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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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Oh, that. I know what that means. The way you phrased it had confused me, sorry about that.

EDIT: And yeah, how is that not hitting Lucina...

Edited by Anacybele
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Dracocoa, do you have any time to Smash 3DS tomorrow? I don't have any time tonight, but after school tomorrow might be ideal.

Sure! I should be free then too.

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Last one. Let's try to make this one a winner, unlike all the others.

Ah ha. All I needed was a positive attitude. Thanks guys. There was a bit of lag towards the end there but they were still some fun games.

Edited by Jotari
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Why do you call it Poisoned Melee?

Oh boy.

Imagine playing Pichu/GW/Mewtwo in Melee or Ivysaur/Ganon/Wolf in Brawl. These characters suck, right? So instead of sitting down and creating ways to get good with them or ways to reduce how bad they are perceived, you look for another option....... a lazy option. Instead of accepting that these characters suck and pushing forward/striving to be the best with that character and giving hope to fellow low tier mains, you look for another option..... a easy option. You end up choosing P(oisoned) M(elee). A garbage mod (not a game) made for babies by babies who cannot handle Brawl and Melee.
Little crybaby with poop in his diaper who lacks skill/dedication: "Mr President, Ivysaur sux and my mommy doesn't love me"
Obama: "LETS MOD IT"
*Ivysaur magically becomes much better in PM*
Nerds who can't handle REAL games like Melee and Brawl: "Why is it that every time I go to McDs, ICs chain grab me?"
Steve Jobs: "LETS F'ING MOD IT!!!!!"
*Magically ICs receive massive nerf in PM*
Melee Mewtwo fanboy who touches himself to naked Mewtwo pics at 2am: "Why in the WORLD would Sakurommy put Mewtwo in melee and have him be so bad?!? Hes the most powerful pokeman!!!"
*magically Mewtwo is one of the best in PM*
Creators of PM at the beginning of PM's life span: "This mod will not be the next Melee. It will be its own thing."
*looks at title of mod......"project MELEE"*
*jumps, holds diagonal direction and presses airdodge......wavedashes like MELEE*
*does aerial towards ground and presses L or R.......L-cancels like MELEE*
*See fox/falco and other characters have identical moveset to........MELEE*
Project Trash stands for laziness, entitlement and thus shuns hard work and commitment. Why work when you can mod? That should be the slogan on PM.
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