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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

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    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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I feel like Normal Mt Ooe is a harder version of Normal Mountain of Faith, since both involve unfocused dodging across clear gaps. Mountain of Faith gets slightly faster than Ooe near the end and has more HP, but Mt Ooe's slanted angle makes it annoying to read. I never captured Mt Ooe without relying on unfocused movement and my best chances were when I went 100% unfocused.

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Please don't say Nitori.


will respond to stuff eventually, haven't been touhou-ing, what's wrong with Marisa/Nittery tho

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will respond to stuff eventually, haven't been touhou-ing, what's wrong with Marisa/Nittery tho

More like Nuttery

Nitori is pretty lame because she doesn't have any notable features that allow her to deal with all the SA threats. As far as her shot is concerned, the only unique features are the slow speed of the missiles (which is a BAD thing) and splash damage, which is not very useful in SA since enemy clusters aren't usually an issue, at least not in formations that splash damage can significantly benefit from. Even for a purely forward focus shot, her damage output isn't quite as good as Yukari or Alice, and even then, Yukari also has warping and a powerful screenclear bomb while Alice has valuable spread, making Nitori incomparable to those two.

It's very obvious that her main feature is supposed to be her shield bomb, but it has extremely weak power and barely clears bullets. Breaking the shield clears more bullets, but that's like spending a full bomb for tiny clearance and negligible damage. The half-power refund is nice though, and if you're the type of player who panicbombs a lot, the refund will lighten your punishment. However, since the bomb is already really weak and barely clears, these bomb refunds aren't very noticeably helpful in the long run.

She probably wouldn't be a bad shot type if she were in another game, but with SA's brutality, you'll really want a shot that can help you deal with these threats. Nitori doesn't have anything noteworthy like that.

Edited by Formina Sage
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fair enough, I'm probably gonna go for Patchy since I tried her out and the game is easier because I'm actually killing things

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in all honesty I don't care enough about SA shots to worry about which one to use

I 1cced Hard with Suika, one of the 'low tier' shots for example

Just use whatever you're comfortable with~

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Marisa's purely micrododging. Thankfully her nonspells are static, so figure out how to handle her nonspells and you're good to go.

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Have started with the Touhou series recently. I'm playing Imperishable Night as first.

Still stuck in stage 4 against the boss...


Like ZM said, Marisa is all micrododging. Stay focused, even if it hurts your time score, and slip through the gaps.

Her biggest problem is probably Master Spark, which you need to misdirect to one side before moving to the other. Have Ran do all the damage.

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Boss: Marisa Kirisame

My characters: Reimu x Yukari

Difficulty: easy

I've so much trouble to dodge the stars, because their moving direction is weird.

Their moving direction is, indeed, weird. Make sure you're focused and concentrate on your hitbox while you try to dodge the stars. The sheer density and annoying trajectories make these nonspells very difficult at first, but with time you'll find yourself being able to read the stars better.

Marisa's last nonspell (the one after Non-Directional Laser and before Master Spark) is a different case. The stars are tightly clustered and you'll need to actually read them from before (as opposed to just focusing on your character only) to find possible openings and even then, slipping through the openings is easier said than done. I would highly recommend bombskipping this nonspell.

On that note, make good use of your bombs. Marisa is imo the toughest boss in IN Normal (which probably stays true for Easy too), so don't hesitate to spend your bombs to murder her face in. Speaking of bombs, Reimu's bomb is more powerful than Yukari's at long range, so I would suggest switching to Reimu momentarily when you want to fire bombs. Otherwise, you'll generally want to use Yukari more (she's better against bosses in general). It's nice that if you get hit as Yukari, you can fire a Last Spell as Reimu.

Marisa's spells can be pretty annoying too:

Milky Way - Big stars from the front, small stars from the side, Marisa's first spell is her toughest spell imo (even tougher than Final Spark in higher difficulties!!!). It's very dense and annoying to concentrate on multiple threats at once. Would recommend skipping it with a bomb.

Stardust Reverie - Actually not too bad. Do NOT stay at the absolute bottom, but stay under Marisa, like at the midpoint between Marisa and the bottom. Early on, you'll be surrounded by a circle of stars, and they will lead you to circle around Marisa. Follow the arc until you're about a quartercircle in, and then try slipping through the gaps in the stars. Return to the position under Marisa and just dodge the rest of the stars normally. It may be worth mastering this spell on Spell Practice.

