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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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6. Well, non-OG I'd say either Daitarn 3, that tanky motherfucker, or Dunbine/Bilbine which is bordeline unkillable. From the OGs I like the Cybuster and the Huckebein

Very cool.

7. Akashic Buster or Cosmo Nova?

8. Do you play the Masou Kishin SRWs?

9. Favorite dish?

10. A dish you really want to try?

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4. What languages do you know/understand? What would you like to learn?

5. Which Ninja Turtle do you like, why?

(Since you said bring on the Qs....)

6. Worst thing someone could do to you?

7. Would you rather be attacked by a Shark or a Crocodile/Alligator?

8. What are your impressions of your self? Do you feel they are accurate? Any particular likes/dislikes of your own self/personality?

9. ...I guess first/current impressions of me?

10. Do you like impressions?

11. How do you feel about the impressionist movement? ;p

12. If you had to choose between being a doctor, cop, lawyer, priest, or fireman which would you be?

(Okay, I will stop for now... But have been enjoying reading your responses. :D )

4. I know Portuguese and English, and have some knowledge in Spanish too. This year I'll be taking French classes too!

5. Donatello always was my favorite turtle, but I can't point precisely the reason why. I'd say it's his color and weapon of choice

6. I guess do harm to someone I love, even more if it's a way of getting at me.

7. Sharks. At least some accounts say you can punch it in the nose in order to defend yourself, and alligators are a bit more terrifying in that aspect

8. My feelings are that I am a caring person, who tries his best to please others. However, I have to say that sometimes I am too distracted, which can cause some kind of discomfort onto those who I try to please the most.

9. I dunno, you seem like a very interesting guy, and you are open to a multitude of subjects, I'd say.

10. I do, even tho I'm not too good at them hehehe

11. It is impressive! Surely left a positive impression in history

12. Lawyer. Being compared to a shark is so badass even though it's bad.

5. Any areas of history you are particularly interested in?

6. How far did you get in FE2?

7. Your opinion on shops that put stickers on their apples?

5. I guess the Age of Empires wololo as defined by Hobsbawm (1875-1914). Also the Crusades are something I would like studying more.

6. Not very far. I'd recall finishing three or four stages lol

7. It's a bitch of getting them out, man.

have you considered learning languages other than portuguese and english

yeah, like I said above, I am taking spanish classes and will take french ones, too. However, besides those languages I would enjoy learning Romanian and Turkish.

If you had unlimited money, where would you go?

SAINT TROPEZ, but I would also make a tour through many cities I've searched like Nice, Craiova, Wolfsburg, Istanbul. Also other places in Brazil like the northeast beaches like the ones in Natal.

Very cool.

7. Akashic Buster or Cosmo Nova?

8. Do you play the Masou Kishin SRWs?

9. Favorite dish?

10. A dish you really want to try?

7. Akashic Buster. Making a star of David with your sword and releasing a PHOENIX from it is just too damn cool.

8. I did start it, but I don't think I ever made it far. It had a nice mechanic of hitrate and damage varying of the position you attack your enemy, IIRC.

9. Spaghetti, calzones and yakisobas are just too damn nice. Sushi rolls are 2gud

10. I wish I knew more of the German and Turkish cuisines. It doesn't even need to be a specific dish.

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4. What advice would you give to Tonton?

5. Do you have plans for after university?

6. What things are important to you (besides your lover)?

7. What is your way of life?

8. Who are/were your role models?

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4. What advice would you give to Tonton?

5. Do you have plans for after university?

6. What things are important to you (besides your lover)?

7. What is your way of life?

8. Who are/were your role models?

4. Focus on what's important, and don't try to multitask or juggle the things you want to do

5. Getting a master's degree is what interests me the most

6. My family, my friends and my dog <3

7. I used to think too much on the present, but nowadays I think about the future more. So I'd say that i live one day after the other in order to have the future that I want.

8. My mother is my absolute role model. She's just so inspiring.

1. No

2. Taurus

3. Yes, two

4. 911

5. I would like a party yes

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4. I know Portuguese and English, and have some knowledge in Spanish too. This year I'll be taking French classes too!

Marthur va peut-être t'aider à apprendre le français... Qui sait ?

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Marthur va peut-être t'aider à apprendre le français... Qui sait ?

je suis charlie

je l'espère bien (is that correct? i dunno)

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6. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? Do you think it fits you?

