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It's Amiibo time


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So, what sort of amiibo support are we looking at in the case of Fire Emblem: if? Like what could happen and could there be the possibility of FE: If characters being available as amiibo figures?

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So, what sort of amiibo support are we looking at in the case of Fire Emblem: if? Like what could happen and could there be the possibility of FE: If characters being available as amiibo figures?

I hope so. I'd like to see a FE line of amiibos. (maybe we'll get one next year around the same day the game releases?)

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Dark Pit

Zero Suit Samus



Already struck.

Hurrah! I'm finding lots of amiibos that I want at several foreign sites all at reasonable prices...

Old amiibos

-Can get a King Dedede for 21 dollars.

-Can get a Little Mac for 27 dollars

-Can get a Lucario for 20 dollars

-Found a Pit at E-bay for 30 dollars

New Ones

-Amazon JP

-Play Asia

All around 30 dollars each, but watch out for the shipping costs here!

Shinya Takahashi of Nintendo's SPD division confirmed that the plan is to ultimately release amiibo figurines for all characters on the roster[3]; it is unspecified whether this includes the Mii Fighters, given their customizability. However, it has been confirmed that DLC characters Mewtwo and Lucas will have amiibo.[4] The data for amiibo of unreleased characters can still be found in Smash 4's programming, and hacking the RFID tags in amiibo can allow for existing figurines to mimic other characters.


Over 710,000 amiibo from Wave 1 were sold prior to the introduction of Wave 2, with Nintendo also stating that sales were approximately equal to those of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.[5] amiibo of Link were said to be the most popular, with Mario and Pikachu being the second and third most popular, respectively. At the end of 2014, it was announced that amiibo had outsold Super Smash Bros. for Wii U by a factor of at least two to one, with over 2.6 million figurines being sold [6]; a later quarterly report from Nintendo claimed that over 5.7 million amiibo were shipped worldwide.

Pre-orders for Rosalina also notably broke sales records for Target, with the figurines selling out in only 35 minutes.[7] amiibo from Wave 4 caused such huge demand that the web servers for GameStop crashed when pre-orders became available[8]. GameStop also sold out of pre-orders for all Wave 4 amiibo in less than five hours.[9]


The truth about amiibo sales. It outsold even Smash Bros Wii-U.

Edited by Pan_Chan
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Just tried ordering at Amazon JP and they don't do deliveries to international addresses.

Just tried it at UK's and doesn't work.

Just got a Ness for 39 dollars. My most favorite amiibo.

Free shipping. :3

Even with Japan's shops are going to bound to be around this because of the expensive shipping!

Just got a Pit for 39 dollars with free shipping. Very good for this discontinued item!

Jigglypuff, got a Jap one for 48 dollars. Don't think that I'll have any luck getting it for retail. It was 39.99 along with the shipping being 8.99.

These are gotten this way as one is discontinued as well as the other two being single retailed exclusives which are likely not to be reprinted again.

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I got some birthday money in the mail the other day, so I ordered Wii Fit Trainer! I like her enough. :) And Amazon had her for just $30 and with Prime shipping. That's amazing for one of the rarest Amiibos on the planet!

So now I have on the way:

- Robin (from Best Buy preorders)

- Charizard (from Walmart preorders)

- Ike (hopefully from my Dec. 8th GameStop preorder)

- Wii Fit Trainer

These will increase my collection to 17 different figures! :3

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I got some birthday money in the mail the other day, so I ordered Wii Fit Trainer! I like her enough. :) And Amazon had her for just $30 and with Prime shipping. That's amazing for one of the rarest Amiibos on the planet!

So now I have on the way:

- Robin (from Best Buy preorders)

- Charizard (from Walmart preorders)

- Ike (hopefully from my Dec. 8th GameStop preorder)

- Wii Fit Trainer

These will increase my collection to 17 different figures! :3

Congrats. I'm just siting here. With my Peach, Zelda, and Rosalina.

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Hey, you have a figure that I don't have though. :P (Peach, since I despise her)

But yeah, it's nice having a birthday right around the corner now! I would order a Meta Knight or Marth or Ike, but I could very well end up getting one or more of those for my birthday on Tuesday, somehow. You never know.

