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It's Amiibo time


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they getting their entire amiibo stock a day or so before they're supposed to go up? That wouldn't be enough time to process all the orders and ship them out to everyone who ordered them, which is why they'd be shipped on the launch date. That said, I'm on the edge of my seat for that email regardless because I'm afraid for my Lucina and Inkling girl ;_;

Heh, looks like I was wrong. I just got an email saying my Lucina amiibo shipped. No email about the Inkling girl though, that has me a bit worried. I'll give it some time though, maybe they just processed them separately or something.

EDIT: I got my shipping email for the Inkling girl! :B):

Edited by Jotaro Kujo
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Waifu's on her wayfu!

Also, my 3-4-$10 Yoshi/Bowser/SMB-Bowser came in. I just ordered those holy beanpaste that was fast. BestBuy's on the ball.

Anybody else attempting to brave Amiibogeddon tomorrow? I'm hitting up Target with a few in mind and i'm feeling hopeful about SilverMario and if I'm lucky, maybe a Robin

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Fellow amiibros, I needs your help.

Rumor has it tht because tomorrow is the 29th, GameStops will likely have shipments of amiibo sent out on shelves.

I called my local GameStop, which they confirmed: but they CANNOT say which ones.

With embarrassment I asked my Grandfather who lives an hour away to check his GameStoo tomorrow, as I won't make it to the 10 a.m. (that's the opening time, right?) window.

I ask this: which amiibo should I ask him to look for?

P.S. The Ness I ordered at GameStop awhile back... it should be at my doorstep any day now, right?

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Oh yeah, my Robin was shipped earlier today too! :D

If Best Buy has really fast shipping like you say Sara, that's even better!

Silver, I'm really not sure. But not Jigglypuff since she's exclusive to Target. Or Greninja since he's exclusive to Toys R Us.

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Anybody else attempting to brave Amiibogeddon tomorrow? I'm hitting up Target with a few in mind and i'm feeling hopeful about SilverMario and if I'm lucky, maybe a Robin

I might go in the evening to see if anything survived. I'm not trying to get anything, just to look. And after this, we can finally get ready for Wave 5.

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I'm going to try to get Jigglypuff and Silver Mario from Target.

If I fail to get Silver Mario, I might try again at Best Buy or Gamestop because they open later.

Edit: Just checked Gamestop.com and my Wave 4 Order has shipped. That means that, if I can get Jigglypuff, I'll only have on Amiibo to get from each Smash wave (Marth, Pit, Meta Knight, and Greninja). Also, I heard a rumor that Best Buy might be getting a Meta Knight restock tomorrow. Anyone know if there's any truth to that?

Edit 2: Just called my Target and there's apparently a one-per-person (total, not one of each character) limit. I guess that means I'll have to go somewhere else if I want Silver Mario.

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I'll be checking Best Buy maybe Gamestop a little after they open since I'm on break and most people in my area are either in school or work I'm hoping maybe I'll find something. I already got Robin and Lucina so anything else is just icing on top. Although I'd really like to score a Meta Knight from Best Buy.

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I was actually looking on Robin today and I'm quite impressed with the detail on him. I think he might actually be the best most detailed one to date. All the buttons on his coat are there his belts to include the loops and even the lining on his coat and boots. Hell even the thunder tome has a thunder mark on it and the pages have tiny text and diagrams on the page. The face is really well done to not derpy at all and looks pretty identical to the game. Definite A+ in the quality department.

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My friend wants me to go amiibo hunting with him tomorrow. I said that I would because he's moving in two days but nine o' clock wakeup WHY

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My friend wants me to go amiibo hunting with him tomorrow. I said that I would because he's moving in two days but nine o' clock wakeup WHY

I don't know why but the first thing that came to mind when reading this for me was getting up early for deer hunting...

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My friend wants me to go amiibo hunting with him tomorrow. I said that I would because he's moving in two days but nine o' clock wakeup WHY

only 9 o clock? Try 4 am. People have been camping in my local area.

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Hunger Games Amiibo Edition

Damn Kingddd. You must be in a well populated area or at least one with alot of gamers if thats the case. Either that or I'm the only one hunting these things in my area...

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only 9 o clock? Try 4 am. People have been camping in my local area.

I was able to get my Rosalina just by getting there day one when the store opened. I wonder if I'll be able to get away with that again with Palutena and ZSS. What does everyone think? Is it necessary to go camp in front of the store?

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Hunger Games Amiibo Edition

Damn Kingddd. You must be in a well populated area or at least one with alot of gamers if thats the case. Either that or I'm the only one hunting these things in my area...

