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It's Amiibo time


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My small collection so far. Hoping to add Marth and Toon Link in the coming weeks! (Along with Ganondorf when he comes out)


Edited by Bullwine85
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Toon Link shouldn't cost you much. He can't really be found in stores anymore as far as I've seen, but he's not pricey online.

Also, does Hastings ship really slow or something? My Silver Mario hasn't shipped...

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Toon Link shouldn't cost you much. He can't really be found in stores anymore as far as I've seen, but he's not pricey online.

Also, does Hastings ship really slow or something? My Silver Mario hasn't shipped...

They ship kinda slowly.

Ana I'm on my way out the door, I called BestBuy (they opened at 9 instead of 10 i derped) and have 9 in stock at the moment

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They ship kinda slowly.

Ana I'm on my way out the door, I called BestBuy (they opened at 9 instead of 10 i derped) and have 9 in stock at the moment

Alright, and unfortunately, it looks like my Best Buy won't be part of the restock. I called again and the lady said they don't have any and won't be getting any anytime soon. Sigh...

So I've got cash, I'll send you in an envelope whatever you need for shipping in addition to the $12.99. Thanks for helping me, Sara, I won't get a Meta Knight cheap any other way, I bet. Why can't EVERY Best Buy get some, Nintendo? :(

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No worries! I'd rather help SF goers out however I can and this is a small way I can do it! My store got 18...I bought 3 just now (one for you and two for trades for Marths in my area) and they still have 12 left...

Lemme calc out shipping but I'd say as a guesstimate that $18 should cover MK plus shipping (assuming $5 shipping as that's the rate I paid to ship a small box to Maryland a few weeks ago)

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That's awesome! ^^

And alrighty, I can do that. I don't think I can give you the exact amount since I mostly have fives and tens and twenties on me, but I can certainly give you at least $18.

And if my Exchange gets rares again (ones I don't want anyway), I'll be sure to do the same as you, because not everybody can shop here and since we get our shipments late or something for some reason, the stock is put on the shelves typically a few weeks after the initial release when you can't find these figures anywhere else. We got three Toads last week for instance, already gone.

With luck, I might make some Robin, Marth, and Lucina hunters here happy!

Edited by Anacybele
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On Monday, I'll figure everything out with exact postage and whatnot but it shouldn't be much different than that. I'll stick $2 in the box if you wanna just throw a 20 in an envelope and call it a day

At this moment I'm only missing 3 amiibo (since I just trades a Lucina for a Pit on AmiiboSwap) but I enjoy getting my hands on FE amiibo specifically for sharing here. I plan to do more SF giveaways so its just a matter of laying my hands on them. I'd rather pay a few extra $ to ensure that SF gets them than other ppl, ya know?

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Hardly anyone can get it, its by far the rarest amiibo of this wave. Most gamestops were lucky to get even 4.

I got one after a 90minute wait on ness preorder release day.

Your best bet is to shell out an extra $10 and import Ness from Japan/Europe

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Edit for slightly relevant. I'm an American boxed collected, and I'm missing WFT/Villager/Pit/LittleMac (and SMB!Mario/Luigi/Peach). Well I found someone willing to trade me a Pit for Lucina, which I'm taking the offer up on.

I also found someone willing to trade their Mac for Robin, but the Mac is slightly damaged. It's the best offer I've seen (as the other offers I've had hit me are My Robin+Lucina <-> Mac

I've also got a trade for a Meta Knight <-> Marth (possibly two of these trades coming in) and my local best buy was kind enough to supply me with three today, so I'll be making quite a few ppl happy I hope.

I'm planning on making the trade, since one-for-ones are pretty much my entire hope. What are your guys's thoughts on Robin<->Mac, given his box bend? I don't think it's that bad since it's at the seam, but it's still bent



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Ohhh, that's a tough call. Honestly, the box doesn't look that bad. But personally, that would drive me nuts if I was collecting NIB. Also, was that an NA Pit you traded for Lucina? I'll have a Jap Pit soon, and I'm wondering what I could trade for him.

Nice collection Jave~ Do you set them up in any particular order?

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Ya the pit will be NA.

I ended up ordering a JP Mac and JP Falcon for kinda trade fodder, I hope between those two, a spare random Charizard I got from Game.co.UK and maybe an Ike, I can net the two I'm missing and/or trade the bentbox Mac for a Mintbox Mac. Reddit is pretty cool with damaged box traders since some just want their macs to open and will trade their new ones for a damaged box since the Mac itself is handsome as heck

Japanese Pits are going well for Robins/Lucinas here in the states. At the moment its FE for FE with wildcards of Pit and stores exclusives like MK and Rosalina

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On Monday, I'll figure everything out with exact postage and whatnot but it shouldn't be much different than that. I'll stick $2 in the box if you wanna just throw a 20 in an envelope and call it a day

At this moment I'm only missing 3 amiibo (since I just trades a Lucina for a Pit on AmiiboSwap) but I enjoy getting my hands on FE amiibo specifically for sharing here. I plan to do more SF giveaways so its just a matter of laying my hands on them. I'd rather pay a few extra $ to ensure that SF gets them than other ppl, ya know?

Alrighty, sounds good to me! I'll put a twenty in the envelope and it's done. :)

And it's cool that you enjoy that! It really is. ^^

Sorry for the late-ish reply though, we're starting a garage sale here and I have some stuff to sell. :P

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Hardly anyone can get it, its by far the rarest amiibo of this wave. Most gamestops were lucky to get even 4.

I got one after a 90minute wait on ness preorder release day.

Your best bet is to shell out an extra $10 and import Ness from Japan/Europe

I guess I'll go cry now.
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Nice collection Jave~ Do you set them up in any particular order?

I keep them on my closet most of the time. I just set them up for the photo. The tallest are in the back for better viewing.

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Jave, your favorite FE game is RD and you don't have an Ike Amiibo? D: I guess you either don't like him or just haven't been able to get him. Oh well...

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Jave, your favorite FE game is RD and you don't have an Ike Amiibo? D: I guess you either don't like him or just haven't been able to get him. Oh well...

I like FE10 for many reasons. Ike is not one of them.

But I do eventually plan on getting Ike since I want to complete the Smash line. The reality of the situation is that I can't preorder every amiibo every time there's a new wave (because MONEY) and I give priority to characters I love best. Also I refuse to pay scalper prices for amiibo. My entire collection is purchased at market prices (plus shipping if it applies) and I'm willing to pay up to $20 for an amiibo (since that's the Chilean market price), but Ike has some of the most ridiculous scalper prices, and no amiibo is worth that.

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Ike's here go for about 30-35.

Its Mac and Villager that should drive you nuts. NA go for 60 minimum.

Japanese/European imports for almost everyone can be acquired for about 20-25+shipping (unless u get free shipping)

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Ah, I see. I'm always sad to hear people say they don't like Ike, but that's reality for you...

And yeah, I understand not wanting to pay scalper prices. I wanted Rosalina that bad though, so I shelled out $38 for her... But she's the only one I've paid over $30 for. WFT and Lucario were bought for that price or less. And the rest of mine were bought at retail price.

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My only scalped were Rosalina and my first Ike, which I gave away. Everything else has been msrp or msrp+shipping, or 1for1 trading. It's been a hassle though...

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Nice collection Jave. I by happen stance got Pac Man and Charizard by walking into the store. Glad I imported Lucina and Robin though because I had a snowballs chance in hell of finding them around here.

Updated Collection

Running out of room on the stands


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