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Chances of Fire Emblem DLC


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So there is much more fire emblem content in this game than before. Do you think there will be any DLC?

one possible thing would be more trophies I mean really there's only awakening characters GBA characters be nice.

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I agree, I found it stupid that all the trophies for FE except Ike, Marth, and Lyn were from Awakening. Awakening is not the only handheld FE out there, and Sakurai knows it because Lyn exists in Smash as an assist trophy.

So some DLC to better represent handheld FE would be nice.

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I agree, I found it stupid that all the trophies for FE except Ike, Marth, and Lyn were from Awakening. Awakening is not the only handheld FE out there, and Sakurai knows it because Lyn exists in Smash as an assist trophy.

So some DLC to better represent handheld FE would be nice.

If they do DLC trophies, they better well do this for ALL the franchises. Fire Emblem already has enough love in this game( four characters, trophies from the latest game). Besides, Brawl had trophies from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Instead of adding more to an already huge tropgy collection for FE, why not give more to something smaller like F-Zero?

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lolwut? FE has NEVER had a huge trophy collection and it still doesn't. Besides the playable characters, there are only like seven trophies for FE compared to almost a hundred for other franchises, including freaking Kid Icarus. Imo, FE is still way under-repped in that area. What's more, I didn't like Brawl having only Tellius love anymore than SSB4 having only Awakening. Why the hell doesn't Sakurai give any love to previous FEs when he's given lots of love to old entries in other franchises, such as Zelda? He was fine with putting music from older games in, but not trophies? This makes no sense to me.

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lolwut? FE has NEVER had a huge trophy collection and it still doesn't. Besides the playable characters, there are only like seven trophies for FE compared to almost a hundred for other franchises, including freaking Kid Icarus. Imo, FE is still way under-repped in that area. What's more, I didn't like Brawl having only Tellius love anymore than SSB4 having only Awakening. Why the hell doesn't Sakurai give any love to previous FEs when he's given lots of love to old entries in other franchises, such as Zelda? He was fine with putting music from older games in, but not trophies? This makes no sense to me.

But why should FE have a huge selection? Just asking. I'm not too sure about the others, but it probably has something to do with popularity. Besides, the music is much more important than trophies.

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Chances of this happening are extremely close to zero.

If there's DLC for anything in Smash Bros., it's going to be for characters. Almost no one is gonna pay money just to add a few trophies to their game. And the chances of their being a Fire Emblem DLC character is almost non-existant.

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If they do DLC trophies, they better well do this for ALL the franchises. Fire Emblem already has enough love in this game( four characters, trophies from the latest game). Besides, Brawl had trophies from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Instead of adding more to an already huge tropgy collection for FE, why not give more to something smaller like F-Zero?

Being a Wario Ware fan is suffering.

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But why should FE have a huge selection? Just asking. I'm not too sure about the others, but it probably has something to do with popularity. Besides, the music is much more important than trophies.

Because it's a big franchise? It might not be as popular as Zelda or Mario or Pokemon, but deserves plenty more than what it has because it's a large series with many characters, items, and locations, yet only one game gets any real love in each Smash Bros with less than a dozen trophies.

I'm not saying its trophy collection should be as big as Zelda's or Mario's or anything, but it should be bigger than it currently is.

Smash Bros. is supposed to be about Nintendo history. FE7 was the first FE to be released out west. Yet all it ever got was Lyn. It deserves more than that. And this is coming from someone that isn't even a fan of FE7.

Marth has been the only thing his games ever got, even though his was the FIRST.

It doesn't look to me like FE's history has been properly represented.

Edited by Anacybele
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If you're going to argue that some series should be represented better in Smash, I'd argue that NO series is represented properly through the trophy gallery.

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FE didn't get shafted, lmao.

The reason that the other FE games didn't get represented was because the fans didn't seem to want them represented outside of here on Serenes, and we hardly make up the majority of the fandom anymore.

I'm fine with the amount of FE content in the game aside from a lack of songs, which is true for all the franchises. A huge music pack for each franchise would be great.

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I think the main issue with FE representation stems from the sheer number of characters in the series.

Out of who knows how many, we always get playables and a few recents, which is horridly unbalanced when we have a huge pile of games with nothing.

FE7 in particular has no excuse, it's the second best selling FE worldwide after FE13, and FE3 is top FE in Japan.

It's similar to the Lucina issue: Why include someone from a portion of the series with a rep because you can, when you can include one from a unrepresented portion just as easily? Lucina could easily have been Lief, Roy, or even Eirika, just as those FE13 trophies could have been Ephraim, Eliwood, Lilina, or Wolt.

