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Any Internet Applications (or whatnot) for recreating your FE13 Avatar?


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-Make Avatar in game

-Take screenshot and upload to MiiVerse

-Download to a PC

-Use image editing software of choice to remove the background

-Use image as desired.

There are also a bunch of "sample" Avatars from KoI that are floating around on the web now. You might be seeing one of those.

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Failing that, just tell me the customisation options (eg. Hair Colour 1) and I or somebody else can grab a screenshot for you.

You can do it via Miiverse, but the pics have horrible JPEG compression last I checked.

Edited by VincentASM
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You can do it via Miiverse, but the pics have horrible JPEG compression last I checked.

People usually don't mind that.

I think the OP is wondering what combo it is.


Build 3, Face (whatever), Hair 5, Hair Color 9.

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Honestly if someone are willing to grab me a sample of every option (doesn't have to be together, like just one of each hair color option on like, one hairstyle and the rest of the hairstyles on one color, for example) I'd be willing to code something up once winter break rolls around maybe

like, not all combinations, but just the resources that i can put together all combinations with

Not during school because I have other shit I have to program first but it's something I wanted to have myself without having to go into character creation screen as well, would be nice to have

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Honestly if someone are willing to grab me a sample of every option (doesn't have to be together, like just one of each hair color option on like, one hairstyle and the rest of the hairstyles on one color, for example) I'd be willing to code something up once winter break rolls around maybe

like, not all combinations, but just the resources that i can put together all combinations with

Not during school because I have other shit I have to program first but it's something I wanted to have myself without having to go into character creation screen as well, would be nice to have

I believe the KoI sample Avatars contain examples of all the different body types, faces, hairstyles and colors for each gender. Looking them up would probably be the quickest way to get what you're after (unless you can't do palette swaps and need a sample for each color of each hair, in which you'd need someone to go get them personally).

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