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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Favorite animated series? This can be Western or Eastern animation.

Any advice for someone curious in trying out the Lance in Monster Hunter?

First and current impressions of me?

What is your dream house?

Have you ever wanted to travel to a foreign country? If so what 3 would you pick if you could go?

Hmmmmm I don't think I think about that too much actually! So for now I guess I'll go with Avatar the Last Airbender

WELL I'd say prepare to use a weapon that makes you fairly immobile but can attack quickly. Attack as much as you can when you think you have the opportunity and definitely COUNTER attacks when you can (like if the attack isn't too draining otherwise the counter just doesn't work, in that case though guard+1 or +2 would be a useful skill to obtain). Put the weapon away often when you think you need to get away from the monster since otherwise you can't really move. You could maybe even lance like I do with the evasion skill~! To get up close and personal with the monster all you want and just dodge its attacks (but do this if you are good with timing like me unlike Integrity~~)

I... actually can't say I remember all that much of what I first thought of you. The earliest I remember is Integrity saying "he can be a cool kid"

Currently, I see as someone who isn't afraid to go and defend their friends when they think they are not being treated right. A sentiment I can understand all too well~

I like those pretty classical looking houses, but I don't want it to be too old or run down! A huge backyard with FORESTS that I can just hike around in whenever I want~! Maybe even MOUNTAINS nearby for pretty scenery~ But most important of all, a home with Integrity. Basically in a couple of months I'll be living in my dream home.

Of course I have~! New Zealand is toppest of list. It looks like it'd be so scenic and I loooove mountains/volcanoes~ Japan is up there as well especially for ~FASHION~ But it seems like it'd be quite pretty as well. Third would be Germany. I'd like to go to a(n?) European country to look at their lovely castles~~~ And just any other neat stuffs. And Integrity knows German and may teach me so that'd be the best place to go!

lmao I thought you were making an It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia reference

nightmarre is also the best possible answer though so it's ok

ook c:

Hey Fre!

1) What are your favorite Pokemon?

2) Favorite Book?

3) First and Current impressions of me?


1. Ninetales, Dragonair, Flareon, Vulpix, Ampharos, Serperior, Chandelure, Altaria, in order that I am remembering them (but Ninetales is my number one favourite~)

2. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

3. I think the first impression I got from you was that you were really relaxed and calm and very nice.

My current impression isn't really any different~!

it's okay to be edgy during adolescence, flareohr

what's your favorite freohr-derived nickname

who was right: hobbes, locke or rousseau


Flareohr of course!

Is this a pessimist vs realist vs optimist question

I think I might agree with Locke the most out of them... not that I'm exactly trying to think too hard on them~! It just sounds real reasonable...

6). JSKs or OPs?

7). how many pieces of classic do you got?

8). what about gothic?

9). and sweet?

10). what's your favorite kind of hairpiece?

6. I'm really really not sure I have a preference because I-I just likes what I think looks good ;u; I think usually when the OP has long sleeves I'd really like the OP version of a dress but when the OP has short sleeves I tend to prefer the JSK version... But ULTIMATELY it just really depends for me~

7. HMMMMM well uhh I imagine pieces typically means just dresses/skirts in lolita? So I guess I won't include blouses and stuffs ^o^ WELL if that's the case then four. (I only own four~)

8. BUT one of the classic pieces can also pass as a gothic piece, so one.

9. None~

(you can probably tell which of these styles most appeals to me and which the least~)

10. FLOWER CORSAGE or beret~~ I love both

ok seriously I answer then refresh to see if there are any new ones then answer those then forget to save the answers to the previous and retype those then refresh after that to see if I miss any more new ones and there are new ones so I answer those and I won't refresh for any new questions this time because I need to get to bed :c

oh, there weren't any new ones anyway


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11). do you go on egl or any other lolita communities?

12). how much have you spent on lolita?

13). what did your favorite coord consist of?

14). where do you usually buy your dresses?

15). secondhand or new?

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1. Do you speak any foreign languages?

2. Do you have perfectionist tendencies?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Are you interested in playing the oldest FE games?

5. First and current impressions of me?

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i'll get on the first and current impressions train.

1. what has kept you around serenesforest for so long?

2. are you still studying volcanology?

3.a. if so, how is it going?

3.b. if not, what are you doing now? (2&3 i guess)

4. how cool are frills?