EDIT: ...Fuck.

West Coast Port Truckers Strike

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My Robin and Lucina amiibo are being shipped! Though it would be as early as the end of May or as late as the end of June before they arrive though.

Same here just got shipped today! Should get em around the 21 of May.

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And my Robin will probably be delayed due to those new port strikes... Sigh.

I thought the New Port strikes should have been resolved at this point, though I could be wrong on that. And I did import a Japanese Rosalina amiibo and a European Wii Fit Trainer amiibo without much issue (arrived within the given time frames).

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Check the edit in my post about having a birthday. This is a different strike that just started Monday. And Amiibos people order individually and all through Amazon and such probably ship by air since they're smaller packages than dozens of boxes of various sets of four figures. Iwata even said himself that due to the increased weight, they ship Amiibos and game consoles by sea.

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This is effing awesome!

I've just got my Robin for 28 dollars with free shipping!!!!

Got Little Mac for 39 dollars free shipping. (Another out of print item obtained thanks to Japan's restock) Didn't get Little Mac before as he costed way too much. -.- I'll have to hold off on the Lucario though and will grab another Robin at Gamestop for retail as well as a Lucina there on release day. Need a female Robin...too is why that 2x is necessary. I love the blue haired Male Robin which that's what this 28 dollar one will be used for in Smash Bros as well as the unlockables to Code Name S.T.E.A.M and Fire Emblem IF. ^_^






-Little Mac


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So my hero of a friend somehow managed to order me a Robin for my birthday. Not sure how or from where. The order was then almost immediately delayed until this summer, but I frankly could care less. It's a miracle I'm even getting one at this point. So psyched to use him in Code Name STEAM, since Robin is supposedly really good.

And with Robin now obtained, I wash my hands of the SSB amiibos. I got the ones I really wanted. I would have considered getting figures for my other favorite icons, like Ganondorf, Duck Hunt, etc., but this craze is beyond my capacity to care. I might shoot for a Yarn Yoshi at some point, since they're so adorable and my girlfriend would love one, but this Wave 4 nonsense really left a bad taste in my mouth.

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No kidding.

The same is going to happen with Zero Suit Samus since she is the Super Smash Bros community and tourney favorite. Palutena for being a god and Dark Pit for being Pittoo and Lucas for being a Mother fan favorite and for actually being localized in our area. XP

Lucas is going to cause a site crash again (like the one that Ness caused) if he gets ported to our area. This craze is beyond belief. I'm sick and tired of my favorites being out like a light in seconds. No Yarn Yoshi's for me. They all have the same functionality as the other Yoshi's do. Olimar will test out the popularity of him as I don't really know. If he sells out quickly, then he is loved. If he stays plentiful like the Splatoon gang, Pikachu and the Kongs, then no one gives a shit. The Splatoon pack was out yesterday (But were up for a good while. About 2 weeks.), but more are available to buy at Walmart right now! The demand for Wave 4 is too strong that they're still out of stock everywhere.

Only ones that I know who will be plentiful...

-Dr. Mario


-Zero Suit Samus


Ones who will be Uncommon...

-Game and Watch

Ones that will be rare and will sell out in seconds...

-Dark Pit


-Duck Hunt



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I was going to ask where these Marth reprints are coming from since the US restock hasn't shown up yet. :P

But Marth looks better now, I hope ours look that good!

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Just came down to some retailers and that they say that these will be available for pick up unlike Best Buy although they are going to only have a few. Better be there three hours before store opening so I make it in time for the Robin, Lucina and Wario amiibos. Lucina and Wario I'm only getting for retail.


Marth is supposed to restock this month, but no date was given as to when he will be restocked as clerks I've asked there have no idea when he will come in.

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Wii Fit Trainer weighs in! ^^


How much did it cost you?

For me 19.99 with no shipping charge!

I'm just so happy that my Little Mac and Ness got shipped yesterday. Great! I'll make them into killing machines once I get them in the mail!

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