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It's Amiibo time


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Ike will probably be restocked within a few months of the port strikes being resolved, and the other ultra-rare Amiibos might be as well now that Nintendo knows that there's a sizable market for them. It's basically why I'm holding off on importing rares for inflated prices on Ebay or Amazon.

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I wanted to wait too, but Rosalina was one of the ones I REALLY wanted, and my Ike getting delayed to spring just made me really craving to just get others as soon as I could. I guess I'm kind of envious and jealous that a lot of other collectors managed to find a bunch while my collection remains tiny... Link, Toon Link, Luigi, and an unwanted Zelda. :(

And I'm still waiting for an opportunity to pick up Yoshi and Pikachu from my work. We have a ton of Yoshi and I don't see him anywhere else.

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I see where you're getting at but it depends. If they reproduce certain ones (same model and everything) then yes they'll go down with price. If they don't (WFT, Villager, Little Mac) they'll only get harder to find and prices will rise for those ones. Now where you potentially will really get in trouble (and something I see Nintendo doing) is if they release newer editions of Amiibos like say down the line they release a new Marth or Ike in different poses then the original set will be hell to pay for.

I'll check into the amiibo market next year I guess. The entire FE series is on my playlist right now, so other than for Awakening I won't be using current Nintendo stuffz.

Marth was announced to be restocked. Ike just came out, and Robin and Lucina aren't out yet, announcing a restock on something not even out yet is kinda silly.


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Family grew a bit

Dang, everyone's amiibo family is growing, and I'm just sitting here with 7! Mario, Peach, Link, Zelda, Samus, Kirby, and Captain Falcon. Now with Rosalina coming in on Monday (or Tuesday) and Ike coming in Spring, that'll bump up my numbers to 9!

Then I'm also looking for Sheik and Shulk, but I don't hold much hope for Shulk.

I wanted to wait too, but Rosalina was one of the ones I REALLY wanted, and my Ike getting delayed to spring just made me really craving to just get others as soon as I could. I guess I'm kind of envious and jealous that a lot of other collectors managed to find a bunch while my collection remains tiny... Link, Toon Link, Luigi, and an unwanted Zelda. :(

And I'm still waiting for an opportunity to pick up Yoshi and Pikachu from my work. We have a ton of Yoshi and I don't see him anywhere else.

I know how you feel about Rosalina... but it's not that bad. Even IF Rosalina gets another restock, we still might not be able to find her. Going on the release day is not fast enough to find the amiibo we went. We'd have to go to the stores within an hour of opening time.

And it's a good thing Yoshi and Pikachu are common; you should have no trouble getting them. Our collections will grow smooth and steady.

Besides, you're saving some money! While other members here are spending their butts off for a big collection, we have a humble one filled with only collectors we like. Sure, they might actually have a budget for amiibo, but that's still quite a lot of money to spend. In New Jersey (bc taxes) an amiibo is $13.07. Just 10 amiibo is $130.70!

Living with my mom is a blast (which makes sense since I'm only 15 XD)! I save tons XD!

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I find Nintendo's response to FE amiibos incredibly funny. They realized they didn't make enough Marths, so they're shipping a whole new run of him before Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. hits. But at the exact same time they're shipping out an absolutely miniscule number of Ikes. Did they learn nothing from Marth?! I thought when they said they wanted FE amiibos available for CNS, that meant they were going to make lots of ALL the FE amiibos. I dread to think what's going to happen with Robin and Lucina. Robin is the only other amiibo I planned to buy from the beginning.

Thankfully, I got both Ike and Shulk preordered through GameStop and both arrived basically on time.

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Dang, everyone's amiibo family is growing, and I'm just sitting here with 7! Mario, Peach, Link, Zelda, Samus, Kirby, and Captain Falcon. Now with Rosalina coming in on Monday (or Tuesday) and Ike coming in Spring, that'll bump up my numbers to 9!

Then I'm also looking for Sheik and Shulk, but I don't hold much hope for Shulk.

I know how you feel about Rosalina... but it's not that bad. Even IF Rosalina gets another restock, we still might not be able to find her. Going on the release day is not fast enough to find the amiibo we went. We'd have to go to the stores within an hour of opening time.

