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If Everyone Had Special Moves Like Palutena


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It's likely given more time and planning, the next installment will be giving us a lot more unique and creative special moves for our fighters that aren't limited to the preexisting base moves. So what alternate special moves would you like to see our character use?

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Luigi needs his Super Jump from Super Paper Mario. I don't know why it's an alt for Mario instead. xP

As for Ike, an actual shockwave for Ragnell as a standard B would be lovely.

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Ice and Wave beam variants for Samus b, along with Speed Booster and the multi-missile thing from Prime 2 for side b. Shinespark for up b, and maybe some sort of bomb combo attack that elevates Samus. Boost Ball (similar in function to Sonic's) for down b as well as X-Ray visor, you stand still and shoot a triangular beam out of the visor that has limited range but can be angled and does damage per second on foes (no stun) and if shown on a container it reveals it's contents.

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I'd like to see majoras mask Young Link come back, and have his Goron/Deku/Zora masks to totally change up his combat styles.

Everything Knight said

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Ice and Wave beam variants for Samus b, along with Speed Booster and the multi-missile thing from Prime 2 for side b. Shinespark for up b, and maybe some sort of bomb combo attack that elevates Samus. Boost Ball (similar in function to Sonic's) for down b as well as X-Ray visor, you stand still and shoot a triangular beam out of the visor that has limited range but can be angled and does damage per second on foes (no stun) and if shown on a container it reveals it's contents.

Yeah I was really disappointed Samus didn't get any of her own abilities for her alts. She has such a wide pool to draw from, they could have at least called her mega bomb a power bomb. Ice Missiles would have been a super easy and fitting one to do for a side special alt. I'd also love to see her get the Space Jump as a recovery too. Imagine working like it did in Other M, infinite horizontal movement but no vertical movement. I also think sense move could be a good counter for Samus or Zero Suit Samus and if health recovery specials become more standard, Concentration could make an interesting down special.

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Yeah I was really disappointed Samus didn't get any of her own abilities for her alts. She has such a wide pool to draw from, they could have at least called her mega bomb a power bomb. Ice Missiles would have been a super easy and fitting one to do for a side special alt. I'd also love to see her get the Space Jump as a recovery too. Imagine working like it did in Other M, infinite horizontal movement but no vertical movement. I also think sense move could be a good counter for Samus or Zero Suit Samus and if health recovery specials become more standard, Concentration could make an interesting down special.

Sense move could be interesting, I really like counters.

Something I thought of for the different beams, the Ice Beam charges faster, shoots slower, does less damage but freezes the enemy at full charge.

The Wave Beam shoots faster than the charge beam and can go through walls but is significantly weaker. A fully charged one acts like Robin's Thoron and goes through opponents as well.

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The Wave Beam shoots faster than the charge beam and can go through walls but is significantly weaker. A fully charged one acts like Robin's Thoron and goes through opponents as well.

Essentially the plasma beam, though.

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This may sound silly, but if every character got Palutena's treatment in regards to specials I'd give Shulk Monado Purge as a Side B option. (I'd make it more of an anti-projectile projectile, making it destroy other projectiles but it would only do 4-6% if it hits, and the projectile itself would be relatively slow). I'd do the same thing for Ike and give him a shock wave as a standard B option. (It'd have the same use as Monado Purge.)

Edited by Monado Boy
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This may sound silly, but if every character got Palutena's treatment in regards to specials I'd give Shulk Monado Purge as a Side B option. (I'd make it more of an anti-projectile projectile, making it destroy other projectiles but it would only do 4-6% if it hits, and the projectile itself would be relatively slow). I'd do the same thing for Ike and give him a shock wave as a standard B option. (It'd have the same use as Monado Purge.)

That doesn't sound silly at all. I'd love to see Shulk have Monado Hurricane as a recovery. Seeing Monado Buster represented in some kind of accurate way would be nice too.

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Monado Purge would be so goddamn broken though. The whole point of it would be to cancel a power up or immediately drop an opponent's shield. (pretty sure why we didnt get it to begin with, is because Purge would have been way OP.)

Ice beam on Samus would whomp.

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Monado Purge would be so goddamn broken though. The whole point of it would be to cancel a power up or immediately drop an opponent's shield. (pretty sure why we didnt get it to begin with, is because Purge would have been way OP.)

Ice beam on Samus would whomp.

Well it wouldn't have to be entirely accurate to Xenoblade, as Monado Buster definitely isn't. (It's more like Monado Enchant than anything) I think it could possibly work quite well as an anti-zoning tool. (or whatever you'd call something like that)

Edited by Monado Boy
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Essentially the plasma beam, though.

Wha? I'm pretty sure I described the wave beam, the plasma beam is stronger but doesn't go through things unless combined with the wave beam.

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Wha? I'm pretty sure I described the wave beam, the plasma beam is stronger but doesn't go through things unless combined with the wave beam.

What you described was a combination of both, which very often happens in the game due to beam stacking. The Wave Beam passes through platforms and walls while the Plasma Beam passes through enemies. Combine them both and you have a beam that passes through everything. For the purpose of your idea, calling it the Wave or Plasma beam would probably depend entirely on what colour you want it to be.

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