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It's Amiibo time


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I generally like to save my free trials of Prime for around the holiday season, since that's usually when I need to ship a ton of stuff fast. I never really paid attention to how often you can actually get a free trial, but Prime tends to cost way more than the amount you save on shipping unless you are constantly buying dozens of things from Amazon.

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Well, I think you can still get free shipping on that Lucario, it would just take a little longer to get there. There was a non-Prime free shipping option, if memory serves.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I think you can still get free shipping on that Lucario, it would just take a little longer to get there. There was a non-Prime free shipping option, if memory serves.

The price you got was gone. My cheapest option was about $35 including shipping, but I paid about $3.50 extra to buy from the cheapest US Seller for quicker shipping (also, even if they're probably a scalper, their username had "OSU Buckeye" in it. Yes, I'm aware that it's a stupid reason to choose one seller over another).

I think, after this latest spending spree, I'll hold off on buying Amiibo for more than the retail price until I get more money.

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Cheapest I see is actually $26 with free shipping, but these would take ages to arrive. But yeah, the one with Prime got a price increase. I must've gotten lucky. Man, sorry... :(

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Cheapest I see is actually $26 with free shipping, but these would take ages to arrive. But yeah, the one with Prime got a price increase. I must've gotten lucky. Man, sorry... :(

Yeah, those free shipping ones weren't there when I bought mine. Or maybe I was looking at the wrong entry for Lucario, since the exclusives aren't all consolidated in one place like most Amiibo are. I probably should have done a search for "Lucario Amiibo" rather than just clicking on the one in my recommended section and assuming it listed all the Lucarios that were available.

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I got to say the quality on Ike is certainly good I'm surprised the amount of detail they were able to get on him. The cape even has all the markings on it from the game and the sword is done pretty meticulously for such a small figure.

I like the emblem markings on the back of both his and Marth's' cape.

I guess so! My hope goes all to Ness, Lucina, and Robin! That'll be quite a bit of money (seeing as I have no primary way of earning money XD), but I'll just have to do some extra chores to make up that lost money.

I was debating whether I should get Diddy Kong, but after seeing him everywhere, I've just decided to let him go. He looks really common (at least in my area).


Nobody wants him is why.

I don't work Friday morning, so I wonder when I should go to Wal-Mart if I want a chance at getting Gold Mario. Being open 24 hours makes it hard to tell (I could just go at midnight and camp out for the night, but I don't know if Wal-Mart kicks you out if you loiter around their store for 4-8 hours (and, even if they don't, the wait would get pretty boring pretty fast).

Definitely should've preordered, but I had just paid my rent and didn't have the spare money during the brief window when Gold Mario preorders were open, and with all the cancellations I'm not sure if preordering would've helped.


They're selling these at Mid-Night for those that are open 24hrs and to the opening time to those that aren't 24/7.

I think the Mario Series Amiibo will become the standard for Mario characters, and not just for Mario Party. Also, some of them look way better than their Smash counterparts due to not having to stick to the Smash artwork for their design (Luigi, for example, has one of the dumbest poses of any Smash Amiibo I've seen, but his Mario Series Amiibo looks great). Also, if more of Nintendo's series get their own Amiibo lines (which probably will happen at some point), I forsee their Smash Amiibo getting phased out (so no more pee-stand Links if a Zelda Series line of Amiibo comes out, for example).

This comment speaks to why that there are alot of his Smash amiibos and that why I'm only getting his Mario Party version one.


I'd be to Walmart 3-6 hrs before opening time. It'd be your best bet at getting one. It'll be a tad more difficult though since they're allowing to 2 per customer. Being there 5-6hrs before opening time is what I'll do!

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Wow! $28? Thanks for sharing with us! That's so incredibly awesome! I just can't explain how much I care right now!

And thanks for reminding me! I forgot about how much you paid when you posted just about 30 minutes prior! Yep!

.......was that necessary?

Hey guys, is Rosalina getting an amiibo in the Mario line? I thought i remembered hearing about that. Cuz if she does, ill likely get that one because Rosie too hard to find otherwise. Mario line might be more common and accessible.

Hey Ana, congrats on nabbing a decently priced Lucario.

