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OMG, Ike Yoshi EXISTS!!



Literally my reaction

Ike and samus and DK are so fricken cute I want them all that's settled

Nintendo, here take my wallet now, I'm done resisting

Oh and Ana I just couldn't order 6 since the deal only worked for a single order of 3 per deal. I'm hunting tho and if I score a MK its yours:)

I'm also hunting for more Marths for Jotaro Timpy so I got a big day planned for Friday

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Haha, I just want Ike so far lol. Luigi actually weirds me out. :P

But yeah, it's a good thing Rainbow Dash has pretty much an expression for everything! She rocks. :3

Anyway, Nintendo, as long as you keep putting more Ikeage in games with his Amiibo, TAKE MY MONEY. This fangirl will be happy. <3

EDIT: Oh, and alright, I see! Thanks! I'll still try to get a Meta Knight over here myself first, but if that doesn't work out, I'll take you up on that offer. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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I dunno.

But...for some reason, my Pac-Man and Pit got shipped today! I guess that Nintendo is doing their best to fulfill this crazy demand even though it is near impossible to doing so. Try as they must, but I know that Palutena and Dark Pit are going to almost be non-existent. Pointless to make them since hardly no one will get these.

Edited by Lt_Matilda_Ajan
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So apparently, silver Mario was up on Target's mobile site, but there's no mention of it having been on the regular site? What's up with this?

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I just placed that order


It works on Mobile (through Target's mobile site) and through the Target app, on iOS and Android.

Also, my Jigglypuff order just shipped!

Edited by Elieson
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And my orders from Walmart and Best Buy still haven't shipped. :( It doesn't even say my Robin is being prepared in the case of Best Buy. Wtf...

It's been discovered that no Silver Marios are in Target's Fulfillment Centers though, Sara. Your order will probably be canceled, sadly.

EDIT: See here.

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And my orders from Walmart and Best Buy still haven't shipped. :( It doesn't even say my Robin is being prepared in the case of Best Buy. Wtf...

Yeah, it's the same thing with my Best Buy preorder. I'm pretty sure it said it would be shipped out on the 29th back when I ordered, though.

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I could swear that my Best Buy order said it would ARRIVE on the 29th. :/ But maybe I read it wrong...

My Charizard from Walmart finally shipped though!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they getting their entire amiibo stock a day or so before they're supposed to go up? That wouldn't be enough time to process all the orders and ship them out to everyone who ordered them, which is why they'd be shipped on the launch date. That said, I'm on the edge of my seat for that email regardless because I'm afraid for my Lucina and Inkling girl ;_;

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Yeah, Target probably had a glitch or something. I can't imagine that they'd just screw around with fans...

This wouldn't surprise me at all. The technology that Target uses for its business can be incredibly buggy, believe me.

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So do the Wave 4 amiibo hit retail shelves on the 29th? Just curious because all the stores I've been into have literally nothing but super mario amiibo stocked and maybe Pikachu. No other Smash Amiibo or anything.

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So do the Wave 4 amiibo hit retail shelves on the 29th? Just curious because all the stores I've been into have literally nothing but super mario amiibo stocked and maybe Pikachu. No other Smash Amiibo or anything.

Yes, they're supposed to come out on the 29th.

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That's what I was hoping that they were just clearing shelf space for the new ones. It'd be a shame if they said screw it and just gave up on selling the smash amiibos. Everywhere I went was like that Target, Best Buy, both Gamestops, Walmart.

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They're using App/Android for orders now to keep the site from crashing upon the avalanche. lol

Also...Silver Mario orders are still coming for those who want them here! ^_~

Edited by Lt_Matilda_Ajan
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[spoiler=Old collection + Splatoon + Squid amiibo (boxed)]btNtvfA.jpg

[spoiler=Everything together (+ Splatoon t-shirt!)]98cO26d.jpg

[spoiler=Close up of Squid amiibo]cQxUMA8.jpg

The Squid amiibo looks and feels great. Probably my second favourite, behind Fox

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Bowser Jr: http://www.amazon.co.uk/amiibo-Smash-Bowser-Junior-Nintendo/dp/B00XPKZPX4

Dr. Mario: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00XPL13MU

Olimar: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00XPL1DTS

Amazon.co.uk now ships preorders to the US. Go for it if you want, or if you're in the UK, go get em

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I heard about that. It's just outrageous. I don't care about Splatoon, but the people that ordered that stuff fair and square did and now they can't get it. And whoever stole that stuff is probably going to sell it on eBay. >_>

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