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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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it's the worst

even when you don't feel neutral it's like

describing people with words is hard

that being said what are your first and current impressions of me

for the record that's a joke not a question


on a scale from "favorite food" to "not soapy bar of soap" how would you rate that question?

idk I think describing someone you don't know is a lot more effort while with people you know you can just say whatever and they'd "get it"

but I've only ever answered that question twice so

I'd rate it like, being treated to a food you don't like. Appreciate the sentiment but don't enjoy any part of the actual act. idk I just woke up

1. If you like had some sort of personal throne room for whatever reason, how would you decorate it?

2. Whats the coolest thing you did today?

3. Favorite smells?

4. Have you ever been outside and you like saw something neat like a seldom seen animal or a pretty rock and you were all

"woah neat"

5. In your own personal opennyeenin, what is the best way to get inspired?

1. I'd have a golden doorknob, but only on the inside of the room. The room would be really long and have a looooong red carpet, so when people try to leave I'd demand that they not touch the golden doorknob, so they'd have to wait for me to get up and walk all the way over there to escort them out.

2. Since you asked yesterday, and I just woke up and have done a resounding nothing, I'll answer for yesterday. I had an impromptu birthday party. Me and my friends meet up like once or twice a week usually, and yesterday two friends of friends came over and then invited their friend of a friend of a friend so we had 10 people sitting around playing games and stuff it was neat.

3. That's kinda tough. I like the smell of food, but that's a copout answer. My sense of smell is really sensitive so I hate strong perfumes and colognes too, they give me headaches. I miiiight have to get back to you on that, or you can ask a different question I'll totally answer.

4. Yesssssss once an armadillo was curled up in the area behind my house(not really a backyard) and I was like "oh my god" I actually heard someone calling for it, or maybe someone/something else I dunno, like it was domesticated or something it was so unnatural.

5. I think talking to people gets me inspired more than anything else. I tend to have a lot of ideas just stirring in my brain, and talking to people works as a direct or indirect CALL TO ACTION, especially when it comes to drawing.

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What are your heart's desires?


take a GUESS

just so this isn't a cop-out answer:

I've always wanted a big enough house in which, if I got tired of my bedroom, I could switch to a new one so I'd feel FRESH

silly, but it's the truth

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The other day in my sleep, I thought up two perfect questions to ask you. Now I don't remember them. It's killing me. What do you think I should do?

Do some soul searching

dig really deep and find those questions

and also distract Makaze so you can still ask the questions. You could ask me anyways, but it'll still be a MISSED OPPORTUNITY or something

also wow you thought of me in your sleep (ღ˘ ⌣ ˘ღ)

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no did you want to be the one to ask

(top two would be Ocarina of Time, first game I ever played, and Mother 3, because that game is a TEAR JERKER)


thank you

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