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the thing is, when it comes to a decent fe trophy representation nobody's really asking for all that much. i'm certainly not expecting a situation like brawl's donkey kong trophies, where every single fucking minor thing which ever turned up in a dk game gets one. it goes without saying that'd be nice, but i'm not completely unrealistic. even just one trophy per game (presumably depicting lords) is all i'm asking at this point; it's still pretty sad, but nowhere near as sad as what we're currently looking at. it wouldn't even be more than what we currently have; subtracting marth, ike and chrom since they obviously already have them, we'd just need seven more trophies to cover all the other games in the series (broken down like so: alm/celica as one, sigurd/seliph as one, leif, roy, eliwood/hector as one, eirika/ephraim as one, micaiah)

honestly, that's the most galling part of the current fe13-centric trophy selection: a fair few of the characters exhibited (lon'qu? cordelia? inigo and owain? gaius?) are hilariously minor and by no stretch of the imagination deserve it more than, say, a past lord. brawl's tellius trophy selection may have been subpar as hell as well, but at least every character there is significant in and relevant to the tellius mythos (with the exception of sothe getting in over micaiah)

that said, i honestly don't see trophy-centric dlc as all that feasible an idea. having the sole content of something you're paying extra for be inanimate collectibles feels a bit hollow. it'd be fair accompanying new playable characters (and indeed, implementing classic and all-star trophies for them would be mandatory for proper integration into the game), but let's face it, fe getting any further characters would be pretty silly and unlikely

Edited by bookofholsety
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I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more FE trophies and more music tracks (ugh, the only FE trophies I have yet to get are Cordelia's, Tiki's and Owain's). And in Brawl, stickers exist, though I guess most people don't really care much for them. A new playable character would be nice (would've been great if Lyn were to be playable instead of being an Assist Trophy TBH, but that's just wishful thinking). Can't really say much for a new FE stage.

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When did this turn into a discussion about trophies?

In any case, I agree that the FE trophy collection in mediocre at best. I am a fan of Awakening and did appreciate trophies such as Inigo and Tiki but only Lyn and Marth (who's inclusion is debatable since he is a fighter) for older titles? Get real. Where are Eirika and Ephraim and Hector and Lyon and Roy and... you get the idea.

As for characters, *ahem*. Mario and co. sure do look pretty smug having about eight characters and boasting a colossus of a trophy collection but what about other series? Sure it's a flagship title but that's barely enough of an excuse. Now I can't speak much for games like F-Zero and whatever game Ness comes but I think Nintendo should have been a bit more... fair in their character distribution.

As for the original question of this post. Will Smash Bros. get any DLC? I'd say the chances are... *snicker* F-0!

Oh I slay me.

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I think the only chances of anything Fire Emblem related in DLC is if we get stage packs and a new FE stage is one. But considering we've got a new stage on each version and Castle Siege is returning, the chances of even that seem pretty low.

Trophies are a huge longshot. I only see that being possible in a big DLC expansion that happens to add new random trophies on the side.

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The reality of the situation is that for the Akaneia/Valencia/Jugdral/Elibe/Magvel universes, no 3D models of the characters exist outside of Marth, Roy and Lyn, which is likely the reason why they're not included. They would have had to make those models from scratch, and that would have been too time-consuming for something that wasn't a priority, as much as I would have loved for it to happen. I suppose a few Tellius trophies could have been included, but I guess those are being saved for the Wii U gallery.

What I could see happening is an SpotPass update that adds more trophies (and maybe even an extra Challenge panel).

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A spotpass update that adds trophies would be nice, I agree!

But you're right, but then why wasn't Roy added as a trophy? He's absent too even though he does have a 3D model. It's back from Melee, but touching it up wouldn't take as long as making a new model from scratch.

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A spotpass update that adds trophies would be nice, I agree!

But you're right, but then why wasn't Roy added as a trophy? He's absent too even though he does have a 3D model. It's back from Melee, but touching it up wouldn't take as long as making a new model from scratch.

He was also absent from brawl only in through sticker completely neglected since melee at least marths dark dragon sword light costume slightly resembles roys clothing.
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  • 2 weeks later...

While I agree that FE needs more trophies I don't see it happening. Awakening has so many trophies probably because they already have 3D models more or less. Same with Brawl FE trophies. They're probably easier just to slap a trophy base on and say here's a trophy. They don't want to make a 3D model of lets say Sigurd or Hector because it would be more work for them. For a series with 13 games it's sad how it's not getting more love. I will say I think this game is showing more FE love than the others though.

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