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It's Amiibo time


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That's so awful! Why would someone do something like that? I mean, I get the money part, but why the need to deprive fans of amiibo? That's so messed up :(

I've already let Marth go, and now Ike and Rosalina are out of pre-orders too. I've likely missed my chance with Pit, I got lucky with Captain Falcon. But I'm not gonna go without a ZSS amiibo. I want her amiibo figure so bad, and I will not let that guy pre-order hundreds before I can!

I hope GameStop will install a feature where you'll be notified to pre-order. When the ZSS amiibo is announced, I'll hop right to it. I'm not gonna miss my chance!

Carter isn't going to like this either because she wants ZSS and Rosalina. So I'm saying this for her and myself. THIS GUY IS AN ASS.

It sucks so much :(

I just can't believe someone would actually do something like that! I'm still in awe, and it's likely we (as Rosalina fans) won't have another chance to see her again, at least for a long time. But hopefully when I go to my local Target, they'll have some. We can only hope for now!

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I really feel bad for that guy. I can't bother myself with watching the video, but from reading some of his words, it seems like he let some pretty petty bitterness get the best of him.

Though it does makes me wonder how much scalping amiibo affects the supply.

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You got Ike already? How did you get him so early? Is set 3 out in Japan?

He has some serious issues

Tell me about it! This guy should go to hell. I'm just glad he didn't go after Ike, or I'd be even more mad. I already pre-ordered him, but I'd be REALLY sore if someone was depriving Ike fans of his figures.

Edited by Anacybele
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>Robin, Lucina, and Zero Suit Samus


One of these things is not like the others. I wonder if the guy knows (or cares) that Robin amiibo will most likely be male only.

Also, Ana, please do not tell this guy to go to hell just because he's buying out a crapload of amiibos people want. It's jerkish, yes, but definitely not deserving of hell.

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Wow, talk about immature, spiteful, and excessive, not to mention a really big waste of money spending it all for vengeful purposes (and it'd sent Nintendo the exact opposite message in the end, so that's really dumb to do that). That guy should honestly use that money for therapy and counselling more than anything. And I mean that in the most serious and caring way. There's no way a guy with that much inconsiderateness and lack of logic can possibly lead a normal and healthy life.

Does anyone happen to know which wave 1 and 2 amiibo he's done this for?
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Also, Ana, please do not tell this guy to go to hell just because he's buying out a crapload of amiibos people want. It's jerkish, yes, but definitely not deserving of hell.

Uh, I didn't say anything about actually going to him and saying that... I don't even know how/where to find him. And he said himself that he doesn't want fans of these characters to be happy AND he made a video of himself putting the middle finger on a bunch of figures, so he might as well tell us to go to hell too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Tell me about it! This guy should go to hell. I'm just glad he didn't go after Ike, or I'd be even more mad. I already pre-ordered him, but I'd be REALLY sore if someone was depriving Ike fans of his figures.

Please, do NOT say this in context of something as minor as amiibos. You may think I'm making a big deal about it, but it really is indicative of a deeper underlying issue for people to be so comfortable saying stuff like that about minor things. Also, just because someone else tells you to go to hell, does not mean you say it back to them. Be the bigger person.

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Don't meet his anger with anger. He clearly intended to irritate people, don't give him that satisfaction.

Think about it. This guy thinks taking figures away from a market will fulfill some twisted desire of his. His goal is to deprive. Looks like he forgot that love makes the world go 'round. Our response should be one of understanding, not hatred.

Also, I agree with Sunwoo, saying someone should got to hell for any reason is very serious.

Edited by Gemma
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Well, no one else seems to be having a problem with my words except you, Sangyul. You've been very helpful in giving me advice, and I appreciate that, but I don't think you should be acting like my parent in a public thread. No offense. You're just making me feel like I'm being babied right now.

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My money's on this guy being a hoax anyway, if not, he's spending a whole lot on stuff he doesn't like. His mantle piece will be amazing. Ana, I'd be careful with what you say, you're going to get yourself into trouble.

I actually managed to pick up a decent looking Marth and Villager, although I'm parting with them pretty soon, they're for a friend.

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Well, no one else seems to be having a problem with my words except you, Sangyul. You've been very helpful in giving me advice, and I appreciate that, but I don't think you should be acting like my parent in a public thread. No offense. You're just making me feel like I'm being babied right now.

Not a fan of the word choice myself, but I don't think it's against ToS (you should double check this though), so it doesn't matter, I guess.

Edited by L95
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I could've gotten a better quality one, but yet again there are much worse out there. I'm still excited to open it up once I get home on the 17th regardless.

Also I am a person hello.

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Also, Ana, please do not tell this guy to go to hell just because he's buying out a crapload of amiibos people want. It's jerkish, yes, but definitely not deserving of hell.

She isn't just for that. Look at all the other stupid crap before.

He evened threatened to block and flag anyone who he though was rude to him at one point about 3 years ago

And also, those nails are kinda nasty Sophie. Cut them now.

Edited by Mastergabe2000
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This guy should go to hell.

Ironically enough, I've seen so many other people say this it's frightening.

And I doubt he's getting hounded for this. He's basically handing money over to Nintendo without realizing it (though there's a chance that they can get suspicious about it, considering how widespread it's become).

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And also, those nails are kinda nasty Sophie. Cut them now.

They aren't my nails, they're my mom's.

I wouldn't really worry about the guy right now, to be honest.

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Oh. Sorry I got confused.

Yeah, it's fine whatever. I'm kind of a giant bitch to you anyways so I probably deserved it, lol.

I should hopefully pick up Pit and Captain Falcon soon.

And I might be able to get a little mac for my birthday or around that time, so we shall see.

I will post VICTORY PICTURES if I manage to get the Pit and Falcon.

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I never called you that ore even implied that

You've just kinda gotta stop calling Shockmaster gay

I'm just joking around with that, I don't even mean it and he also knows it.

We're also getting very off topic with this.

I'm kind of curious about what's going to be in Wave 4.

I'm waiting eagerly for it's announcement.

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I don't even get by Mariotehplumber would do that with the Robin amiibo. I don't understand what he has against one of the best Nintendo game series.

I'm just joking around with that, I don't even mean it and he also knows it.

Thank you for clarifying. I just don't understand jokes that well

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No problem.

Also, I am like, the only person who had trouble finding a Yoshi amiibo?

It took me forever to find one.

Like none of the stores around here had any and I only found one very recently.

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