And it's a good thing Yoshi and Pikachu are common; you should have no trouble getting them. Our collections will grow smooth and steady.

Besides, you're saving some money! While other members here are spending their butts off for a big collection, we have a humble one filled with only collectors we like. Sure, they might actually have a budget for amiibo, but that's still quite a lot of money to spend. In New Jersey (bc taxes) an amiibo is $13.07. Just 10 amiibo is $130.70!

Living with my mom is a blast (which makes sense since I'm only 15 XD)! I save tons XD!

Hey, your collection is bigger than mine. :P

Sheik seems to be fairly common. I haven't seen that one around here though.

That's true. Just gotta remember that patience is a virtue. Once I get Ike, Rosalina, Pikachu, Yoshi, and my preordered Super Mario series Luigi, I'll also have nine...counting the unwanted Zelda, that is. But I'll hang onto her for now. For all I know, Zelda Wii U could have some kind of Amiibo compatibility and Zelda could unlock something cool. I'll leave her unopened just in case, but yeah.

I'll also buy Marth and Meta Knight if I see them for a nice price. I don't know why I'm willing to have a Marth sitting around, but I am. :P Meta Knight is just kinda cool.

I know, my mom's been trying to help me too. She got me the Zelda despite my not wanting it, and she tried to pick up my Ike last Wednesday only to find out about the delay and all. She's awesome for all the help she's trying to give me. And I turn 24 in about two months! I have my own money. XD

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I find Nintendo's response to FE amiibos incredibly funny. They realized they didn't make enough Marths, so they're shipping a whole new run of him before Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. hits. But at the exact same time they're shipping out an absolutely miniscule number of Ikes. Did they learn nothing from Marth?! I thought when they said they wanted FE amiibos available for CNS, that meant they were going to make lots of ALL the FE amiibos. I dread to think what's going to happen with Robin and Lucina. Robin is the only other amiibo I planned to buy from the beginning.

Thankfully, I got both Ike and Shulk preordered through GameStop and both arrived basically on time.

Ike's scarcity is likely due to port strikes on the west coast of the US. In fact, most of Wave 3's rarity is probably due to that. Hopefully, whatever dispute caused these strikes gets settled quickly. Nintendo will probably make more Ikes when they can ship them here more easily (and probably more of the other rares, even the Wave 1 and 2 ones, too, since now they have an idea of how large the market is for them).

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News! Evidence suggests that GameStop will be getting a preorder for a new Super Mario series Amiibo, and everyone thinks it's the anticipated silver Mario. I'm prepared if this is the case! I have Reddit and GameStop.com's Amiibo page open! I won't miss it!

Of course, I hope even more that it's actually a gold Luigi. :D

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News! Evidence suggests that GameStop will be getting a preorder for a new Super Mario series Amiibo, and everyone thinks it's the anticipated silver Mario. I'm prepared if this is the case! I have Reddit and GameStop.com's Amiibo page open! I won't miss it!

Of course, I hope even more that it's actually a gold Luigi. :D

Luigi must always be silver if not normal. He just looks awesomer that way.

Silver Mario? Meh. Like Gold Mario, I'm not interested in something that's little more than fool's gold.

Here here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of Rosalina gimmick, though.

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I went shopping with my mom and sister today, I came back with clothes... and Sheik and Bowser!

Quality pics by yours truly. Rosalina is scheduled to arrive either tomorrow or Tuesday! She'll replace Sheik in my amiibo pyramid, and I'll have a good order of Peach in the front, 2 behind her (Zelda + Rosalina), 3 behind them (Mario, Kirby, Bowser), and the last 4 last row (Link, Samus, Sheik, Captain Falcon).



I think I like the second picture more. The door isn't in the background, and Peach has better quality (which is indeed the purpose of her being in the front in both pics).

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Okay, so, Shin showed me his Ike amiibo. I couldn't quite see it because of Skype video quality, but he said he was disappointed that it was not horribly deformed. Apparently the eyes are too far apart, though, which seems to be a problem that all the Ike amiibos that I've seen in pics have. Ike is a fish.

Ike flops for his friends!

