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Does Cordelia really like MU, or is she just fibbing?


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I have completed the story 4 times. Next time, think about what you're typing.

I completed the story 4 times bro. Might wanna rethink what you just typed ;)

Bragging backfire aside, what does that have to do with what what they were saying?

Protip: don't brag about the same thing in consecutive posts unless you can count on one hand the number of people who have pulled it off. And even if you can, make sure it's relevant first. Have you ever seen me use the number of times I've cleared S.Apo as a qualification in an argument?

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Bragging backfire aside, what does that have to do with what what they were saying?

Protip: don't brag about the same thing in consecutive posts unless you can count on one hand the number of people who have pulled it off. And even if you can, make sure it's relevant first. Have you ever seen me use the number of times I've cleared S.Apo as a qualification in an argument?

It's not the number of things, it's the how.



On one hand, maybe.

On the other... Severa.

On a third, you can't entirely ignore shinies. [iNIGO!]

On a fourth, because you're a fallen, Most likely all things considered, even if she keeps on keepin on with Chrom, and will probably leave whoever she's with for Chrom given the chance.

[And lastly, 1000+ with more than 17 completions, and a ton of intermittent files [streetpass etc.] and a complete support log. 4 is nothing]

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Why are we measuring how many hours we sank into this game? Like, how is that a thing to be proud of?

i clocked in around 430 hours last i checked. A playtime only Animal Crossing New Leaf beat in my ranking.

Cordelia is kinda awful which explains why she married Loki!Avatar once so its possible. /shrug

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It's not the number of things, it's the how.



On one hand, maybe.

On the other... Severa.

On a third, you can't entirely ignore shinies. [iNIGO!]

On a fourth, because you're a fallen, Most likely all things considered, even if she keeps on keepin on with Chrom, and will probably leave whoever she's with for Chrom given the chance.

[And lastly, 1000+ with more than 17 completions, and a ton of intermittent files [streetpass etc.] and a complete support log. 4 is nothing]

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Thirst that strong doesn't just disappear overnight. I dun' seen and heard some fucked up things in muh young life. If given the opportunity, she would jump ship to Chrom in a heartbeat. This seems to go missed often. Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Thirst that strong doesn't just disappear overnight. I dun' seen and heard some fucked up things in muh young life. If given the opportunity, she would jump ship to Chrom in a heartbeat. This seems to go missed often.

I disagree. It's made very clear in the story that Chrom doesn't love her and won't ever love her. If that's the case, she'll never be with Chrom, so she might as well give up.

Besides, by the time she S-supports with someone, she already loves that someone more than Chrom anyway.

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Cordelia's love for Chrom is more like idol worship than actual affection. She doesn't really know him well enough to have some kind of bond with him, the thing she's in love with is more her ideal romanticised version of him in her head, not the actual man. Asserting that it's above or below an actual relationship is kinda dumb because it doesn't even exist in the same plane.

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Cordelia's love for Chrom is more like idol worship than actual affection. She doesn't really know him well enough to have some kind of bond with him, the thing she's in love with is more her ideal romanticised version of him in her head, not the actual man. Asserting that it's above or below an actual relationship is kinda dumb because it doesn't even exist in the same plane.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. Agree 100% as that's what happened to me sometimes.

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Cordelia's love for Chrom is more like idol worship than actual affection. She doesn't really know him well enough to have some kind of bond with him, the thing she's in love with is more her ideal romanticised version of him in her head, not the actual man. Asserting that it's above or below an actual relationship is kinda dumb because it doesn't even exist in the same plane.

Huh, I'd never thought of it that way before.

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Honestly, I wish a ChromxCordelia was even possible.

Anyways back on topic, I think Intelligent Systems was lazy. They left a lot of dialogue unchanged even though character wise they should change.

Edited by Subsonic
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  • 3 weeks later...

Woah, how did this post turn into a pissing war about who has the most playthroughs? Anyways, back on topic. I married her in my second playthrough of the game. Although she definitely loves MU, I'm pretty sure she still hasn't let go of her feelings for Chrom, as evidenced in Severa's paralogue, where it is implied that she still liked (don't know about loved) Chrom in the future.

