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It's Amiibo time


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Oh, that's cool, Sara! :D Hope Target makes good on that order they gave you!

And Taco, if you get that Ike painted/customized to be Vanguard Ike, I'll pay you good money for it! lol I'd get another Ike and try it myself, but I just know I'd ruin him. I have almost no experience at that stuff. xP

That would be pretty cool. I'd have to look at Etsy to see who I could contact to get it done as I too wouldn't even know where to begin. There's people who do some serious custom work on there on Amiibos. I've seen Dark Links, American Marios, Female Robins, Mr. L Luigi, Toadette, Mega Evoloutions, and various Kirby copies done as if they look like they were manufactured that way. Some even have beyond that quality.

EDIT here's some links to some of the aforementioned works. Can't seem to find customs of Ike though I'm sure some of the shops work on commission. There are even ones that alter the poses of certain amiibos like Luigis has several of his taunts.






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I keep missing Rosalinas online. :<

I can get one on Amazon for around 30 bucks and I'm slowly starting to think that might be the best way.

They've been up for awhile. Cuz, I've seen her up just this morning! :<

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Oh yeah, I've seen a lot of great customizations myself! It's amazing what some people can do with these things!

Personally I'd hope to do PoR or Vanguard Ike for my Ike amiibo, and customizing my Marth amiibo to look like Leif. And maybe give Lucina an Eirika color palette.

Problem is, I have the art skills of a two year old xD

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PoR Ike would just be weird, imo, since the model is RD Ike. lol But whatever floats your boat. :P

So, I just saw this video! It's an interesting way to explain a Pokemon Amiibo theory that I'm pretty sure a lot of people are predicting (figures + cards).


Sadly, my favorites won't get figures, I bet... They're not popular. :(

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PoR Ike would just be weird, imo, since the model is RD Ike. lol But whatever floats your boat. :P

So, I just saw this video! It's an interesting way to explain a Pokemon Amiibo theory that I'm pretty sure a lot of people are predicting (figures + cards).


Sadly, my favorites won't get figures, I bet... They're not popular. :(

If this happens than the malls will run red with blood. That could really make them some money I'd be shocked if they haven't already thought of that. Personally, I'm only interested in the Smash line and even then I cherry pick the ones I'm interested in. Although if a Fire Emblem line ever comes out than RIP wallet.

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If said FE line has a lot of characters I'm willing to get, then yeah, RIP wallet. lol

I actually had a dream the other night where an Ephraim amiibo was announced, and he was so sought after and so rare it made Villager and WFT look common by comparison

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I'd buy a Severa or Luna amiibo if that were to happen! A Fire Emblem line sounds so awesome!

I call dibs on any and all peg knights >:)

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FE line launch next year when Fates come out next year. MAKE IT HAPPEN. Camilla amiibo plz.

Yes, yes, all my yes! I so want a Luna amiibo! And a Silas one! But... not on his horse. And also a Hana one!


Then you can skinship for real...although thats when things get kinda weird...

omg why would you bring that up lol

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I saw an Rosalina Amiibo today for the first time ever and in a drug store which doesn't even sell video games anymore off all places. Maybe she was restocked, but I haven't seen her anywhere else so far, and I am looking for video games rather often. Anyway, it was kind of a weird experience. I would have had no reason to actually buy it, yet simply knowing that something is rare made picking it up very tempting.

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In our first wave, we should get the Kamuis, Joker. Felicia, and the Royals.

I'll fuckin fight someone for a Joker amiibo my gay for him knows no bounds

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I'd buy a Severa or Luna amiibo if that were to happen! A Fire Emblem line sounds so awesome!

FE line launch next year when Fates come out next year. MAKE IT HAPPEN. Camilla amiibo plz.

Yes, yes, all my yes! I so want a Luna amiibo! And a Silas one! But... not on his horse. And also a Hana one!



Tee hee...

It'll certainly help improve it's sales. It'll be terrible if the series dies after these two games!

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Oh yeah, forgot to post this.


That Ness is still for trade, btw! I'll take a Dark Pit for it once that one is released here. Or if that ends up being too much, I also wouldn't mind a copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising since I just cannot seem to find one around here...

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