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How many hours have you spent in this game?

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Raw gameplay? Probably around 800 hours.

Including strategy/hanging out here/anything tangentially related to Awakening, probably somewhere around 3,500 hours since I got the game. Of course, I have no way of knowing how often it's actually on my mind, so that figure could be wildly off (and most of that time it probably didn't even have my full attention).

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437 hours; not that much, really, though I guess I don't have too much playtime on the 3DS anyway. 3nd place is Pokémon X at 127 hours.

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It's slightly hard to tell from your post, but if you're checking your playtime from the files themselves, use the 3ds playlog instead. File time doesn't reflect resets, deleted files (if you had any), or time spent without a file loaded (checking support log, etc).

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It's slightly hard to tell from your post, but if you're checking your playtime from the files themselves, use the 3ds playlog instead. File time doesn't reflect resets, deleted files (if you had any), or time spent without a file loaded (checking support log, etc).

I did use the 3DS playlog. I always start a new file after just finishing one, the main storyline just never seems to bore me at all. I have already completed the game 14 times and still playing it over and over again (on lunatic difficulty, completely gave up on lunatic plus because it's causing me too much frustration XD). Not a big fan of the streetpass battles though, seems to rely on RNG alone.

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Ah, aren't you that Rey guy on youtube? If so, then your youtube vids have helped me get past the first 2 (excluding paralogue) lvls on lunatic plus. I'm probably never going to attempt lunatic plus again XD, spent an estimated 15 hrs on that 3rd lvl (fortress one) alone and still haven't completed it (finally got to Raimi last time but got impatient after all that work and just rushed at her without surrounding her first and got crit XD).

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I did use the 3DS playlog. I always start a new file after just finishing one, the main storyline just never seems to bore me at all. I have already completed the game 14 times and still playing it over and over again (on lunatic difficulty, completely gave up on lunatic plus because it's causing me too much frustration XD). Not a big fan of the streetpass battles though, seems to rely on RNG alone.

Oh, I was talking to the guy above me.

Do you guys leave the game on with 3DS plugged in while AFK? XD

The 3ds playlog doesn't count time while the 3ds is in sleep mode. If it did, I'd have several hundred hours logged on the SSB4 demo.

I have, on occasion, left it open to listen to Id (Purpose) (which does count), but never overnight and the only time I spent a substantial amount of time doing that was over the course of one week shortly after getting the game, and I doubt it made much of a difference in the long run (maybe <10 hours).

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My 3DS log reads 461 hours & 54 Minutes. I was actually introduced to the game by a relative, and have an indeterminate number of minutes logged on his 3DS (nowhere close to what I have on mine though).

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IIRC like 550 hours? I used to be huge into the Awakening "meta-game" (just look through my old posts), but I haven't played it in months.

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