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I haven't had any opportunities to shop in a while. :( My mom went out yesterday and said she should've taken me though. She was at Walmart too, and I could've asked about reserving a gold Mario there.

My Rosalina should arrive Wednesday or Thursday. I also wish preorders for wave 4 would open already, I want Robin!

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I went shopping with my mom and sister today, I came back with clothes... and Sheik and Bowser!

Quality pics by yours truly. Rosalina is scheduled to arrive either tomorrow or Tuesday! She'll replace Sheik in my amiibo pyramid, and I'll have a good order of Peach in the front, 2 behind her (Zelda + Rosalina), 3 behind them (Mario, Kirby, Bowser), and the last 4 last row (Link, Samus, Sheik, Captain Falcon).



I think I like the second picture more. The door isn't in the background, and Peach has better quality (which is indeed the purpose of her being in the front in both pics).

Yeah second one is definetely better it actually kinda reminds me of the Smash 64 opening when the Master hand is pulling out all the dolls on the table.

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Well, I officially own two Rosalinas, both of which I managed to get at normal store pricing. Basically I pre-ordered one at two different stores, but both of them were on backorder at the time I made the pre-order so it wasn't a safe bet either sale will happen. Eventually both of them became confirmed sales and instead of cancelling one of them I decided to hold on both. I already got one of them a couple of weeks ago and opened it for my collection, but I'm keeping the other sealed (which I'm picking up on the store on Friday) until the Wave 3 craze dies down a bit so I can sell it to one of my collector friends and get a bit of profit out of it.

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Just saying something short why link is peeing

I hate that pee colored stand too, but I got Link because the Spinner in Hyrule Warriors. No pee stand was going to stop me from using my FAVORITE WEAPON IN THE SERIES IN SUCH AN AWESOME GAME, HELL YES THANK YOU AONUMA AND DEVELOPERS. :D


Look who just got here for me days early!


I wasn't expecting this until Thursday, maybe Wednesday. But it's MONDAY. I'm not complaining though. Rosa and Luma can now go hang with my Luigi. ^^

Still can't wait to get Ike though. And go shopping for more Amiibos. I'm definitely going to buy some at work and check out the GameStop right outside. GameStops on military bases probably don't sell out their stock as fast as off base.

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I hate that pee colored stand too, but I got Link because the Spinner in Hyrule Warriors. No pee stand was going to stop me from using my FAVORITE WEAPON IN THE SERIES IN SUCH AN AWESOME GAME, HELL YES THANK YOU AONUMA AND DEVELOPERS. :D


Look who just got here for me days early!


I wasn't expecting this until Thursday, maybe Wednesday. But it's MONDAY. I'm not complaining though. Rosa and Luma can now go hang with my Luigi. ^^

Still can't wait to get Ike though. And go shopping for more Amiibos. I'm definitely going to buy some at work and check out the GameStop right outside. GameStops on military bases probably don't sell out their stock as fast as off base.

Btw I like your GBA style Ike rosalina looks solid I am not intersted in amiibos much so i didnt buy any (I call them waste of my money)

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I didn't make that Ike sprite, but thanks, I really love it too. ^^ (I made Kieran though!)

And yeah, Rosalina looks really awesome for one of the human characters (who simply can't look as good as the others due to being super detailed and complicated and all, but I think they look good enough. ^^). The people that make these things did a great job on her! Luma is as adorable as ever too. <3

I need to replay my Super Mario Galaxy games now. This is making me want to. :P (of course, I still won't touch that Grandmaster Galaxy Daredevil run in the second one. Never again, after how nightmarish it was to beat it even once. >_<)

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Look who just got here for me days early!


I wasn't expecting this until Thursday, maybe Wednesday. But it's MONDAY. I'm not complaining though. Rosa and Luma can now go hang with my Luigi. ^^

Still can't wait to get Ike though. And go shopping for more Amiibos. I'm definitely going to buy some at work and check out the GameStop right outside. GameStops on military bases probably don't sell out their stock as fast as off base.

omg you're so lucky! Congratulations!

Now all I have to do is sit silently until mine comes (hopefully later today, latest possible is tomorrow). COME ON ROSALINA DON'T LET ME DOWN!

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