Ive kinda stepped back from Amiibo Hell lately. Too much other stuff coming up.

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.......was that necessary?

Hey guys, is Rosalina getting an amiibo in the Mario line? I thought i remembered hearing about that. Cuz if she does, ill likely get that one because Rosie too hard to find otherwise. Mario line might be more common and accessible.

Hey Ana, congrats on nabbing a decently priced Lucario.

Ive kinda stepped back from Amiibo Hell lately. Too much other stuff coming up.

Yes Rosalina has an amiibo in the Mario line its just without the Luma.

I've stepped out too saving for when wave 4 hits specifically Lucina, Robin, and Ness. Maybe Pac-Man.

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Well, the Mario Bros. Rosalina hasn't been officially announced yet, but a Rosalina Amiibo did show up very briefly in footage of Mario Party 10. Donkey Kong and I think someone else I'm forgetting did as well. It's widely believed that they're going to be in the next Mario Series wave.

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Shes coming out for sure. Don't know if it will be with the rest of the line though.


I'm going to guess that Wave 2 of the Mario Series will likely be Rosalina, Donkey Kong, Wario, Toadette, Daisy, and Waluigi (I highly doubt there will be fewer than six in a single wave, and those are apparently the only remaining Mario Party playable characters). Now we just have to wait for the official announcement.

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Shes coming out for sure. Don't know if it will be with the rest of the line though.


Cool! Thanks taco mate!

I'm going to guess that Wave 2 of the Mario Series will likely be Rosalina, Donkey Kong, Wario, Toadette, Daisy, and Waluigi (I highly doubt there will be fewer than six in a single wave, and those are apparently the only remaining Mario Party playable characters). Now we just have to wait for the official announcement.

B R U H. Daisy and Waluigi?

<heavy breathing> If those two get an amiibo, i need it.

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Wario, Donkey Kong and Rosalina are the only things I'm expecting from a Mario Bros. line.

Daisy, Waluigi, Spike and Toadette aren't usable in the Amiibo mode, while the above three are. I guess patches can be a thing though.

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Wario, Donkey Kong and Rosalina are the only things I'm expecting from a Mario Bros. line.

Daisy, Waluigi, Spike and Toadette aren't usable in the Amiibo mode, while the above three are. I guess patches can be a thing though.

Patches are definitely possible. It could be that they had those three functional from the get-go because Rosalina and Donkey Kong already have Smash Amiibo that can be used and Wario's Smash Amiibo is coming out in about a month (release dates confirmed everywhere except North America), while Wave 2 of Mario Amiibo might not be coming until June-July at the earliest.

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.......was that necessary?

Hey Ana, congrats on nabbing a decently priced Lucario.

Thanks! ^^

And Carter edited her post, I see... Yeah, I agree, not necessary. :/ The only reason I repeated my post wasn't even for her, it was for Steve, I as I thought he had missed it when I posted it initially. Confusion happens.

I'm surprised to see this kind of thing from her though, she's always been so nice and kind to me before.

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I'm surprised to see this kind of thing from her though, she's always been so nice and kind to me before.

Hehe! Nothing has changed, I just felt a good laugh for myself! Sorry if it came off rude, though.

@loki that was COMPLETELY necessary

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Don't worry, it didn't really bother me. :P

SMB Luigi Amiibo tomorrow. :D Gold Mario too, for those picking him up right at Walmart. Gimme my shipping confirmation alreadyyy!

I'll also pick up a Toad if I see him on the shelf, as well as Mario Party 10. Gonna hold off on Codename Steam until I get my Ike and a New 3DS.

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This is about two months old but it is an interesting video on discussing why certain amiibos are so hard to find and why so little supplies for specific characters. So this CPSIA list from the official website gives you a general good idea of how common they are going to be when they are released. As you can see the more months of certification that means more supplies of amiibos for those characters are going to be made. For example, if you look at Zelda's dates, she has had 5 months of manufacture which is why she is so common. Now compare that to Captain Falcon and Shulk who only had 1 or 2 months of manufacturing dates.



