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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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I will when I get back to my house probably. I feel like you don't really control the rank in the touhou games that have rank though and "you just go with it". Like you don't really suicide to lower the rank in touhou games lol. (unless you want to lose)

If you're trying to clear the game then no, it's not worth suiciding to lower rank. The whole point of lowering rank would be to improve survivability, which suiciding directly punishes you on. Might as well just try your best and enjoy the rank drops after you die.

But if your objective is to try capturing a specific spell or pattern for educational or completion purposes or whatever, then it's better to lower rank as much as possible before trying the spell/pattern out.

PCB Lunatic or MoF Lunatic?

I'd say MoF Lunatic. While it's true that PCB Lunatic gives you a lot of lives, this requires you to actually collect point items, and greed can easily kill you on Lunatic. Furthermore, since you're trying for a first 1cc, you'd likely resort to bombskipping a lot of spells either way. PCB bombskipping is not very effective because SakuyaA requires like two bombs to skip tougher spells while MarisaB only gets 2 bombs/life. MoF, on the other hand, can secure your final Extend without any sort of greed, and allows you to bombspam a lot.

I haven't made it very far in either version myself, but Alice was hell on PCB Lunatic, whereas MoF Lunatic is mostly smooth until like, Stage 4 and even then you can still bombspam a lot. So yeah, I'd suggest MoF Lunatic first.

Besides, you're so good at Hard DVoWG that the biggest threat of MoF Lunatic (DVoWG) would be easier for you than it would be for other Hard tier players.

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I'd say MoF Lunatic. While it's true that PCB Lunatic gives you a lot of lives, this requires you to actually collect point items, and greed can easily kill you on Lunatic.

Getting the 1200 point item Extend is difficult even on the lower difficulties, whereas the step before that (1000) is fairly trivial even if you play very carefully and never get a convenient Border (although you might get it very late).

Even if you only get up to 800, though, that's already 2 lives more than what MoF provides you with.

PCB bombskipping is not very effective because SakuyaA requires like two bombs to skip tougher spells while MarisaB only gets 2 bombs/life. MoF, on the other hand, can secure your final Extend without any sort of greed, and allows you to bombspam a lot.

If you pick a character with decent Cherry gain, the Border mechanic is almost as abusable as the PowerBombs in MoF, really, especially on Lunatic. MarisaA, for instance, can break borders all day long to completely rid the screen of bullets and can plausibly have the next border up withhin 10 seconds (although admittedly, Borders are harder to control the timing of than bombs).

I haven't made it very far in either version myself, but Alice was hell on PCB Lunatic, whereas MoF Lunatic is mostly smooth until like, Stage 4 and even then you can still bombspam a lot.

As for bosses, it really depends on where your skills lie. Personally, I find PCB bosses to be easier than MoF bosses for the most part, especially Alice and Yuyuko. I even prefer the Prismriver Sisters to Lunatic!Aya.

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yeah I guess I should go more into depth by what I meant by rank control. I mean rank where you're FORCED to suicide to lower it, you purposely don't collect powerups in the beginning to keep the rank low. Of course since you would have to suicide to keep the rank down extends would be pretty easy to get. Maybe i'm just having to much fun with yagawa games and would like one except with touhou in it because not a fan of sci fi in general and fantasy theme would be cool.

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why didn't you use Youmu

I actually wanted to do that, but got too carried away slashing and ended up bumping into fairies and things like that. I'll probably try again with her once I'm more familiar with it.

Also because I've been playing too much DS recently and expect bullets to disappear after the slash.

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I actually wanted to do that, but got too carried away slashing and ended up bumping into fairies and things like that. I'll probably try again with her once I'm more familiar with it.

Also because I've been playing too much DS recently and expect bullets to disappear after the slash.

Youmu's gimmick is interesting. Not too hard to get used to, either. (Though when I 1cced with her, I had a tendency to stop shooting at times playing as a different character. >.>)

I just figured you would use her instead of Sanae (who's my signature RAWR).

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