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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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What makes you go 'so good'? Pie? Lethality? James Franco? Whatever it is, name it. And if you say Sanae I will lightly slap you with a sticky note.

So good? Well, probably my Touhou skill.

Sanae helps with that :V

Heh, I'm glad you remember that part... I think.

You what

T&T Case 1. Of course I remember!


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11. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

12. Have you ever lucid dreamed?

13. Favorite interview to read through so far?

11. Etrian Odyssey.

12. No, but I wish I did. .w. I've had plenty dreams work in my favor, however.

13. ...I've never read through any. Should I?

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20. Do you have any superstitions?

21. Do you have any items that have a special meaning to you?

22. How are your cooking skills?

23. Whom do you believe was the legitimate King of England after the death of Edward the Confessor: Harold Godwinson, William of Normandy or Harald Hardrada (if you have any knowledge on the subject)?

24. First and current impressions of me?

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20. Do you have any superstitions?

21. Do you have any items that have a special meaning to you?

22. How are your cooking skills?

23. Whom do you believe was the legitimate King of England after the death of Edward the Confessor: Harold Godwinson, William of Normandy or Harald Hardrada (if you have any knowledge on the subject)?

24. First and current impressions of me?

20. Well, I still believe this one building in downtown St. Louis is haunted...

21. My flash drives with all my PC games and my Sanae keychain.

22. I can make a pizza in an oven. Good enough for me.

23. Normandy.

24. Such a common question. You're quite educated from the looks of it as well as being a kind fellow. IMO you worry too much about perfection and doing everything in order, though. You can afford to loosen up a bit and mix things up. It won't kill ya.

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16. What was your most enjoyable dream, and your worst nightmare?

17. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

18. Do you know any myths? If so, which is your favorite?

19. What current gen and/or previous gen consoles do you own?

20. Is there a meal/meals you really want to try? It's origin doesn't matter.

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16. What was your most enjoyable dream, and your worst nightmare?

17. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

18. Do you know any myths? If so, which is your favorite?

19. What current gen and/or previous gen consoles do you own?

20. Is there a meal/meals you really want to try? It's origin doesn't matter.

16. I'm not very good at recalling dreams...any Touhou dream I have is great, any nightmare I have about my loved ones getting harmed is bad.

17. People who worry about perfection. No one is perfect.

18. Hmm...I'll have to come back to this one.

19. GCN, Wii, 3DS, Xbox 360

20. I want to try out a lot of Asian and European cuisine.

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11. Have you played a Final Fantasy other then 4 yet?

12. Whats your ideal woman?

13. Have you figured out where you want to be in life?

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why sanae

why not

What's the absolute ****ing dumbest **** ever?


11. Have you played a Final Fantasy other then 4 yet?

12. Whats your ideal woman?

13. Have you figured out where you want to be in life?

11. No, because I don't find Final Fantasy all that interesting!

12. Sweet, though she'd also have an eccentric side.

13. It's related to science, I know that.

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What are big dealbreakers for you in terms of a potential girlfriend/wife? (Eg: her being into drugs, her not getting along with any of your friends, etc.)

Personality-wise, which SF members do you most look up to?

What's your opinion of marionette puppets with sharp bladed limbs and surprisingly strong strings being used as weapons?

What's your opinion on Big Rigs from what you've seen/heard of it?

If people started treating Merlinus as the FE equivalent to Chuck Norris, how funny would you find it?

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What are big dealbreakers for you in terms of a potential girlfriend/wife? (Eg: her being into drugs, her not getting along with any of your friends, etc.)

Personality-wise, which SF members do you most look up to?

What's your opinion of marionette puppets with sharp bladed limbs and surprisingly strong strings being used as weapons?

What's your opinion on Big Rigs from what you've seen/heard of it?

If people started treating Merlinus as the FE equivalent to Chuck Norris, how funny would you find it?

Her being into drugs/cigarettes, definitely.

BROMARE, Horace, Balcerzak, Refa, and Espinosa.

Alice Margatroid makes them work really well.

Never heard of it. :/

Somewhat amused.

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What's your opinion on Lyn?

Strawberries or blueberries?

Fall, winter, spring, or summer?

I think she's pretty lame.


Fall > Winter > Summer = Spring

1.) What's your favorite article of clothing?

2.) Favorite fruit?

3.) Exotic foods you've eaten?

1. Hmm, shirts.

2. Oranges~!

3. Okra from Africa, for instance. My family's African, so I've eaten a lot of foods from there.

14. What type of weather describes your mind?

15. What makes a good day for you?

16. What can ruin a day for you?

14. A tropical storm: A lot goes on.

15. Days where I don't feel like harming people!

16. People.

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Have you ever played Sonic CD?

I wish I have. Seems like a solid game.

1. Do you know of the greatness that is Donald Trump 2016? Thoughts on it?

(And by greatness, I mean the massive amount of comedy value.)

I heard he bashed the Mexicans. Truly someone worthy of being president. /sarcasm

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