Captain Falcon


And of course his analysis for wave 4

From what we can see so far for wave 4, Robin, Lucina, Wario, and Pac Man has had 2 months of manufacturing and certification. Whereas so far, Ness and Charizard only had 1 month.



It maybe something you have to consider in the long run when you buy the next wave. The list from Nintendo's website also updates frequently so be aware of that. We can only conclude Ness and Charizard maybe the rarer ones compared to the other 4 characters. But you never know so it's something to consider.

Edited by kingddd
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Huh. So Charizard, which the subreddit thinks will be one of the common ones, might end up being one of the Unicorns of Wave 4? I know it isn't clear-cut (for instance, the normal Mario Series Mario only has one month, less than even his own presumably ultra-rare gold version, but I would honestly be surprised if he didn't become one of the most common Amiibo around), but that is an interesting tidbit.

On one hand, this revelation about Wave 4 kinda sucks since Ness and Charizard were two of the ones I really wanted (though I kinda knew Ness would be one of the Unicorns of the next wave, given how rabid the hardcore Earthbound fanbase is about any time something from their favorite game goes on sale. I mean, I remember hearing about someone paying a shit-ton of money for the cardboard insert used to hold the cartridge in place from inside an Earthbound box. I could totally see some Earthbound fans buying up more than ten Ness Amiibo, not to sell for a profit, but simply so that they can own that many Ness Amiibo. It will be hard to win an auction against them, and scalpers will probably realize how devoted these people are and adjust their prices accordingly. Unless Nintendo decides to go against their current habits and keep making more of him and keep him in stock, I foresee Ness becoming THE most expensive Amiibo of the Smash series). On the other hand, Lucina is one of my "big four" (the four Amiibo I would want to have even if I wasn't trying to get them all), the other three being Bowser, Shulk, and Duck Hunt, so hearing that she might not be ultra-rare like previous Fire Emblem Amiibo makes me hopeful.

Edit: Another thing about that "months of manufacturing" thing is that, looking at Wave 2, Captain Falcon got just as many months of manufacturing as Luigi and Diddy Kong, and yet he's really rare while they're both pretty common (not to mention the two members of Wave 1's "Holy Trinity", Marth and Wii Fit Trainer, who also got two months of manufacturing). It could be that the common ones got two FULL months while the rares got a week or two in one month and another week or two in the next, but still this shows that "two months of production" can mean pretty much anything. If the certificates for any of the Wave 4 Amiibo get updated with a third month of production before they're released, then I think we can safely assume those ones will be really common. For those that aren't, I'd still preorder (if that ever becomes possible) just to be safe.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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I hear you, Steve. Similarly, Robin is one of my "big five." Those being Luigi, Ike, Toon Link, Rosalina, and Robin. Originally, I only wanted those five. lol Now I have twice that many Amiibos and still want more from the Smash series alone. XD

How many others here ended up getting more Amiibos than they originally planned? I for one am glad I did, I love these figures so much! Yay for an awesome Nintendo decision! :D GO GO AMIIBO!

Edited by Anacybele
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Edit: Another thing about that "months of manufacturing" thing is that, looking at Wave 2, Captain Falcon got just as many months of manufacturing as Luigi and Diddy Kong, and yet he's really rare while they're both pretty common (not to mention the two members of Wave 1's "Holy Trinity", Marth and Wii Fit Trainer, who also got two months of manufacturing). It could be that the common ones got two FULL months while the rares got a week or two in one month and another week or two in the next, but still this shows that "two months of production" can mean pretty much anything. If the certificates for any of the Wave 4 Amiibo get updated with a third month of production before they're released, then I think we can safely assume those ones will be really common. For those that aren't, I'd still preorder (if that ever becomes possible) just to be safe.

It definitely is not concrete with how much they are making but it does tell you much they are prioritizing the production of the characters and that definitely plays a huge factor in if we ever get a restock or not. So it gives at least some good signs on wave 4 but at the same time, a lot of worry if they did make enough.

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I bet the character design plays a factor too. I mean, Ike has to take longer to make than, say, Pikachu or Kirby. :P

And then AGAIN, Villager is the rarest of all amiibo.

I stand by my theory that some amiibo are rare because Nintendo decides they will be.

Edited by Jave
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