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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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Refa was most decidedly town though since he would have been a pretty stupid scum to suicide dayshoot his own scum buddy. He could also be an ITP but then using the dayshoot causes him to lost instantly so I don't see his suicide dayvig as anything but a town role.

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I'll re-evaluate Zyth once he produces something more concrete.

SB is verbalizing his opinions like he does when he's town tbh, also the slot had a good spot on the dewound wagon and was what turned it into a real push

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think I would go

zyth > gorf > evilG > one of rapier/mancer i dunno aaaaaa

What about poly too? Poly's been out of sight out of mind as well.

I think it's pretty safe to say me, you, omega, and prob sb are broing it up as obvtown right now. Refa in spirit of course.

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I wasn't asking for meta. In that context, would a lazy scum player do that?

I wouldn't say lazy, no. Scum player in general would agree to a lynch on town if it was a free ML. If lazy is in the association, then no, it wouldn't be lazy as scum, it'd be smarter. But as town, more so lazy. Rapier is mad behind though it seems.

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What about poly too? Poly's been out of sight out of mind as well.

I think it's pretty safe to say me, you, omega, and prob sb are broing it up as obvtown right now. Refa in spirit of course.

yea I agree everybody there is obvtown

Poly I thought seemed readably town when he was around but it's hard to say at this point. I think the Miller claim cements him as trustworthy, we'll have to see.

Actually, if we're to take Randa at face value then EvilG can't be scum because he wasn't paying enough attention to call shots in scumchat, this is WIFOM though.

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I wouldn't say lazy, no. Scum player in general would agree to a lynch on town if it was a free ML. If lazy is in the association, then no, it wouldn't be lazy as scum, it'd be smarter. But as town, more so lazy. Rapier is mad behind though it seems.

His reasons for wanting to lynch me were lazy.

Rapier is likely town just from the fact that his reason for wanting me gone is so terrible.

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getting tiresome? yuve been in the game for like a few hours chill

word @ my nigga chaco bringin up poly id lynch im b4 mancer/rapier

It is tiresome because people are ignoring me and scum goggling me, also because I'm about to be lynched despite only being in the game for a few hours.

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I feel bad about Rapier cuz usually in games I'm thinking "what the hell this guy is so obvtown why are people overthinking it" but here he should be townie-looking but I'm overthinking it. The Zyth vote is in-character for both town!Rapier and scum!Rapier imo.

to be more clear about what I'm saying about Poly I don't mean to give him an all-game pass but he's lower on my priority - I want to see what happens with him.

Mancer actually probably is town, I forgot lol.

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If I bend on Zyth, he needs to first explain his logic for town!Rapier and town!Mancer in detail so that if he's scum, he can be held to it if he's trying to squeeze out mislynches. (not saying if he survives and has to re-evaluate he's scum, but the way he re-evaluates should be considered)

Xinnidy should sub in for EvilG she's been reading this thread like all day #TheCallout

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omega: is there any chance gorf would defend randa as his buddy as far as you're concerned?

itz EXTREMELY rare for gorfscum to ever defend his buddies. hell call em town if he can get away with it but outright defending them is a rare gorfian tactic

dat said i feel yu on the current zyke/gorf dichotomy shit n wuld prolly jus say "fuck it" it came to im due to a similar system of process of elimination that yuve undergone

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