield and all the defensive mechanics. I made a horrible choice of doing bad habits when I started playing. Another example is when I was playing with Elie. I notice he tends to counter when landing, so I wait, then grab him and punish him, then he stopped. You gotta adapt to your enemy

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I hate for glory so much. To easy and idk but people play the same way all the time. Are these clones? I quit 6 months a go and have never touched that rejected game mode. I play people on the serenes and its fun. Never going back to for glory

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Yeah, I know about adapting and mixing up play, I also try to do that. But I see, I'm just trying not to spam a certain dodge or my shield too much and become completely predictable. I'm also trying to remember that it's better to shield against some moves than to use a dodge on them because of their range or something.

Thanks for the advice, guys.

...And see, I often lose to For Glory players too. I told you I was bad...

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I hate for glory so much. To easy and idk but people play the same way all the time. Are these clones? I quit 6 months a go and have never touched that rejected game mode. I play people on the serenes and its fun. Never going back to for glory

it's fun to mess with people on for glory and occasionally you can get good opponents. also if you want we could have a match i added your NNID

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For glory is either laggy or you have little macs that kill themself. Dont go on for glory. Thats my word of advice. You wont learn squat. Yeah we can do a match once I get home

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