Non-Directional Laser - Try to stay close to the lasers, in front of them as they move. No matter how much you may try to avoid it, this spell will force you to slip between the stream of large stars. Since they're moving downwards, I personally find it easier to slip through them by moving diagonally (down-right or down-left). If slipping between the big stars proves to be too difficult, then bombskip this.

Master Spark - Except for the first one, all Master Sparks are aimed at you. So you need to anticipate when she'll fire her Master Spark so that you can rush to the other side. Make sure you avoid all the large stars on the way. Don't worry about hitting Marisa too much, because actively trying to stay under Marisa may be too risky and you're better off relying on Ran to damage her. The screen shaking is the most annoying aspect though, and can make it hard to avoid the large stars that would otherwise be simple to dodge. Consider bombing this if you have trouble even after Spell Practice.

Earth Light Ray - It may seem scary at first but all stars are actually aimed... at your sides. That means, if you don't move at all, the stars will never hit you. Ever. That being said, be sure to watch out for the lasers, and be prepared to move (watch out for the stars this time!) if a laser gets in the way. Otherwise, if the lasers aren't threatening you, just sit still and ignore the stars.

General advice - Try to manage your resources well. If you die, you will lose all the bombs associated with that life, therefore you should not hesitate to bomb if you are worried you might die otherwise. Fairies that have familiars (flashing white circles that merge with the background if you switch to Yukari) around them can prove to be extremely frustrating to deal with as Reimu, so always switch to Yukari to kill them. Note that even when you get hit, you still have some time to fire a bomb before you lose your life. Unless you're super-quick about this, the bomb you fire will be a Last Spell, which does more damage than a regular bomb, but consumes two bomb pieces. Since Last Spells cost double, it's generally better to rely on regular bombs, but do not ever pass up the chance to fire a Last Spell if you actually do get hit.

Are you okay with using Continues (continuing after you lose all your lives) as you progress through the game? If your objective is to clear the game without Continuing, then just ignore the entire Time system. It's only important if you want to Continue or if you want to score.

Finally, if you want, you can save a replay of your progress and I would willingly watch and analyze your performance to help show you how you can improve. I'm always happy about helping other players get better, so don't worry about being a bother or anything.

Edited by Formina Sage
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Marisa is like, the toughest boss as a new player (I started with IN easy as well, years ago though so it's not fresh in my mind) but tbh she also helps you improve a lot at dodging, good boss.

unlike IN reimu who is a big JERK

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The entire who gets Reimu who gets Marisa system is sad

THe Magic and Scarlet teams would be better at Marisa since she's lathargic and hates to move, while the Border and Netherworld teams are better at Reimu since she moves a lot.

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I think SA is probably the best for dodging. It's a lot of memo but it's good for getting used to touhou since so much micrododging.

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The entire who gets Reimu who gets Marisa system is sad

THe Magic and Scarlet teams would be better at Marisa since she's lathargic and hates to move, while the Border and Netherworld teams are better at Reimu since she moves a lot.

I think this was 100% intentional :P

I think SA is probably the best for dodging. It's a lot of memo but it's good for getting used to touhou since so much micrododging.

I still stand by my opinion that PoFV is the best game to improve general reactive dodging skills.

When it comes to pattern identifying/learning skills though, aside from the spellcard games, I'll have to agree with SA being the best.

1/104 history lmao

but I did it :D

Whoa, congratulations!

It got really intense after about 40 seconds in. I'm seriously impressed that you survived all of that, wow!

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Thanks Proto!

Aside from minor screwups at the beginning, most of my attempts failed around 40 seconds in and after that. It gets so intense, and openings get so tight. I'm so glad I got the capture.

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Kanako is still one of the most intense Stage 6 bosses to date, imo. Congrats on that capture. I've always found that spell extremely overwhelming.

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Kanako is still one of the most intense Stage 6 bosses to date, imo. Congrats on that capture. I've always found that spell extremely overwhelming.

Hey, thanks! I haven't seen you around here often, stranger. You play Touhou a lot, as well?

yeah kanako rivals DOOM and hibachi in intensity with that final card on lunatic. Love that final showdown. congrats.

Thanks. It's an amazing spell card.

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Hey, thanks! I haven't seen you around here often, stranger. You play Touhou a lot, as well?

Thanks. It's an amazing spell card.

Hello~ I was just passing through, I guess.

I do my best. I picked up Touhou a year ago, but I wouldn't say I'm too good. The farthest I've gotten in a single credit was in Imperishable Night Stage 5 with the Border Team on Normal. I play on occasion nowadays, but I like watching gameplay footage. Sorry if I worded my previous post ambiguously to make it seem like I'm hot stuff when I'm really not. ^^'

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