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It's Amiibo time


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Yes, it's been confirmed numerous times that the compatibility of an amiibo is defned by the character and not the series it represents. The Smash Bros Mario amiibo and the Mario Party Mario amiibo are both compatible with the exact same games. Rosalina will be the same.

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Where was this all said at?

Also, according to that Wiki page, every Amiibo so far is compatible with Hyrule Warriors, which I don't think is the case.

They said it in the direct but it would overide your data from the previous game like your leveled up CPU in smash. Also while the Link one gives you the spinner the other amiibos get you random rewards for the game. Nothing big but things like treasures and rupees.

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Which is why that I'm only getting the Mario Party 10 Luigi and the Smash Bros Peach.

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It's good to know that we'll likely be getting MP10 Rosalina at some point. I'd rather not support scalpers and buy one on Ebay or whatever so that's fine by me.

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Meanwhile in South America:

Wave #2, 1st Half (Luigi, Zelda, Diddy Kong) came out last Friday (February 6)

Wave #2, 2nd Half (Capt. Falcon, Pit, Little Mac) comes out this Friday (February 13)

Wave #3 is set to release on March 31.

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Here is the dynamic pairing!





A no-no for Peach's view.


The Princesses.


Peach and Yoshi!


Still waiting for my Ike one now! Got 5 so far! Only got...

-Luigi(Mario Party 10 version!)




-Robin(Only needed for Code Name S.T.E.A.M!)





-Lucina(Only needed for Code Name S.T.E.A.M!)

these to go!

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Something in the back of my mind is telling me that Gamestop isn't getting Ike until the 20th of this month (I recall reading something among those lines in a NeoGAF thread, anyway). The release dates for the wave 3 Amiibos have been all over the place in America. They'll notify you if your Ike was cancelled. Or they should, anyway. If you're really worried, you should ring them up

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The 20th now? Ugh... Last I checked, the 13th was the estimate. But I can look again...

...Yeah, estimated availability is still the 13th according to GameStop's website. Toon Link's is as well, so I figured both would probably arrive at the same time. But I guess not. I'm still worried though, so I'll ask about Ike when I pick up Toon Link.

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I haven't checked that thread in a while, so me being wrong isn't actually surprising. Asking about Ike really is your best bet right now

Just checked that thread now; a lot of the users are saying they've also had text notifications for Shulk and Sheik from Gamestop. No one's mentioned Ike. I don't think Gamestop have him yet

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I went to GameStop over the weekend when I was hanging out with my friends. Granted, I only asked about Shulk (and Sheik, because one of my friends wanted her) but it appears that the stores are getting shipments every 3-4 days or so. In other words, they're not getting them all at once, but like … small shipments of each and then they get sent more whenever their suppliers get around to it? At least, if I recall correctly. Since Shulk and Sheik were said to be coming in on either this Friday or Saturday, I can only assume Ike is coming like 3-4 days after them.

The employees of both GameStops I've been to were very frustrated with this whole fiasco as well, it's so totally not their fault and I'm sure that there are some people who are taking out their frustration on them. But yeah, it's definitely a good idea to ask them for more details if you have a question on an amiibo, because it's probably just a good idea to keep up with whatever the store you ordered from is doing, not a bunch of GameStops that aren't relevant to you.

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I also hope the Ike I get doesn't have a bent Ragnell or anything. :P

You can reheat plastic (which Ragnell is made out of), shape it to your liking, and then cool it down to straighten it out, if anything looks odd to you (this applies to any figurine made out of plastic). Best way to do it in a household is to have two bodies of water; one boiling, and one ice cold. You could also use this technique on Ike's right arm to pivot his forearm upwards, if you want Ragnell directly perpendicular to the base. Mind you, I've never done this before, so you'd better off looking at a (semi) professional guide to help you. It does work, however

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Yeah, I know plastic melts under heat and all, but I'm afraid of dungoofing and ruining it if I try that.

I went to GameStop over the weekend when I was hanging out with my friends. Granted, I only asked about Shulk (and Sheik, because one of my friends wanted her) but it appears that the stores are getting shipments every 3-4 days or so. In other words, they're not getting them all at once, but like … small shipments of each and then they get sent more whenever their suppliers get around to it? At least, if I recall correctly. Since Shulk and Sheik were said to be coming in on either this Friday or Saturday, I can only assume Ike is coming like 3-4 days after them.

The employees of both GameStops I've been to were very frustrated with this whole fiasco as well, it's so totally not their fault and I'm sure that there are some people who are taking out their frustration on them. But yeah, it's definitely a good idea to ask them for more details if you have a question on an amiibo, because it's probably just a good idea to keep up with whatever the store you ordered from is doing, not a bunch of GameStops that aren't relevant to you.

Yeah, I bet other retailers have been frustrated too, like perhaps Target with all their Rosalinas getting sold out. I'm not blaming any of them though, and it's a shame that some people ARE taking out their frustration on those poor employees. Granted, I did get a little bit edgy with the Target guy I talked to, but I didn't like YELL at him or anything. I just said "what? That's just ridiculous!" in as little anger as I could. I wanted Rosalina even more than I wanted my Links (and I wanted Link for the Spinner in Hyrule Warriors. The Spinner is my favorite Zelda item/weapon) too...

EDIT: Red Fox: Alright, I guess that's all I can do at this point if I still haven't received any email notifications about that.

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I don't know if the employees at my mall's GameStop recognize me (I've gone there a lot of times even before the whole amiibo thing, so I wouldn't be surprised), but I generally try to be as polite as possible and try to "make light" of the amiibo frustrations by saying stuff like, "people are going crazy over these things, it's kind of silly!" or "I've seen so much misinformation on the forums, I think it's better to just ask directly". Maybe laugh with them and make a light joke, and lately I've been asking about some other stuff I am interested in like if they have any used copies of older EO games and whatnot.

I find they'll generally be more willing to help people out if you're polite with them. For example, one employee offered to print out a schedule of 3DS games being released in 2015, and another guy gave me their card and said to call every day just to make sure I knew when the Shulk amiibo was coming out (before I told him that I already placed a preorder down).

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Yeah, you'd definitely have better luck getting help if you're polite. And if you're the employee, you'll get a better rep if you're polite to the customer. So I definitely get that. I mean, this one time I was at Hot Topic, I saw a Rainbow Dash swimsuit that I totally loved, but I had fairly recently gotten a new swimsuit. But then a guy there managed to convince me to get it anyway by showing me how I could get it in my size despite that they didn't actually have my size in the store at the time. He was SO helpful and I was nice about mentioning my still kind of new swimsuit. :P He was like "but you don't have a RAINBOW DASH swimsuit" in a smiley smug manner. lol

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Well, I got a text about Shulk, meaning that I know my Shulk wasn't cancelled. However, "Wednesday PM" is a pretty vague range for when he'll be in. Could be any time from Noon to when the store closes (which I believe is 9), even though 4-6 is probably the most likely range. I don't know if they got enough to cover everyone's preorders, so going there early to be on the safe side is probably a good idea. If it's not there, I can run some errands in the area and check back in every now and then.

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I just got a text message that my preorder for Shulk is available on Wednesday in the PM as well. Which is funny, as they called me when my preorder for SSB4 was ready to pick up, lol.

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