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$30 with no shipping charge. Well, rounding down, that is (it was actually like twenty cents or so more). :P

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$30 with no shipping charge. Well, rounding down, that is (it was actually like twenty cents or so more). :P


You won't regret it!

It performs nicely with it's customs


and this...

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Oh, I hope. ^^

Also, I forgot to mention before! I got some good news regarding my Ike preorder at GameStop. The guy said they should be getting another shipment of him at the end of the month! So I'm guessing when wave 4 hits. Looks like I'll be getting both Ike and Robin in one day (Charizard isn't projected to arrive until the beginning of June). :D

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That's awesome!!! :D

Though I won't get my Pac-Man and Pit till next month. Imported orders do go slow sometimes due to not delivering by air that they don't do upon free shipping.

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Zelda and Diddy are common, but I hardly see Sheik anywhere, so I'd put that one as uncommon.

Also, if Ike was delayed only until April, I'd have him by now. xP But I don't. He's delayed until the end of May to my knowledge.

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That ranking is fairly accurate, though the line between Rare and Unicorn is a little vague (depending on your luck, the rare ones can cost unicorn prices) My only comments would be:

Yoshi -> Semi-common

Villager -> Unicorn

Zelda -> Common

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I thought Villager was generally considered a unicorn.

the recent restock kind of levitated that a bit from Japan. However it's still pretty dang unicorn here in NA.

Also because of the recent rereleases scalpers are now increasing the prices of the old villager selling and claiming "first edition" prints in various places now.

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Nintendo of America finally officially responds to the shortage.


We appreciate the enthusiasm that our fans continue to show toward amiibo. Sales for the product have exceeded our expectations. We understand how frustrating it can be at times if consumers are unable to find certain figures, and we apologize for that.

We’re trying to meet the demands of our fans and consumers by increasing the amount of amiibo we manufacture and ship to retail. We may continue to see consumer demand outpace supply levels for certain characters at times, but we will do our best to prevent that from happening.

As our library of amiibo continues to grow, some figures will be easier to find than others. We are constantly looking for the opportunity to reissue amiibo and are already making plans to bring back some currently out-of-stock amiibo figures. Stay tuned for details.

Nintendo plans to make it easier for consumers to know when new amiibo are on the way, through Nintendo press announcements, timely updates on our social media channels and working closely with retailers.

We remain committed to keeping amiibo affordable and easy to access as a platform to enhance game-play experiences. These plans include Animal Crossing amiibo cards that will become available by the end of 2015, and a free-to-download app for Wii U called amiibo tap: Nintendo’s Greatest Bits that launched on April 30, 2015, that lets consumers enjoy playable scenes from certain NES and Super NES games with amiibo
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So basically no news.

Not holding my breath that they actually care until I see unicorns lasting more than a handful of minutes.

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Gotta love that "Hurry Up!" print on the back of his jacket. And I can see that they tried to make his pink pants textured to look as if they're made of denim!

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Nintendo of America finally officially responds to the shortage.


Yaaay! Thank you, NoA. ^^


Yay! They've finally seen that our demands are real. At least now Zero Suit Samus, Lucas, Palutena and Dark Pit won't be as frustrating to get as before. Can import them from Play-Asia if they go out in minutes. ^_^

Let's eliminate the scalpers immediately.

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Lol @ThoseGloves

yeah that's my main gripe about her. It doesn't look as bad in real life but the photo really exposes the bad paint job on her hands. It seems to be a common problem for most Lucina Amiibos. But honestly the face is probably the most important feature in figurines and at least she has it better than Iek's face.

Not mine.


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Wow, that poor Ike... :( His hair is all wacky too. I hope mine doesn't end up looking like that!

Btw. it looks like Palutena will be an exclusive, perhaps to Walmart since it didn't get a wave 4 exclusive. Best Buy didn't get one either, but Palutena's SKU isn't showing up in its database while Dark Pit is there. If she is exclusive to Walmart, I'm glad I live just around the corner from one... I haven't played KI, but I like Palutena.

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