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Pairings and possibilities that could have changed the metagame

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Considering not ever female unit can marry every male unit either (unless you're avatar), I'm taking a guess that each unit just has some way of keeping a list of units they can marry. Add same sex units to said marriage list and get someone to write them an S support and their kids a few lines in their variation on the opposite parent support. Easy.

Actually I'd like to know how they're organised for, uh, future purposes. Time to check the other thread~

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Honestly, I'm not sure whether the reason I've stuck with Awakening so long is more because it's so nice for casual play or because there's so much depth to postgame customization. What I do know is that Awakening is on my (two long) list of games that have managed to defy the rose-tinted glasses on subsequent "aesthetic" playthroughs, which is saying quite a lot.

I can't lie, Awakening has damn near infinite replay value for any level of skill. It's incredible how they pulled that off.

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Okay, if we're going to cheat and say anyone can pair with anyone, even regardless of gender, I think we're all missing the incredibly obvious one here: marrying Chrom and Sumia, Cynthia to a female Avatar (who I'm assuming can still pass down aether to her child regardless of the child's gender), and then marry Morgan to one child's mother, then marry that child to the next mother, and so on, starting with the galeboys and the girls, then the non-galeboys. Presto! Every child capable of having galeforce now has galeforce and aether, and Yarne, Laurent and Gerome now have galeforce, every child is even more powerful than the last, and everybody but Cynthia and Lucina has the avatar's class pool.

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Okay, if we're going to cheat and say anyone can pair with anyone, even regardless of gender, I think we're all missing the incredibly obvious one here: marrying Chrom and Sumia, Cynthia to a female Avatar (who I'm assuming can still pass down aether to her child regardless of the child's gender), and then marry Morgan to one child's mother, then marry that child to the next mother, and so on, starting with the galeboys and the girls, then the non-galeboys. Presto! Every child capable of having galeforce now has galeforce and aether, and Yarne, Laurent and Gerome now have galeforce, every child is even more powerful than the last, and everybody but Cynthia and Lucina has the avatar's class pool.

This is a breeding plan that would put Manfroy to shame.

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Okay, if we're going to cheat and say anyone can pair with anyone, even regardless of gender, I think we're all missing the incredibly obvious one here: marrying Chrom and Sumia, Cynthia to a female Avatar (who I'm assuming can still pass down aether to her child regardless of the child's gender), and then marry Morgan to one child's mother, then marry that child to the next mother, and so on, starting with the galeboys and the girls, then the non-galeboys. Presto! Every child capable of having galeforce now has galeforce and aether, and Yarne, Laurent and Gerome now have galeforce, every child is even more powerful than the last, and everybody but Cynthia and Lucina has the avatar's class pool.

Only works if you can have multiple S supports- otherwise you get a bunch of really uber children stuck with bad S supports.

If you can do that, though, then there's no reason not to just have Avatar!Lucina!Morgan mother all the rest of the children and call it a day. Lol Manfroy, indeed.

Or, to stick with biological possibilities and only go overboard on the no cross gen marriage and one S support per unit rules, let Chrom!Morgan father all the children. Then, to resolve any pairing imbalances, just let Morgan S with Avatar and bench Chrom.

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If we're allowing multiple S-supports per unit, that by itself already creates a lot of possibilities.

M!Robin could pair with Lucina or whoever while also fathering half the kids. Him fathering all of them would be bad unless half-siblings can marry, but just getting the ones who really need his genes would make a big difference. Kids like Nah and Gerome would want to be fathered by Robin, but others like Laurent and Cynthia wouldn't mind missing out very much.

On the non-Avatar side of things, you could have Chrom!Cynthia, Maribelle!Lucina, and Henry/Ricken!Brady all on the same file. With conserving Galeforce not an issue, Gaius could spread his mods wherever they are needed. Nah x Inigo might be more tolerable if the two are free to seek additional, non-terrible S-supports.