5. first and current impressions of me?

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How are you today?

How did you find Serenes Forest?

How would you feel if I used your head as an armrest?

How come I've only asked you "how" questions so far?

First and current impressions of Yours Truly?

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how does it feel to be the meanestest

Is this a pessimist vs realist vs optimist question

since you want this

how would you define pessimim, realism and optimism

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Ooh i got one or two

1. Impressions you used to have of me vs impressions you have of me now

2. A fictional animal/creature/whatever you'd like to own as a pet.

3. Describe your perfect week.

4. Would you kiss Specta on the lips for tree fiddy ten dorra?

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Nightman! You got me there I thought you were going to say Integriman!

3. How do you wash your lolita clothes?

4. What joyful childhood memories do you have?

5. What is your opinion of the number 19?

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1. Hi Fre? (If you've seen, you know I put this as a question)

2. Have you ever had Paella? if so, did you like it?

3. Which part of your life would you say was your best? (Be it past or present)

4. What is your favorite food?

5. Preferred time of day?

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11). do you go on egl or any other lolita communities?

12). how much have you spent on lolita?

13). what did your favorite coord consist of?

14). where do you usually buy your dresses?

15). secondhand or new?

11. egl, yes. Nowhere else~

12. HMMM

/looks at previous emails


Everything I've bought is taobao/bodyline/fanplusfriend

13. WELL I can't come full on fancy coords yet I've been focusing too much on main pieces and blouses~~ but probably my most favourite is my most recent

14. Clobbaonline!

15. Weeee definitely secondhand if I can find it~ It's tough to convince myself to buy them new when they charge so much and I could just get Spectegrimom to help me sew dresses myself.

What is your ideal three course meal?

Your home is burning down, what three things do you prioritize saving?

So I had to look up what that would be even like and I'd say, quite simply...

1. Salad~!


3. fruit salad with my favouritestest fruits

basically exactly what I can get all of in the restaurant I work at

This probably doesn't even all go together very well~!

Assuming my family can make it out on their own, my puppy (if they don't already rescue him/send him out), my laptop, and my phone! rip all my clothes ;~~~; I'll just make sure I'm wearing some of my frilly stuffs while I flee >u>

1. Do you speak any foreign languages?

2. Do you have perfectionist tendencies?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Are you interested in playing the oldest FE games?

5. First and current impressions of me?

1. I guess I kinda do? I learned some spanish and some french but I've forgotten basically everything \o/

2. When I clean and when I art I tend to be

3. YEAH it's so interesting

4. Not particularly ^o^

5. Hmmmmm I'm trying to remember what my first run-in with you was. I feel like it was me messing around with you because you were being super serious about something~ I think... so back then I would have thought something along the lines of "lighten up~!"

And currently, well I haven't seen that much of you... I still don't have all that much of an impression on you~

i'll get on the first and current impressions train.

1. what has kept you around serenesforest for so long?

2. are you still studying volcanology?

3.a. if so, how is it going?

3.b. if not, what are you doing now? (2&3 i guess)

4. how cool are frills?

5. first and current impressions of me?


1. The friends I made! And I don't really have any irl friends~ At least not ones that are way over in ohio

2. Nope! I took that on figuring "pfft it's not like I'd ever get a family or anything, I'm too quiet for people to be interested in me" so I thought I wouldn't have quite as much to lose if I took on a dangerous job. And then...

3. Now I'm... working in a restaurant~!

I failed college from too much procrastination ^o^ But some people have told me that I'm probably just not motivated enough to do what I was aiming for, but what I do know motivates me is taking care of who I care for the most, my new goal is just support Integrity in whatever way I can, cleaning around the home, making dinner, I think new plan is even just holding a small job... that way I can make myself more useful~

4. TOO COOL but they're not only cool they're also super pretty~

5. first: ......... that one guy I.... see posting around occasionally and I..... talk to every now and then......... >u>

current: .............. ^

..... I don't really see you enough to have an opinion on you >_____>

How are you today?

How did you find Serenes Forest?

How would you feel if I used your head as an armrest?

How come I've only asked you "how" questions so far?

First and current impressions of Yours Truly?

