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It's Amiibo time


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Yeah, Ike is probably the only one I'll go to extremes for. And by extremes, I mean going to a place at midnight to buy it if I have to or pay a lot of money for it or some such. I did pay $38 for Rosalina, but I wouldn't pay anymore than that for an Amiibo.

I'd have gone to extremes for Luigi too, but since he's common, I didn't need to. :P

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Gosh PuffPuff, your Rosalina sounds terrifying @_@

Now that I think about it... most of my amiibos aren't that good. My Fox and Captain Falcon can do some crazy KO team combos, and Sonic and Peach are super tanky... but none of them are super op or anything. Explosive perfect shields are fun, though. >:)

Also, in respect to tracking down the amiibo you want, I can say that with minimal diligence and effort put into being on top of preorders (mix of online and in store), I've been able to track down every single amiibo I wanted. If that offers any reassurance...

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pro tip: a lot of things i say tend to be jokes.

Now, real talk. Yeah, I can see why. I mean, you ADORE Ike. You'd never pass for an Ike official. I adore ZSS with just as much (but I think I'm getting a Peach overload). ZSS I'm still debating with myself, but I'll probably go to extremes for her. And only her, I'm not a hypocrite I SWEAR

Everyone really loves one of these things. Of extreme measure that we have to take for it! >:D

Rosalina was one of my top only 5 wanted amiibo buys and look what happened...

Yeah, Ike is probably the only one I'll go to extremes for. And by extremes, I mean going to a place at midnight to buy it if I have to or pay a lot of money for it or some such. I did pay $38 for Rosalina, but I wouldn't pay anymore than that for an Amiibo.

I'd have gone to extremes for Luigi too, but since he's common, I didn't need to. :P

Exactly. Other than these options...what else can we do when these don't get reprinted? -.-

Gosh PuffPuff, your Rosalina sounds terrifying @_@

Now that I think about it... most of my amiibos aren't that good. My Fox and Captain Falcon can do some crazy KO team combos, and Sonic and Peach are super tanky... but none of them are super op or anything. Explosive perfect shields are fun, though. >:)

Also, in respect to tracking down the amiibo you want, I can say that with minimal diligence and effort put into being on top of preorders (mix of online and in store), I've been able to track down every single amiibo I wanted. If that offers any reassurance...

Being the guardian and cosmos goddess, I'd say that this is rather fitting for her!

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Speaking of goddesses, I really hope that Palutena is in wave 5. They need to hurry up and get wave 4 out there so we can move on the next wave.

I'm planning to do the same with Palutena like with Rosalina except I'm going to give her this...


-Improved Trade Off Ability(Unlimted) (Improving Attk, Def, and Speed up to 1.55x as time passes by)

-Auto Heal

Pwr 80

Def 120

Speed 20

Of course. She's a divine. So, she'll get this. The true Palutena MUST awaken!


Pwr 35
Def 36
Speed 35
His Monado arts are already enough. It does everything perfectly. Costed me 49 dollars for this amiibo.
Pwr aura from unlimited Trade Off Attack.
From Sakura Taisen, etc.
The only thing it doesn't do is niot much Aethers.
Pwr 75
Def 30
Speed 15
-Improved Trade Off Attack (Unlimited 1.11x Attk boost at the cost of starting off with 30% dmg)
-KO's Heal Dmg (Sol)
-Lifesteal (Runesword)
It does counter only at the right times. It does everything perfectly except that it doesn't Aether much. But...*sigh* I love it. It's fueled up and ready to be in Code Name S.T.E.A.M now, too. Costed me only 12.99 for this amiibo.
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Zss will be incredibly popular wow

I mean

Super incredibly popular. She's a top toer character And all over google. Plus, tits.

It's just gonna happen, waifu wars cross into zss and palutena amiibo, and ill eat my words if I'm wrong about their popularity

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My Amiibo luck continues. I went to Gamestop today to finish paying off my Xenoblade 3DS preorder (next step: save up money to get a New 3DS so I can actually play that game) and check if Wave 4 preorders were available on the slim chance that today would finally be the day (it wasn't, they weren't), when I noticed that they had Sonic and Mega Man in stock. My Amiibo collection has risen to twenty.

