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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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Lordy this x100000. This IS ALL anyone has wanted. We get the situation sucked to replace into, but you made it like 5x worse by overreacting and not producing promised content. Let alone taunting anyone who has voted you. Like what is that? If you're town, there is absolutely NO reason you should be freaking out. The only reason I can see a flipping out like that is replacing into a game that has all scum nailed prior to D2 lynch, and you're on the cutting board, otherwise, town is sitting pretty damn bangin'. We can afford 4 mis-lynches, and we're gucci. There are a LOT of obvtowns here, so odds of scum winning this game is like....very, very, very low. I'm not gonna say impossible, they could have some crazy role like KFC Double Down Scum Vigilante with a Semtex Grenade or some shit....no? Well im tryna keep things light.

I've been trying to solidify my reads only to get cock blocked, all while having people shout for my lynch for no reason and not reading my posts. What are you expecting me to do?

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In response to your wagon break down:

I gave you a free pass because I didn't expect to see you rage at a newbie's retarded questions, I can admit he was a shmuck. But that's why I didn't pursue you, I gave you the benefit of the doubt for him being atrocious and you being newer then still. This isn't about me reading you wrong, because to be frank, and you'll recall me saying this: I'm not giving you a break on the things I find scummy anymore. There isn't any tunneling about it, like your whole play since replacing in has just been bent on needless survival when all you had to do was replace in with thoughts and a scum list. Nobody was asking anything grand or elaborate, we just wanted something. As for your new breakdown on scum, you kill off two of your reads in your one line breakdowns. EvilG is null and was likely the next lynch to oblivion target. Why your slot over his? Everyone forgot about him entirely. Train started rolling, and you looked terrible out the gate, people stayed on and dug in tooth and nail.

Omega is null because he wasn't around and was making a push on an equally terrible looking Randa who the lovely refa took care of for us D2 with that Bebop swag I love so much

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So let me ask again. I'm scummy because why? My play has been entirely defensive because everyone is tunneling me for NO REASON other than the fact that Psych was inactive. It makes no sense to me that people want to lynch a slot for inactivity when it is becoming active.

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I did not include behaviour rules I can point you to since I was not expecting to have to use them, but since the behaviour in the last few pages has been so obviously out of line there are still going to be consequences.

This is the first and last warning, if anybody posts anything exceedingly aggressive in tone from this point out they'll get modkilled and will not flip.

Day length has also been significantly cut. This is the new countdown.

Phase is now unpaused.

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iight i tried rereading but got hella bored. it gave me some townreads but nothing of use so ima jus wing this

so uh i thought it was grimy how poly came in here shat on zyth then bounced wit nothing else said? idk where his heads at anymore

gorfs reads are bizarre as hell. he wants to lynch evilg/mancer? dafuq? these conclusions are so left field it kinda makes me want to lynch him

ill prolly hav to sit back n chill b4 some shit pops out at me. getting that last scum can be such a pain in the ass. might hav to collect a few dead bodies fore things get clearer

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oh n whats the problem with the mancer read? i know you dont have a reasonable answer for the evilg one so imma let you keep your shock value by calling that left field. he kinda reminds me of dabuz in that i mean he MAY be town but is just unbelievably mechanical and hes like focusing on the wrong ass things. let the crowd note that ive never accurately read dabuz as town once.

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"yo im yolo n i forgot how to read gorf"

should i shit on your face now or in skype for wanting to lynch my obviously towny ass?


evilg scum wuld b so anticlimactic. n thanks zyth but i dont think there is a single player in this game who isnt bein townread by SOMEONE

also i dont mean to open the floodgates to speculation but all these day roles in contrast to night roles is interesting. diggin the setup thus far

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I'll pretend Zyth's content is summed in this post, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

As for who's scum?

Poly was being overly defensive in his interactions with Larsa early Day 1 and his suspicions of Randa while being unsure looked like distancing to me. But I could very well be reaching here so I concede.

EvilG is a complete null slot that hasn't done anything and I wonder WHY my slot got picked for a lynch over his.

Mancer has me confused the entire game. I just want to lynch him but the way dewound treated him has me thinking that he's almost assuredly town.

Your scumreads are indecisive and/or contradictory and you don't seem to commit to any of them. You bring out a point about Poly, then handwave this as "I could very well be reaching here" which shows that you're unsure of your read. Your suspicion of Poly while being unsure looks like a fair excuse to distance yourself from him should he flip town.

If EvilG is a null slot as you claim to be, why is he on your scum list? This makes no sense.

How can you put Mancer on your scum list if you admit he is "almost assuredly town"? In that case, why do you want to lynch him?


Speaking about EvilG, he's the one with the least associative reads now that Zyth has posted and clarified his thoughts. While I still have issues with the latter's content, it'd be of my best interests to vote the former because we have absolutely no content to read from him, thus we can't make any judgment based on his play. Zyth at least is posting and it is far easier to read him than EvilG. I also get the feeling that Zyth's content is bad only because he's desperate to stay alive since he joined the game with 4 people too happy to lynch his slot.


##Vote: EvilG

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Mancer is town, he is NOT on my scum list. I am not being unsure of Poly, I still think he's scummy, but me saying he could be distancing Randa through his suspicion and not knowing how to approach that slot, could very well be reaching on my part. EvilG is a null slot, he SHOULD be on everyone's scum list just by PoE.

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If Mancer is town why did you put him in your "as to who is scum" part of the post? This confused me. Your commentary about EvilG feels like you want to redirect the attention on you to him because your argument can be summed as "hey why aren't you guys also looking at him? He's guilty of precisely what you guys want to vote me for. Therefore, vote him!". Funny how this is working out.

I am not being unsure of Poly, I still think he's scummy, but me saying he could be distancing Randa through his suspicion and not knowing how to approach that slot, could very well be reaching on my part.

If you believe it could very well be reaching of your part, then this is an indication of unsureness. It is valid to believe that he is scummy because he was defensive during early D1, though.

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As for who's scum does not mean SCUM LIST. I have been saying Mancer town ever since I replaced into the game. Yes, I am trying to redirect the lynch onto EvilG, he is a completely null slot to everyone and I at least know that I'm town. If you have any means to read him, please do tell.

Yes, I could be reaching on one of my point. The other point still stands. Being unsure about that one point does not mean that I'm doubting my read on him.

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