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Give the Characters Modifiers Based on Storyline Ablilities


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For the rating system, a zero modifier or no modifier at all will represent average. You can also give a maximum HP amount. 80 HP will be average. Count the fantasy style physics when giving the modifiers and HP. The story doesn't point out everything, but just give the amounts you think they could have.

I'll start off.


HP: 87

Strength: +5

Magic: -5

Skill: +5

Speed: +1

Luck: 0

Defense: +4

Resistance: 0

HP: The character seems to be above average in physical fitness, and they have a lot of stamina according to a support conversation. They would probably be more likely to survive from damage than the average person because of those things.

Strength: He has a muscular body developed for fighting. His technique would also add strength to his attacks.

Magic: There is nothing showing that he has put a lot of effort into using magic.

Skill: Other characters have pointed out that he has a high amount of fighting skill. He has also survived a lot of battles without taking any heavy damage.

Speed: His strength and technique would probably give him above average speed, but his size might keep him from being high above average.

Luck: I'm just going to give everyone a zero here.

Defense: He would probably have an above average ability to parry attacks.

Resistance: Not using magic of his own would mean less options for resisting magic, but nothing shows that he would have below average resistance.

Edited by NightshadePuma
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For the rating system, a zero modifier or no modifier at all will represent average. 80 HP will also be average. Count the fantasy physics when giving the modifiers, and don't make the characters broken unless there's a good reason for it.

I'm not sure what your definition of broken is, but that Fred has a total stat mod of 27. The average modifier total for first gen units is currently 2. That Fred is broken.

There's also no HP modifier.

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man +6 is like 2ndgen tier

p sure the highest you can get as firstgen is 4 and that's with MU or like, Walhart/Emm

Always thought that it doesn't really make sense outside of gameplay cav-differentiating design that Sully out of all people had -1 on str mod, considering how jacked she's described to be in-text and how much she's focused on training herself physically. She should've had a positive mod, Stahl a +1 from whatever she has, and their main difference be in speed versus defense.

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I'm not sure what your definition of broken is, but that Fred has a total stat mod of 27. The average modifier total for first gen units is currently 2. That Fred is broken.

There's also no HP modifier.

The point of the thread is to base the modifiers and HP mostly off of the characters' storyline abilities. The part about not making a character broken shouldn't have been there. I changed the subject and left that in. HP was added in just to make the statistics complete even though there's no modifier to it.

I changed the title to be more specific.

Edited by NightshadePuma
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All right then. Not gonna do individual numbers though.

Tiki and Walhart have incredible stats across the board (especially Tiki's Str and Walhart's Spd/Str), Gregor's Str is much higher, Miriel's Skl is much higher, Chrom and Lissa's Def is lower, Ricken and Sumia's Skl is much lower, etc.

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Walhart has a -1 Spd. That's not exactly worthy of the NY Times

Unless you mean the combination of Str and Speed, in which case, I see what you mean

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I agree with Thor, Sully's mods make no sense in the real game based on her personality. I'd personally say that her and Stahl should change archetype, by that logic.

HP 80
STR +4
MAG -3
SKL +3
SPD +3
DEF +0
RES -2

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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