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It's Amiibo time


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That's just an average (If one store got 3 robins and another got 4, that would average out to 3.5 a store).

Has anyone here been successful at getting Marth from Amazon? He appeared twice within the last hour (missed him both times...).

Oh, well, it's still a ridiculously small number. Glad I got a preorder for Robin, the only one out of wave 4 that I really really wanted, but I feel bad for anyone that's going to miss them completely.

And no, I keep refreshing and refreshing, but every time I see that $12.99 and click add to cart or 1-click, it says it's unavailable. Or, the first few times it was up, I got it in my cart, but it said unavailable when I clicked place order. It's bugged or something right now. -_-

It also doesn't help that my internet gets slow and laggy after awhile and I have to restart my browser to get it back to normal speed. And I have to walk away to eat and use the bathroom.

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Because people are spamming F5 and BuyItNow, what happens is that by the time the loading code occurs that would add it to your account/cart, it's already been purchased by one of the hundreds of people trying to get it right now using the 1-Click Buy function

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Yeah, I have my page monitor set to check every 5 seconds (I have one click purchase set up as well), and I still can't get it.

Thank goodness I've already got Ike. Hopefully I'll be able to get Robin and Lucina on May 29th (missed online pre-orders).

Oh, and welcome back SilverP~

Thanks. :)

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I don't even have my Ike. He was delayed. I should be getting him with my Robin at the end of the month though. Robin will be mailed from Best Buy, I have to go to GameStop to pick up the Ike I preordered on Dec. 8th. Yeah, Dec. 8th. *sniff*

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That's BS, you can't have decimal amounts of Amiibo, that makes no sense. Also, those are insanely low quantities for all of those, even Jigglypuff. Why would Target order so little?

Having More Pac-Man than many of the others makes no sense to me either. Yes, he's very-well known overall, but only with older audiences. Amiibo are geared towards kids, who likely won't recognize him well because he's from long before their time. I myself didn't even know he existed until a few years ago.

Pac-Man has been appearing constantly in video games on every generation and recently had a cartoon made for Disney. He's a cultural icon.

If you didn't know until recently who Pac-Man was... well, I REALLY don't know what to tell you. Even my co-workers who won't get near a video game know who Pac-Man is.

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I know about the recent cartoon and will admit that I forgot about it. But he looks different there. Kids will be confused about his appearance as an Amiibo and might not be as interested as they would be if Smash Pac-Man took the design from the cartoon. I know I would've been confused.

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I finally managed to get my hands on a Fire Emblem Amiibo.

I have a Lucina on its way from Japan, it was cheaper then Ike sadly or I'd have gotten him.

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I know about the recent cartoon and will admit that I forgot about it. But he looks different there. Kids will be confused about his appearance as an Amiibo and might not be as interested as they would be if Smash Pac-Man took the design from the cartoon. I know I would've been confused.

It's not the eyes. It's the form, color and shape. Just like Mario, Link, Mega Man and Sonic; all of which look very different depending on what game you're looking at, but they still have the iconic look.

Same with Pac-Man. He's always been a simple, yellow round shape with a big mouth. Kids know who Pac-Man is.

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I know about the recent cartoon and will admit that I forgot about it. But he looks different there. Kids will be confused about his appearance as an Amiibo and might not be as interested as they would be if Smash Pac-Man took the design from the cartoon. I know I would've been confused.

Kids at local schools in my area do fundraisers and I remember going to support a game with a friend's nephew and buying "Pac-Man Cookies" (fortune cookies) for a quarter. While the lore probably isn't well known, the idea behind Pac-Man in general is probably well known enough.


Congrats Jedi, about time you stuck gold!

Edited by Sara.
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Well, okay, if you guys say so.

No luck on Marth here yet... But he has reappeared in Walmart's database, so any day now, we should be seeing him go live there and perhaps in other retailers.

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Just gonna throw this out there. Marth's all over the interweb now, but only purchasable at Amazon.com, intermittently at best.

Best Buy Marth (Not currently available but was removed from online and is now back)

Wal-Mart Marth (Not currently available)

Amazon Marth (good luck they put up like 2 at a time, per hour at some random minute interval idfk. If you don't see the $12.99 one, just F5 until your next birthday)

Target leak confirms Marth coming

EBGames Australia has re-added Marth after pulling him, and Gamestop Marth is right here and was readded a few weeks ago, though never selling anything yet. It's promising.

Toys 'R Us has nothing yet out about Marth

These are the 6 licensed vendors for Marth, and pretty much all Amiibo, through the US anyway. Nintendo World Store in NYC is a wildcard and for me, being in Texas, impossible to keep up with.

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I've now resorted to an auto-refresher that's refreshing amazon every 10 seconds, and I still missed Marth :facepalm: I'm used to missing out on things as I've been collecting stuff since I was like, 3 but this is painful

EDIT: They seem to be on back-order on Amazon, which means it's going to be pretty much impossible to get one right now but I'm still looking

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Welp, better pull up NowInStock.net, if it's actually going to be reliable. Never notified me of Amazon Marth, but that could just be because he's flickering so damned fast on there that the site simply can't pick it up.

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Well that's a stupid way to handle preorders. No wonder people were pissed off at GameStop.

That many had to walk away empty handed after waiting in line for a long time because their system couldn't take any pre-orders, period! Lead to alot of upset fans which hoping that Nintendo fixes this as soon as possible.