Edit: In other words, dat bitch ain't completely faithful.

Edited by DrunkenPachirisu
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Woah, how did this post turn into a pissing war about who has the most playthroughs? Anyways, back on topic. I married her in my second playthrough of the game. Although she definitely loves MU, I'm pretty sure she still hasn't let go of her feelings for Chrom, as evidenced in Severa's paralogue, where it is implied that she still liked (don't know about loved) Chrom in the future.

Edit: In other words, dat bitch ain't completely faithful.

Bad Future Past Timeline:

MU marries Cordelia

Cordelia has unrequited love for Chrom

MU knows Cordelia still love Chrom more than him

At Last Battle with Validar, MU easily gets taken over by Grima due to his subconscious hate for Chrom

Boom, Chrom lies dead and the rest is bad Future Past

Player's Timeline:

MU marries Cordelia

Cordelia uncertain with her unrequited love for Chrom

Severa and Morgan comes back from the bad future

Cordelia realizes her future self's mistake

Summer Beach Scramble happen

MU's and Cordelia's love for one another lit up like never before

At Last Battle with Validar, MU resist Grima's control

Dundundun, Chrom is alive and the world is safe

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Bad Future Past Timeline:

MU marries Cordelia

Cordelia has unrequited love for Chrom

MU knows Cordelia still love Chrom more than him

At Last Battle with Validar, MU easily gets taken over by Grima due to his subconscious hate for Chrom

Boom, Chrom lies dead and the rest is bad Future Past

Player's Timeline:

MU marries Cordelia

Cordelia uncertain with her unrequited love for Chrom

Severa and Morgan comes back from the bad future

Cordelia realizes her future self's mistake

Summer Beach Scramble happen

MU's and Cordelia's love for one another lit up like never before

At Last Battle with Validar, MU resist Grima's control

Dundundun, Chrom is alive and the world is safe

The first storyline would be nice from a dramatic perspective.

The series' support system is bad for what this game wanted to do, IMO. Marrying should have locked characters out of supports with other opposite sex people. Cordelia is not the only character who still behaves as if she was single in supports after she's married.

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Or the supports should've been changed up a bit at least. I mean, I decided not to view Frederick's support with her because I'd already married her off. Cordelia whines a lot about Chrom in this support, so it'd just totally make no sense whatsoever. Although if she wasn't married yet, I'd have definitely looked at it because Freddy was already married and she asks him about his love life...lol. I can see Freddy being all weird about that in my case. So weird that he'd wind up embarrassing the hell out of himself. XD

Frederick: Well...um... Er...

Cordelia: *folds arms and sighs*

Frederick: Well what do you expect me to say, that I made love with Kelli twice during our honeymoon?

Cordelia: O_O

Frederick: ...Damn it!


Edited by Anacybele
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Yes. She promises to love him above all others, her S support is the only one to play the romantic theme Haha this is going to take some getting used to, and finally She shows signs of falling for him without any mention of chrom at all between them in her B support. Robin and Cordelia have nothing to do with Chrom. Hell if you have the DLC and she is married she drops her conversation with Chrom in summer scramble for a conversation/romanticambush with her hubby. (Which will always be me by the way. Hands off :P)

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You don't say?

Frederick: Well...um... Er...

Cordelia: *folds arms and sighs*

Frederick: Well what do you expect me to say, that I made love with Kelli twice during our honeymoon?

Cordelia: O_O

Frederick: ...Damn it!


I think that falls under most people's definitions of "too mich information", FYI.

her S support is the only one to play the romantic theme Haha this is going to take some getting used to

That's likely a bug in the game (if it were deliberate, it would make her less special because all of Avatar's other spouses get Avatar's own theme playing).

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I think that falls under most people's definitions of "too mich information", FYI.

That was the point. lol For Freddy to blunder and accidentally say too much. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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...Like there's never any talk around here about Awakening characters knocking each other up? They DID have kids, after all. Also, I made that post days ago and you're the only one that's complained at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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  • 2 weeks later...

...Like there's never any talk around here about Awakening characters knocking each other up? They DID have kids, after all. Also, I made that post days ago and you're the only one that's complained at all.

but I thought the stork came. #goodbyechildhood

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