Man, this Amiibo craze though. If you told me a year ago that I would gladly pay $13 for a figurine of Sonic the Hedgehog, I would have fallen over laughing.

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Seeing as people are sharing their OP amiibos, I guess I might take a stab at making one good. I have Mario, Luigi, Pikachu, Link, Peach, and possibly one more that I can't remember right now. I know the unknown one is common. Which one should I try to train?

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Mine are all common too, except Rosalina. xP

Still waiting for my Ike, SMB Luigi. and gold Mario.

Well, Yoshi might actually be uncommon now (though not rare). I haven't actually seen him anywhere aside from the store I work at. That's where I had to buy mine. I asked my local Walmart about how many gold Marios they'll get just in case my preorder gets canceled for some reason. They said they won't know until the day it comes out. >_<

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Despite having twenty of these things, most of mine are common. The rares I have are Shulk, Rosalina, Mega Man (maybe. He could be easy to find and Target just doesn't stock him offline), Sonic (same deal as Mega Man), Sheik (not quite as rare as in early February. I've seen her get restocked occasionally even at Target), Toon Link (same deal as Sheik), Fox, and Villager. And possibly Samus, since I haven't seen her get restocked in awhile. That's nine, but I'm only really certain of the rarity of four of them (and even then, Shulk already has a confirmed restock in May and Fox still turns up every now and then. Thus leaving Rosalina and Villager as the "crown jewels" of my collection). I would say this is pretty impressive for never paying above retail price for an Amiibo.

Well, Yoshi might actually be uncommon now (though not rare). I haven't actually seen him anywhere aside from the store I work at. That's where I had to buy mine. I asked my local Walmart about how many gold Marios they'll get just in case my preorder gets canceled for some reason. They said they won't know until the day it comes out. >_<

Yoshi isn't really uncommon or rare yet. Mine even cost less than the standard Amiibo price because it was one of the ones that Target is trying to clear out to make shelf (or, rather, hook) space. But I have a feeling the Smash versions of the Mario characters are going to stop getting restocked constantly once their Mario Party versions get released. So, Yoshi and even ultra-common Smash Amiibo like Mario and Peach will become hard to get for the people who don't already have them in a few weeks.

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So far, Rosalina is the only Amiibo I've had to pay above retail price for too, and I have nine Amiibos. Twelve if you count the three I mentioned above since they're pre-ordered. I'm thinking of buying this $29 Lucario on Amazon though. I'd do so now, but I spent $60 today and about $30 a couple days ago on other stuff. I'm not a person that likes spending a lot at one time unless it's on something naturally very pricy like a game console or TV.

I have Prime now though, for a 30 day trial, so I'll buy the Lucario soon enough so I can get it quickly...hopefully it won't go out of stock. It's the Japanese Lucario, but in this case, I don't care about that. I don't really use Lucario on my Pokemon teams anymore due to it getting used by like everyone these days, but I still really like it. I should've preordered it from Toys R Us when I had a chance, I don't know why I didn't do so then. I guess I was so focused on Ike and Rosalina back then that I didn't think further. xP

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ugh, just stuff like that makes me sick. joke or not, anything can happen, and the thought alone just makes my stomach turn.

But hopefully she isn't that hard to find. I know Peach and Zelda keep getting re-stocked and easy to find, due to being staples of their series, and being "pretty princesses" that people just don't casually buy. Rosalina though, that's a different story (thanks for making her retailer-exclusive, Nintendo. THAT was smart :/

Just ZSS and my collection will be complete! I'll try to snag Palutena, Lucina, Robin, or Ness if I can find one. But I won't go crazy for them.

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The only ones I had to pay above retail for are...





Collected at normal price...






Getting at normal price...

-Gold Mario(Will have to go early for this one! Worth it for a superstar. <3)

-Yoshi Ver 2 (Getting!)

-Toad (Pre-Ordered!)

-Peach Ver 2 (Pre-Ordered!)

-Luigi Ver 2 (Pre-Ordered!)

-Samus (Getting at store tommorrow!)

Pre-Ordering before release...





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ugh, just stuff like that makes me sick. joke or not, anything can happen, and the thought alone just makes my stomach turn.

There's a subreddit literally called /r/cummingonfigurines. I visited it once out of curiosity.