That's BS, you can't have decimal amounts of Amiibo, that makes no sense. Also, those are insanely low quantities for all of those, even Jigglypuff. Why would Target order so little?

Having More Pac-Man than many of the others makes no sense to me either. Yes, he's very-well known overall, but only with older audiences. Amiibo are geared towards kids, who likely won't recognize him well because he's from long before their time. I myself didn't even know he existed until a few years ago.

He will be more known now thanks to new games that the Wii-U has of him.

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Yeah, but a lot of fans are upset NOW.

But I finally landed a Marth on Amazon! WOOHOO! I was charged for shipping at first despite having Prime, but I contacted Amazon and they changed it to free Prime shipping right away.

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Yeah, but a lot of fans are upset NOW.

But I finally landed a Marth on Amazon! WOOHOO! I was charged for shipping at first despite having Prime, but I contacted Amazon and they changed it to free Prime shipping right away.

Please don't give up and keep trying and I'll reimburse you in full within one minute if you manage to land one for me :)

That's awesome Ana! It'll be a better quality than the old ones too so you'll be happy I'm sure!

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I love those Target restock numbers especially in tandem with Nintendo's apology.

I knew it was too good to be true.

And if it's not bad enough, North American shipments make up two-thirds of the global amiibo production. If you add Canada's (currently unknown) total of Jigglypuffs to the US's Jigglypuffs and divide by two, that's how many amiibos the rest of the world has to split!, approximately.

Sure makes me glad that the Super Mario amiibos are the only ones I have any desire to get. I can find those anywhere here in Canada.

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Please don't give up and keep trying and I'll reimburse you in full within one minute if you manage to land one for me :)

That's awesome Ana! It'll be a better quality than the old ones too so you'll be happy I'm sure!


Yeah, hopefully it will! A lot of those first round Marths were so hilarious-looking. XD

People have also started reporting their GameStop Ikes being charged/processed, so this hopefully means that those who preordered to pick up in-store won't have much longer to wait either! :D

Stick: You can't expect Nintendo to be able to fix the situation within a few days, you know. Things like these take time. These low quantities suck, but it's what we'll have to deal with for the time being. Nintendo isn't one to make huge empty promises like this either.

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Honestly, I think you're giving Nintendo a bit too much of a break. It's been nearly six months since Amiibo first launched and Nintendo is just now even acknowledging that there is a problem. The people aren't upset at Nintendo for not fixing the problem in the few days since they admitted it exists, they're upset that it hasn't been fixed in the six months since it has existed. I was willing to give them a break a few months ago due to how long the corporate process they'd have to go through to ramp up production would take, but it's been nearly half a year now. There's no excuse for these shortages to continue.

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I'm not expecting them to fix it Ana. I never expected them to fix it.

I firmly believe that their apology was an attempt to get positive public relations when in actuality, the apology is absolutely empty.

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I'm not expecting them to fix it Ana. I never expected them to fix it.

I firmly believe that their apology was an attempt to get positive public relations when in actuality, the apology is absolutely empty.

So you think they just blatantly lied to shut us up? That's just sick. You should go away then, if you hate Nintendo so much.

Honestly, I think you're giving Nintendo a bit too much of a break. It's been nearly six months since Amiibo first launched and Nintendo is just now even acknowledging that there is a problem. The people aren't upset at Nintendo for not fixing the problem in the few days since they admitted it exists, they're upset that it hasn't been fixed in the six months since it has existed. I was willing to give them a break a few months ago due to how long the corporate process they'd have to go through to ramp up production would take, but it's been nearly half a year now. There's no excuse for these shortages to continue.

And I don't expect even six months to be enough time either. Amiibo are in such high demand that it could take the rest of the year for the shortages to stop. I honestly wouldn't be surprised.

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I don't think Nintendo is going to do anything drastic about the shortages. They might do an occasional second run of an especially rare and popular figure like Marth that they're sure will sell well. However, as it stands, the amiibos are practically selling themselves due to their rarity. Constant articles about amiibo scarcity result in more free marketing than Nintendo could ever dream of, and impulse purchases due to figure rarity basically guarantees Nintendo will sell every non-Mario figure they make. Heck, the entirety of Wave 4 sold out within minutes because people were practically eating each other to make sure they got all the the figures that might be hard to find later (i.e. all of them). And scalpers will gladly scoop up the rest. Also, Nintendo has said before that they think battling to get a rare figure is part of amiibo's charm. Nintendo has a long, long track record of underproducing high-demand products. They never really correct it, so it must work for them.

I'm not holding my breath for more amiibos.

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The thing is, artificially creating demand for products is a smart business move, even though it's really scummy. By producing less amiibos than people want, they ensure that all of their amiibos sell. This in turn means that they are making a profit (not their maximum profit, but a profit nonetheless) because every amiibo is selling. Those Mario amiibos sitting on the shelves in Gamestop don't make Nintendo any money (profit) by sitting their. Underproducing avoids this. This is why I'm convinced they don't want to fix the shortages, in addition to what Ragnell said above. At the end of the day, Nintendo is a corporation and corporations want profits.

Also for the record, I can love Nintendo for their stuff (their games and consoles are my largest expense, and I'm paying for a university education) while simultaneously hating their business practices. But if you want to continue this conversation, PM me as this thread isn't the place for it.

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