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If Sumia has the same amount of husbands as the other first gen girls:

Virion!Cynthia: Gravy. Virion's mods are amazing for her and Archer and Wyvern Rider synergize well with her classes. Wyvern Lord!Virion!Cynthia rivals the Wyvern Lord!Lon'qu/Virion!Severa setup.

Stahl!Cynthia: Decent. he gives Paladin, Sniper, and Assassin, all good end classes and provides 2 faires as well. Can do well as either a mage or a fighter; his mods are nice because he has a lot of Fredrick's pluses without conflicting with Sumia's mods.

Vaike!Cynthia: Ok; Cynthia is better suited as a fighter here. Axefaire Hero is nice and fits aesthetically but it's a worse version of Vaike!Sumia for the most part and that's pretty much the main (only?) reason to do the pairing.

Kellam!Cynthia: Bad. Conflicting mods like Fredrick, lots of class overlap and the one good class he gives her (Assassin) is one that she has no faires for. Pass

Lon'qu!Cynthia: Ridiculous speed, no conflicting mods, good class inheritance. Pretty much rivals Chrom for her best father.

Donnel!Cynthia: lmao

Ricken!Cynthia: Basically Stahl!Cynthia for the most part. Better in most cases, Cynthia is usually better off as a mage or archer so the mods work well.

Gregor!Cynthia: Kind of a mix between Vaike!Cynthia and Lon'qu!Cynthia without the extreme perks of either. Ok I guess, probably decent actually but not particularly amazing.

Libra!Cynthia: Mods are ok but passes redundant classes and she doesn't have the skills to capitalize on Sorcerer inheritance

Since I have no life and I'm curious, I'll investigate what would happen if the Spotpass characters, or characters like Anna, Say'ri, and Tiki could breed like everyone else, including with each other. For the latter case, I'll also investigate the new potential offspring.

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Since I have no life and I'm curious, I'll investigate what would happen if the Spotpass characters, or characters like Anna, Say'ri, and Tiki could breed like everyone else, including with each other. For the latter case, I'll also investigate the new potential offspring.

I believe that's the whole point of this topic.

Tiki, Anna and Flavia are meh with everyone. Say'ri and Aversa make interesting mothers for Lucina, but aren't better than Sumia. The spotpass dudes, on the other hand, are incredibly overcentralizing and would troll the current meta to death by virtue of being better in every way (think Walhart!Inigo, Yen'fay!Yarne, Gangrel!Cynthia and Priam!Nah- none of their other fathers are even relevant anymore except possibly Chrom for Cynthia. Some of these clowns even beat out Avatar as fathers).

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Marrying one of the game's top two hard supports (and one of the few units who can't be a good lead) to a girl who can't get Galeforce or any procs at all doesn't seem that great to me.

plus neither of those two even have their own innate children, and I think that's against the rules here. No making up hypothetical children. Shame, I miss Migeena and Dorothy...

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Does Vengeance suddenly not exist now? Because Severa has access to that regardless of who her father is.

Vengeance isn't for everyone. It requires preparation and/or luck while luna and the other procs can be used in any situation. I for one have never found vengeance to be remotely reliable during apotheosis.

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Since when has Luna affected the user's mods?

I think he was trying to imply that having Luna makes the attack power mod irrelevant. I'm not so sure about that, though I do admit that attack power makes less of an impact than speed or skill, then again that might just be because I don't use brave weapons.

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Luna negates DEF/RES by 1/2, and a forged weapon can fix Lon'qu!Cynthia's STR.

You can add as many sources of damage as you like, but it won't change her mod and she'll still have less damage output than someone with the same boosts but a better mod.

And not to argue semantics, but Luna reduces the foe's Def/Res by half. Negate means completely gone.

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I don't think this was mentioned, but...

Robin X Robin

If both Robins were playable at once, that would actually be the single worst pairing possible with those two. They gain literally nothing but stats from each other, and the two Morgans' stats would be nothing compared to 3rd-generation Morgans.

...Though I would enjoy reading a support conversation between Morgan and Morgan, whether as siblings or potential lovers.

Edited by Alastor15243
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