They will be lapping up the likes of ZSS and Palutena.

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Really. I hate it SO much that the stores over here never seem to receive enough Nintendo stuff to even handle pre-orders. Does Nintendo even want my money I wonder? Had that with Majora's Mask LTD edition (game only) and the Gamecube controller adapter (ordered 2, only got 1) too. The Amiibo thing is getting really crazy.

Paid above retail price;

- Wii Fit Trainer

Regular price;

- Kirby

- Pikachu

- Ike

- Mega Man

- Sonic

- Zelda

- Link

- Sheik

- Donkey Kong

- Diddy Kong

- Samus

- Captain Falcon

- Stafox

Missed / still looking;

- Rosalina/Luma

- Little Mac

- Pit

Wants in the future;

- Some of the Mario ones

- Ness

- Pac Man

- Duck Hunt Duo


- Game & Watch

- Ganondorf

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the chu

Kk. Will attempt once I finish my buttload of 3DS games.

Zss will be incredibly popular wow

what is zss

There's a subreddit literally called /r/cummingonfigurines. I visited it once out of curiosity.


They will be lapping up the likes of ZSS and Palutena.


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Just ordered that Japanese Lucario on Amazon. $29 was a nice price for such a rare Amiibo. I don't really want to have to keep relying on eBay anyway, who likely charge even more. :/

And I don't care about the packaging this time like I did with Rosalina, as Lucario's name is the same in English and Japanese, I believe. And I open these things anyway. I hope I get some use out of him and my Pikachu! He's a super cool Pokemon. ^^

I don't use Lucario on teams anymore though, because pretty much everyone else does and I want to be different. xP

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Well, I bought my first Amiibo for above retail price. You see, I've been placing bids on various Amiibo I don't have on Ebay, but never above $20 (so I've always lost these auctions), just to see if one will fall through the cracks. One finally did, so I got a King Dedede for $14.50 (plus a hefty $10 shipping fee from Japan, so it works out to not being that great of a deal really).

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I've just traded my factory sealed Smash Mario amiibo for this one. Time to awaken true Dark Samus and to use it in the Mario Kart 8 game to give your customed Mii racers her outfits.


It's only to get these ones in return. Goodbye Smash Mario, you will be missed. ;_;

My Rosalina and Peach(Smash) amiibos are sad right now. ;_;

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I don't think anyone can answer this yet seeing as they aren't actually out yet, but are the Super Mario amiibos also compatible with Smash and Hyrule Warriors?

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I don't think anyone can answer this yet seeing as they aren't actually out yet, but are the Super Mario amiibos also compatible with Smash and Hyrule Warriors?



Every Mario Bros Character amiibo has the same compatability.



I've seen some copies of the Smash ones before making the trade. XD

I'm saying "Goodbye, Smash Mario" as I'm only getting the version 2's of his amiibo.


His regular ver 2 amiibo can be gotten by buying the Mario Party 10 game!

EDIT: http://www.amiiboinquirer.com/2015/03/11/walmarts-plan-for-the-in-store-release-of-nintendos-gold-mario-amiibo/

Wonderful news.

They're selling these at midnight after the 19th. Gonna be there before ten so I don't be in a long enough line for them to go out before it finishes. But...the stock will be enough hopefully. Please don't let us down, Nintendo. They are only limiting to two per customer. Why can't we just run in the fucking store and buy them? That's what I'm going to do. I'll be prancing like Sonic the Hedgehog for this thing. Wanna get two of them. >:D

If they still are having more left, the quanitites of buying them won't be limited!

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I don't think anyone can answer this yet seeing as they aren't actually out yet, but are the Super Mario amiibos also compatible with Smash and Hyrule Warriors?

Yes. Two different amiibo of the same character have the exact same functionality, so the differences are entirely cosmetic.

Example. Both the Smash Bros. Mario amiibo and the Super Mario Mario amiibo let you train Mario in Smash Bros, unlock the Mario costume in Mario Kart 8, and unlock the Mario board in amiibo mode in Mario Party 10. This logic applies to every character that has more than one amiibo, and will apply to all future releases, according to Nintendo.

Every single amiibo unlocks random rewards in Hyrule Warriors (except the Zelda related ones, which unlock weapons in relation to the character.

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