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Predictions for the next internet meme? RIP in peace, Shrek 2014.

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that said the harlem shake was responsible for the cringiest internet video ever - this guy just walked into like some high school canteen and put down the music and everyone ignored him and then he started screaming at people to do the harlem shake and they were like no and he bawled his eyes out and a guy told him he was insane and he said 'yeah i know'

i think we all know a guy like that tbh

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Shrek will always be awesome.

it is responsible for popularising a bad cover of Holding Out For A Hero so I'll always have a grudge against it

pretty solid couple of films though

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that said the harlem shake was responsible for the cringiest internet video ever - this guy just walked into like some high school canteen and put down the music and everyone ignored him and then he started screaming at people to do the harlem shake and they were like no and he bawled his eyes out and a guy told him he was insane and he said 'yeah i know'

i think we all know a guy like that tbh

link pls boss

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Waifu is a permanent meme and will never die out. It is an official term of the internet. In this thread we are talking about the major ones, the major ones that are so popular, that once it gets too big, it starts to collapse on itself and dies quickly.

Minor memes gain a good amount of popularity for a while and then calm down. After this slow hault it marks it place on the internet and becomes a permanent term or idea.

Major memes quickly reach enormous amounts popularity in a short amount of time. These memes usually have a lifespan of about one or three months. After it's death, it leaves little or no mark on it's environment.

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