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SF's Valkyrie Profile Discussion Thread

Garland Chaos

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The voice actor is nice, but the way she did Lezard's voice is just bad. A lot of the voice acting in VP1 is very forced, has bad pitch/tone/etc., slow, and has a lot of pauses. The acting in VP2 is much better and fluid (except Farant's/Zunde's voice).


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Arngrim is far and away the best of the three. Grey is kind of interesting to use because one of his attacks is partially unblockable, although his PWS is pretty bad. I never managed to find any redeeming qualities for Kashell. His attacks always seemed awkward, and his PWS is barely better than Grey's.

Arngrim >>> Grey > Kashell imo

Arngrim is objectively better, but i like Kashell more so i use him.

Wasn't Arngrim, Lawfer, and a few others voiced by Meowth's voice actor from the Pokemon anime, Maddie Blaustein?

Yes. Yes they were.

Woah woah woah. Kashell's attacks do nice damage and his Soul Crush is better than Grey's, but Grey has no damage at all. The only thing Grey has is that his attacks are nice, but you can just attack with a mage to make sure the enemy doesn't block. Grey is surely the worst of them all (sadly).

VP1 Lezard voice is trash. Just like most of the voices in VP1. Liam O'Brien does a much better job in VP2.

Kashell's PWS is actually not that great damage-wise. Better than Grey's but yeah. Like i said, i use Kashell cuz i like him.



You are dead to me.


I just beat Brahms with somewhat underlevelled units. GG.

EDIT: Apparently it does nothing.

:/ You should have said "No" when he asks to battle. The decision matters if i remember correctly.

My god. Barbarossa is a real pain to fight. Calamity Blast is real cheap. ;w;

learn to spam. You need Great Magic to take him down and you have to do that battle twice before the actual quest opens up.

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Now that's not to say that I don't like VP1's voices. But a lot are of poor quality. Freya's is really well done.

Also, make sure you keep an eye on Lenneth's Seal Value. It needs to be very low by a certain chapter as one of the requirements for the best ending. Most of the events that lower it happen only once, so plan ahead when you want to activate them, or you'll be sorry when the time comes.

Just meeting Brahms will lower your seal value, no matter which choice you take. You should choose not to fight him, however, as it reveals some extra plot stuff.

Edited by Lord of Gabriel Knight
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Yes Maddie Blaustein did Arngrim, Lawfer, and Lezard. She was born male, though, least thats what Ive heard.

She was actually born intersex but lived as a male for a long time.
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Did you watch the Prologue? If you go for the good ending, you kinda need that for context.

I have now. I don't think I've missed anything at least yet since I'm still Chapter 1 but yeah.
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yeah COTP is really silly. I like how you need to sacrifice a character who, by far, is the worst character in the game to get an extremely overpowered skill.

Even without that, the game is still relatively easy except for that level where you need to save the Priest chick, which is just plain impossible

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:/ You should have said "No" when he asks to battle. The decision matters if i remember correctly.

I reloaded a save state and said no.

learn to spam. You need Great Magic to take him down and you have to do that battle twice before the actual quest opens up.

I actually took him down without Great Magic, by using Lawfer, Yumei, and Lucian.

started playing this (VP1 for PS1), have no idea what's going on

Learn to comprehend brah.

Anyways, new poll time! Who's your favorite VP1 Spearman?

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Also, to touch upon a subject I missed earlier, I find that Alicia made the world of VP to be more enjoyable. Her inclusion brought up some questions I'd love to see answered in a new game, such as:

  • What happens to the human souls that are being replaced by a valkyrie's soul after the Sovereign's Rite?
  • Have there been previous failures of the Sovereign's Rite?
  • Does a race's soul stay within that race during transmigration, such as if a god dies, will their soul always be reincarnated into a god's body?
  • Is it possible for memories to stay with a soul?
  • It's pretty much possible for a human to 'become' a god by having a god's soul be born into their body, as is the case of Alicia being able to use Silmeria's powers. Has this happened before? Can it happen again? Does this only occur with a valkyrie's soul, or maybe only Silmeria?
  • Are there three girls who look like Silmeria, Hrist, and Lenneth running around Midgard from time to time?

I'd think it'd be ideal for the new games (if there are any) to split into two timelines, one that goes from VP1 and another from VP2. I'd also love to see Levantine and the Sylvan Bow to be expanded on. I feel that the strength of the VP series isn't the story, but the lore/setting and gameplay. I find it to be one of the most enjoyable series I've ever played. There are a lot of things that could be explored more which could give rise to the next plot!

Also, I think VP2's story is just as good as VP1's, since they have an interesting situation come up, and then have a completely bullshit villain come in and steal the story (less so in Lezard's case). The way the story is told in VP1 is interesting from a gameplay perspective, but from a story-telling perspective, its execution leaves much to be desired.

Edited by Lord of Gabriel Knight
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I find that Alicia made the world of VP to be more enjoyable

I find that you may be alone in this opinion. She was just plain awful and hideously annoying.

It's pretty much possible for a human to 'become' a god by having a god's soul be born into their body, as is the case of Alicia being able to use Silmeria's powers. Has this happened before? Can it happen again? Does this only occur with a valkyrie's soul, or maybe only Silmeria?

Umm...VP1 kinda explains how this happens.

[spoiler=Mega Lenneth Spoilas]

The reason Lenneth gains the power of creation, (in the A ending) is because of the half-elf homunculus that Lezard creates. Of course, Lenneth begins the story as Platina's body anyway. Platina died, but her soul was replaced more or less. Freya and Odin placed a seal on Platina's memories so it wouldnt get in the way of Lenneth's job as a valkyrie. Having human memories and recruiting Einherjar can clash pretty badly, hue. The whole point in the first game, is wearing down Lenneth's seal rating. Like, its how you get the good ending. Meeting Lezard, recruiting Mystina, meeting Lucian before recruiting him, etc, all wears down the seal rating. Once it drops (below like, 27), Lenneth starts remembering junk and yeah. Once that happened, Odin was all "nope" and Hrist came down to deal with it and put Lenneth to bed so to speak. Thats when Lezard shows up and they put Lenneth in the homunculus. Lenneth is able to pretty much say "Nope" to Ragnarok.

In Silmeria's case, thats actually a prequel to VP1. Alicia's memories are not exactly sealed like Lenneth's were. Thing is, im not so sure about Hrist. She seems to be in total control of herself and her Midgard counterpart at all times. But im also gonna say that theres a reason why Rufus was A Thing because theres something about the fusion of certain things that creates gods in that universe.

Does it ever rustle anyone else's jimmies that the VPverse seems to only have like four worlds instead of nine? :U

Also, Lawfer for life. I like his hit combos much better than Aelia's. While shes a good character, her PWS doesnt combo too well, and one of her hits tends to miss a lot. (the one where she throws the spear)

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I've played through VP1 and 2 several times, but the reason Lenneth is what she is is because she's essentially

half-elf/god, not a human body with godly powers. Alicia's body is still all human. I don't think that explains how humans can get godly powers. Also, Platina isn't really a separate soul, like Alicia is.

Edited by Lord of Gabriel Knight
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I played some of VP1 and found it pretty fun. But, as I was following a guide on getting the full ending, I was instructed to enter Brahms's castle. I got through the dungeon fine, but he completely destroyed me and my hopes of ever beating him. I was playing on my bro's psp, so I don't have access to the game or the save anymore.

Edited by Severlan
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