Well the vancouver area has a huge amount of gamers and has a huge fanbase for entertainment as a whole since we have a lot of animation and game studios here. We have a couple of huge fan conventions here and there. In my local store that I preordered my cancelled amiibo, they had about 91 orders of amiibo preorders before they had to cancel about 71 of them

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I was able to get my Rosalina just by getting there day one when the store opened. I wonder if I'll be able to get away with that again with Palutena and ZSS. What does everyone think? Is it necessary to go camp in front of the store?

For those two? Yes. Would I do it? No. I do want to try to score a Palutena eventually but I've kinda learned my lesson to be patient with these things. Even online the craze period between preorder and release is when they are scalped and then they gradually comed down again after resellers post it online for anywhere around $25-$45 (the upper being ridiculous) before they go up again after like a month to $60-$70 (see Little Mac/Villager). Man I've been doing this too long...

Well the vancouver area has a huge amount of gamers and has a huge fanbase for entertainment as a whole since we have a lot of animation and game studios here. We have a couple of huge fan conventions here and there. In my local store that I preordered my cancelled amiibo, they had about 91 orders of amiibo preorders before they had to cancel about 71 of them

Wow I guess that would do it. That's pretty awesome though I bet there are alot of traders and events in your area. Even though everyone wants the same stuff leading to supply problems its gotta be cool being around all of that.

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Wow I guess that would do it. That's pretty awesome though I bet there are alot of traders and events in your area. Even though everyone wants the same stuff leading to supply problems its gotta be cool being around all of that.

most of the traders are people selling their gold Marios because no one in my local area wants them. We just want our smash amiibos. It's been dropped down in price a lot now. Almost in the 20 to 35 dollar CDN range.

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most of the traders are people selling their gold Marios because no one in my local area wants them. We just want our smash amiibos. It's been dropped down in price a lot now. Almost in the 20 to 35 dollar CDN range.

The Gold Mario? Well I'll be damned. In the US they are going from anywhere between $40-$50. I myself am only interested in the Smash Amiibos since they resemble the trophies in the game. Thats actually kinda why I got stands for them to make it look like the trophy boxes in the game. I might consider that as a future project and paint my wooden one red and try getting a glass casing over it.

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The Gold Mario? Well I'll be damned. In the US they are going from anywhere between $40-$50. I myself am only interested in the Smash Amiibos since they resemble the trophies in the game. Thats actually kinda why I got stands for them to make it look like the trophy boxes in the game. I might consider that as a future project and paint my wooden one red and try getting a glass casing over it.

yeah honeslty the Mario amiibos are now on every shelf in all the stores I've been to now. I haven't seen many smash bros amiibos at all anymore with the exception of Mario characters. The supplies are really bad for the smash bros community here. Like Ness NA preorders are selling for 45 to 50 bucks at most right now and people are trying to offer 35 dollars for Lucina and Robin. I'm still having no luck or no offers for my used Lucina amiibo though.

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yeah honeslty the Mario amiibos are now on every shelf in all the stores I've been to now. I haven't seen many smash bros amiibos at all anymore with the exception of Mario characters. The supplies are really bad for the smash bros community here. Like Ness NA preorders are selling for 45 to 50 bucks at most right now and people are trying to offer 35 dollars for Lucina and Robin. I'm still having no luck or no offers for my used Lucina amiibo though.

Yeah that is actually the same case in my area as of late. There are literally no Smash amiibo anywhere just Super Mario ones which is odd because while the more uncommons were hard to find in stores there were Links, Zeldas, Pikas, Kirby, Diddys etc but suddenly they were just gone. I figured that they were just clearing shelf space for wave 4 which is partly why I'm curious and I'll be going in to look tommarrow.

As for selling used amiibos yeah it can be tough anywhere since alot of collectors like to have the box. You could try craigslist maybe even try to arrange a trade. Personally though I prefer them without it and being able to see the trophy base and all and boxes take up alot of room (as cool as they do look). It sucks that you said earlier that Canada has strange import/export laws because many of the Smash ones that were once rare have come down in price here in the US. Mostly talking about Marth and WFT but even the commons have remained at retail price on places like Amazon.

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only 9 o clock? Try 4 am. People have been camping in my local area.

I go to bed at like 4 am. Wait, no, I go to bed at like 5 am. Which means I usually don't wake up until noon. Usually 1 pm.

Either way, gonna go amiibo hunting tomorrow because my friend sold his car and doesn't have a ride and I am the only insane person to drive him. Whee.

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