7. What are your philosophies of life?

8. Is there any era of history you would rather live in? Why or why not?

9. Do you believe in free will?

10. What did you mean by "weird in a good way"?

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6. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? Do you think it fits you?

7. What are your philosophies of life?

8. Is there any era of history you would rather live in? Why or why not?

9. Do you believe in free will?

10. What did you mean by "weird in a good way"?

6. It seems I am an advocate (INFJ), which is kinda fitting to my personality.

7. Always try to improve not only your life, but help others improve theirs as well. Goin through life alone is not that easy.

8. I guess the 80s in the United States. Lots of rock and roll, outrageous clothes and hair. And cocaine

9. I do, yes

10. Some of the remarks you do are most unusual, but not something that can make one freak out.

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How did you get the R's in your name backward?

Favorite type of music?

I actually searched for them Rs online hehehe

Rock and roll/heavy metal.

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1. If you had to pick a favorite household chore, what would it be?
2. Best flavor of fruit juice?

3. If you could do cool wizard-y like things how would you make use of it?

4. What is your favorite suit of armor from any series, ever?

5. Do you have the tendency to come out of nowhere and say something humorous and/or attention-grabbing in the vocal equivalent of CAPSLOCK in real life?

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11. Do you play Horror games? If so, do you have a favorite? if not, why not?

12. Swords or guns?

13. Favorite time of day?

14. Do you have a favorite number?

15. Which of the seven virtues do you believe can do the most harm to a person?

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Do you have a favorite MMO game?

Shit, I don't play MMOs that much bro :/

1. If you had to pick a favorite household chore, what would it be?

2. Best flavor of fruit juice?

3. If you could do cool wizard-y like things how would you make use of it?

4. What is your favorite suit of armor from any series, ever?

5. Do you have the tendency to come out of nowhere and say something humorous and/or attention-grabbing in the vocal equivalent of CAPSLOCK in real life?

1. I guess dish washing

2. Passion fruit is just so yummy

3. If I could teleport it would be a nice thing to do. Would save me a lot of time.

4. Hmmm, I like Reiga's armor in Shurato. The rest of the anime is EEEEEH

5. Of coming out of nowhere saying something funny, yes. CAPSLOCKing not so much but people always tell me to speak lower

11. Do you play Horror games? If so, do you have a favorite? if not, why not?

12. Swords or guns?

13. Favorite time of day?

14. Do you have a favorite number?

15. Which of the seven virtues do you believe can do the most harm to a person?

11. I played Clock Tower. I guess it could be my favorite since it scared the ever loving SHIT out of me.

12. Swords are cooler, even though they ain't that effective as guns.

13. Hmm, early in the morning is the time where you can decide if your day is gonna be boring or not, as it kinda dictates the pacing.

14. I guess seven. It's just so pretty to look at

15. I guess the only one that COULD do some harm is excessive humility. Some people can take advantage of that in a bad way.

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8. Do you ever cycle?

Dood, I am scared of doing that, tbh. Last time I went cycling I fell with the bike and the handle bar hit my neck leaving a round bruise. It could've been way worse tho

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4. I know Portuguese and English, and have some knowledge in Spanish too. This year I'll be taking French classes too!

5. Donatello always was my favorite turtle, but I can't point precisely the reason why. I'd say it's his color and weapon of choice

Donny was rather bad ass... Def best in lots of the NES games. That range. :D

6. I guess do harm to someone I love, even more if it's a way of getting at me.

7. Sharks. At least some accounts say you can punch it in the nose in order to defend yourself, and alligators are a bit more terrifying in that aspect

8. My feelings are that I am a caring person, who tries his best to please others. However, I have to say that sometimes I am too distracted, which can cause some kind of discomfort onto those who I try to please the most.

9. I dunno, you seem like a very interesting guy, and you are open to a multitude of subjects, I'd say.

Same to you, you have been a very good interview.

10. I do, even tho I'm not too good at them hehehe

11. It is impressive! Surely left a positive impression in history

12. Lawyer. Being compared to a shark is so badass even though it's bad.

13. How separate do you try to keep your online and real life activities? (As some see no diff, some like keeping them far apart)

14. How similar is your online persona to you in regular conversation? (My wife says I am way more casual/sometimes cruder online than I ever really am IRL)

15.How long you been using this here interwebz?