I just woke up \o/ So far though I am doing fiiiiine

I was on some FE site (idr~) that had a bunch of affiliation icons and stuffs and one was Serenes Forest and I was like OMG HERONS OMG FORESTS PRETTY and came to SF for a visit~ I kept using the site for FE help! Then one day I noticed "oh wow this place has a forum I didn't know that (turned out that's because the forum didn't exist before~ it was a new bebe forum)" so I joined

Like now my shoulder needs an armrest too~

imaknow you just like to learn how stuff works/has worked out~!


current: HE PLAYS MONSTER HUNTER HE'S COOL and also he really is pretty cool~ Super nice and silly and fun

Where do all your pretty avatars and signatures originate from?

Either pixiv or pinterest

how does it feel to be the meanestest

since you want this

how would you define pessimim, realism and optimism


Want, huh~


pessis: Negative viewpoints, not much hope in things working out well, giving up TOO EASILY =OOO Man up pessimists

realis: Try to take fair approaches, try to keep unbiased views, don't really state how well or badly things will work, just how they work

optis: Positive viewpoints, faith in things working out well/people's ability to make something work, won't give up trying to achieve what they want that easily



such a gentlelady /swoon~

Ooh i got one or two

1. Impressions you used to have of me vs impressions you have of me now

2. A fictional animal/creature/whatever you'd like to own as a pet.

3. Describe your perfect week.

4. Would you kiss Specta on the lips for tree fiddy ten dorra?

1. 1st: Pretty red font!!! They seem to be rather silly, seem to be into pretty cool music...

current: enjoys anything lewd~ Also enjoys FRILLS yay. He seems to be pretty vocal at times when there's something he doesn't agree with.

2. Stygian Zinogre or Agnaktor or a baby sized Kecha Wacha (I dreamt of that a couple days ago~~~)

3. Man that's too long for me to think about

Like... maybe one or two days do something huge and fun like SHOPPY or just going out somewhere fun~ And the rest of the week just relaxing

4. gurl you don't gotta pay me to do that yeah you're not a girl but that just sounded most fitting to what I was gonna say

1. How'd you find this place?

2. How'd you like the "Mr. Sparkles" nickname when he told you about it?

1. I found some site's affiliation list with a pretty icon with the name Serenes Forest and with my love for the herons and forests I checked it out and eventually saw the forum button and I joined!

2. I thought "awwww that's so cute~~~" since I like MLP too (I think even with his twilight sparkle avatars he used to have I hadn't even guessed that she was related to his name~ And I didn't have steam back then)

It's a good nickname sirius I like it

Nightman! You got me there I thought you were going to say Integriman!

3. How do you wash your lolita clothes?

4. What joyful childhood memories do you have?

5. What is your opinion of the number 19?

3. Well... probably not as carefully as I should ^o^ I toss them in the washer then hang-dry them

4. Ahhhhhhhhh that's a lot of time to remember ;u; But I guess mostly what I can gather are memories like playing with friends (like once in a skating rink, that was quite fun even though I wasn't as comfortable with the skating~!) or pretending to be fire emblem characters with my brother and neighbour (who got me into FE!).... although that's more teenage years~ But it's long ago enough that I consider it childhood x3 Hmmmm or being in amusement parks with my family. And one memory was when my mother moved back in with us from Canada, so I woke up one morning to find her over me and smiling~

5. It is a good number because that was a good and important/significant age for me~

though age 20 was a good age with aiku too~~~

actually so was 21

each new age becomes the best new age with him though~ everything just keeps getting better and better uguuuu

1. Hi Fre? (If you've seen, you know I put this as a question)

2. Have you ever had Paella? if so, did you like it?

3. Which part of your life would you say was your best? (Be it past or present)

4. What is your favorite food?

5. Preferred time of day?

1. Hi Sol! (yes I've seen it~)

2. For a second I thought you were talking about an FE character but by the wording that confused me~ No I've never had that! Never even heard of it (I think)



5. sunrise~~~ (more than sunset but I like sunset too) The worst part though is I'm hardly ever awake at sunrise so I almost never get to witness/experience it :ccc But that'll change eventually~

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6. What do you enjoy doing the most, and have you done it lately? If not, why not?

7. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

8. Which method of traveling would you prefer, by sea or air?

9. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

10. Can you describe your day so far in 5 words in another language?

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6. What do you enjoy doing the most, and have you done it lately? If not, why not?

7. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

8. Which method of traveling would you prefer, by sea or air?

9. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

10. Can you describe your day so far in 5 words in another language?

6. Cuddling with/clinging onto Integrity while he plays video games on his computer. m-maybe, there could be other things with him I enjoy doing more~ No ;c Because I still live in stupid not-integrihome

7. Probably patience. Since wikipedia here is saying "Enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity." Because if they put up with everything... they could get walked all over

8. I have no clue, the only time I ever traveled by either of those was when I was abebe and can't remember a single thing from either. But I get motion-sickness pretty easily nowadays compared to when I was young, so I guess whatever gives me the least motion-sickness issues~


I feel a bit safer witnessing a tornado than I do witnessing a volcanic eruption which I'd also like to witness but should not risk~ Though granted a tornado isn't exactly safe to witness either ^o^ But I'd still feel safer witnessing that than a volcano! Volcanoes are way more unpredictable, or at least as far as I know they are...

10. h69Cm.png

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1.) Favorite thing to do in your free time?

2.) Favorite type of music?

3.) Least favorite type of music?

4.) Something something impressions question etc. etc.

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1.) Favorite thing to do in your free time?

2.) Favorite type of music?

3.) Least favorite type of music?

4.) Something something impressions question etc. etc.

1. Hmm well I watch lots of let's plays and stuffs, some can be super entertaining

2. Like.... metalcore... or something >u> Though if Kalafina were their own music type I could say that too. Wikipedia seems to label them as baroque pop, that sounds like a genre I should explore more... =o I really love the modern classical orchestral mix.

3. Probably country ^o^ The tone of them just... doesn't usually work for me

4. first: ow the edge~

current: ow the edge~...... but he can be a good kid~ And he does try to be less moody sometimes! I hope he can find happiness

Favorite song?

Favorite video game series?

what gave you the idea for royal blue text?

impressions? .w.

sorry fre-fre ;w;

i hate plesioth (no caps) written by Integrity sung by SeverIan unfortunately vocaroos expire ;~;

Hmmmmmmm I could do either current or overall favourite and I think I'll go with overall


Well, at one point I wanted to start using coloured font. On a dead SF forum I saw somebody who posted in blue font and I thought "wow so pretty~ that's a neat thing to do" then on SF I saw Emerald and Raven doing the same thing so I decided "I wanna start doing that too~!"

So I looked at the colour choices available to me and...... I didn't know what I wanted to use ;~; I started a poll and asked people what they thought I should use. Royal blue was one of the choices and it won~

That's what makes it misleading, though, because I'm only a little bit fond of blue~ But I do think the font colour is pretty! Otherwise I wouldn't have chosen it

First: He can be really nice! Sometimes though it seems like he's trying too hard to agree with everybody... He shouldn't be afraid to have a different opinion!

Current: He's still pretty nice~! He can be fun and cool too. I think he's been losing his patience over his stay here (exactly what happened to me~ though I'm always surprised when people keep telling me I'm super patient). If he wasn't before he's definitely stating his own opinions now. But at the same time there are points I wish he would hold a bit more consideration for others... Mostly saying that with Kinumi in mind :c

It's fine~ I'm not so worried as I used to be to just tell people that I don't remember my earlier impressions of them ^o^ A-and sometimes just settling with vague answers if I don't even have much of a current impression

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6. What are your favourite emotes?

7. Has anyone said you're reeeally cuuute?

8. What are you (most) proud of?

9. Do/did you write a diary?

10. If you discovered a desert island which has been unclaimed yet, what would you name it?

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What is your opinion on the judgement threads invading Serenes?

When I left for work there were two of them

When I returned as I came to check the flood of questions that appeared while I was at work, I saw a couple new ones but didn't pay much attention to them.

Then after interview stuffs was over with I suddenly noticed wow that's almost a whole page of them!

Nothing new, though~ It's just a thing people tend to have fun with so the fad pretty much always erupts when one thread like that is started.

I won't go looking into them all but they don't bother me.

6. What are your favourite emotes?

7. Has anyone said you're reeeally cuuute?

8. What are you (most) proud of?

9. Do/did you write a diary?

10. If you discovered a desert island which has been unclaimed yet, what would you name it?

6. I was waiting for this question! c: ^o^ =I 'u' ;o ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ :D (even though I use =D)

7. y-yeeeeees

8. I won my man's heart (I don't have that many huge accomplishments anyway~!)

9. I did! Not for too long because what is consistency

10. Freohr Datopia because I'm uncreative~

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