16. Computers?

17. What would be your preferred end? Blaze of glory? Quick and painless? Surrounded by loved ones? Or put off as far as possible?

18. Robot, Ninja, Alien, Zombie, Dinosaur? Or all of the above?

19. Do you have any tabletop games you like or want to try?

20. What extreme sport/activities would you like to try if money and time/travel were no concern?

21. Speaking of time travel, where and when would you go visit if you could?

22. Would you worry about changing the past? Live it up using your superior knowledge? Do as many crazy things/things you always dreamed of as you could? ...or just try to get back home?

23. Favorite time travel movie/show/book/story?

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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13. How separate do you try to keep your online and real life activities? (As some see no diff, some like keeping them far apart)

14. How similar is your online persona to you in regular conversation? (My wife says I am way more casual/sometimes cruder online than I ever really am IRL)

15.How long you been using this here interwebz?

16. Computers?

17. What would be your preferred end? Blaze of glory? Quick and painless? Surrounded by loved ones? Or put off as far as possible?

18. Robot, Ninja, Alien, Zombie, Dinosaur? Or all of the above?

19. Do you have any tabletop games you like or want to try?

20. What extreme sport/activities would you like to try if money and time/travel were no concern?

21. Speaking of time travel, where and when would you go visit if you could?

22. Would you worry about changing the past? Live it up using your superior knowledge? Do as many crazy things/things you always dreamed of as you could? ...or just try to get back home?

23. Favorite time travel movie/show/book/story?

13. I try to keep them separate. I mean, it's not like I bring SF subjects to my personal life much, and I try to finish my college stuff as quickly as possible without being distracted by the internet, too.

14. From my point of view, I am kinda the same IRL and on the internet.

15. Since the early 2000s IIRC

16. Computers it has been since 98, 99. Fun stuff.

17. Surrounded by my beloved ones. I couldn't stand being alone at my final moments, I would be upset.

18. Ninja. Being able to do some nifty tricks that can overcome all of the other options FTW

19. I guess any kind of RPG would be an interesting experience. I never played that kind of game before.

20. Other than shit like crossfit exercises (that are fucking expensive around here), golfing and playing football (the one with the round ball) would be nice

21. There are many, maaaany places I would like to go, buuuuuut the first one I would like being would be Nice, in France.

22. I guess I wouldn't change the past THAT much other than trying to correct simple mistakes like on tests. Most of the decisions made who I am

23. Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness. Bruce Campbell carries that shit on his back like it's no problem.

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9. Was my 'shirtless question' weird?

10. Who do you miss right now?

9. Didn't think so, no.

10. Other than the obvious family/gf answer, I'd say my friends from my hometown, so much.

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24. Why are Brazilian people on the internet generally cool dudes?

25. Have you travelled much?

26. Favorite genre? (Games/Movies/Books/whatever)

27. I actually meant EXTREME sports/activities, like sky diving, hang gliding, skateboarding, bungee jumping, parkour/free running... So, any of those?

28. Disney, Warner Bros, or Dreamworks/Don Bluth?

29. Marvel or DC?

30. Are you tired of questions yet?

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24. Why are Brazilian people on the internet generally cool dudes?

25. Have you travelled much?

26. Favorite genre? (Games/Movies/Books/whatever)

27. I actually meant EXTREME sports/activities, like sky diving, hang gliding, skateboarding, bungee jumping, parkour/free running... So, any of those?

28. Disney, Warner Bros, or Dreamworks/Don Bluth?

29. Marvel or DC?

30. Are you tired of questions yet?

24. I wouldn't be so sure about that lol we often get complaints about general bad behavior on online games, so I dunno.

25. Not as much as I would want, unfortunately

26. For games, I say fighting. For movies, action stuff are always nice. And I can't really place a favorite genre on books, I like brazilian works from different periods, so....

27. Ohhh, I c. Well, I guess I always wanted to go skating and practice parkour. I kinda blame Tony Hawk Pro Skater for that.

28. I'd say Disney, mostly because of Pixar.

29. Marvel for movies, DC for animations.

30. Not one bit, bro

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11. What are your ambitions?

12. What is some thing you think more people should be aware of?

11. I intend to not only have a financially successful life, but also I look foward to make something that can have a positive influence on the lifes of others, too.

12. People should be more aware of what surround them. We have this big world, and lots of bad things going on, be they on a macrocosm or a microcosm. We should help as much as we can, even by small gestures.

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