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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1. First and last impressions of me?

2. What do you think of your own voice?

3. Favorite SF user? (mwah)

4. What's the best quality H-game you've played?

5. What were you thinking when you first joined SF?

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!!! A tea fan hello

what's your favorite type of tea and what would you recommend to others if they're wanting to try more types of tea?

my favorite type of tea is black tea, like the ones you eat with cake right?

for people who want to taste a different kind of tea, they should try chrysanthemum tea (the petals are a nice addition to the appearance)

people who like strong teas should try matcha

1. First and last impressions of me?

2. What do you think of your own voice?

3. Favorite SF user? (mwah)

4. What's the best quality H-game you've played?

5. What were you thinking when you first joined SF?

1). first: who the FUCK is this guy? what the FUCK is this ipc place?????? what the HELL


2). it gets me mistaken for a boy a lot and people feel pity for me subtly which makes me a bit angry since i can take care of myself, but i'm fine otherwise

3). me, of course

...but, i really respect nightmare and balcerzak! and i think severian is a god!

4). rance games have quality to them

but i played this japanese clone of the movie alien, right?

eroquis or something? something like that?

5). "oh boy, i can't wait to discuss FIRE EMBLEM with people on IPC!"

Crimson beyond blood that flows?

Hi, can I get your autograph?

What are all those obscene obscure games you're wanting to play anyway?





here's my autograph


i-i don't think i can post some of those "obscure" games on here!

but i'd like the princess maker games to be translated and also this robot raising game (not wonder project)

21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

23. Fondest memory?

24. What type of weather represents your mind?

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

21). to be successful in life is to do absolutely what you want no matter how much you fail

22). i would remember all the tests i failed and remember all the questions that were asked in order to pass them

i would seek opportunities faster

i would invest in lotteries

and lastly, i would wire a bail for my best friend so he can pay his house rent

23). what kind of question is this? i can't even remember what i ate for breakfast

24). a light rainy drizzle, maybe?

25). the bagpipe!

26). loyalty, honesty, kindness, patience, all that good stuff, right?

they'd have to not be an asshole if they want to gain any respect from me

they would also need an open mind

27). where would i put myself? i'm pretty different from people i meet, so different i guess?

28). "download your anime and movies

your best friend is gonna leave you for someone else

your friends will also stand you up later this year

your best friend's father will die

take japanese instead of latin




deep inside, we are all commies

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31. Favorite video game protagonist?

32. Weapon of choice?

33. Favorite place to visit in the world?

34. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

35. Favorite SMT demon off design?

31). tatsuya suou (on second thought, i like maya more?)

32). gun for ease!

33). my bed

34). why not both?

35). mara


Feelings about what happened in Mafia?


last: this guy thinks he can betray me and my nakamas!? LOL

it's all good, i knew you weren't to be trusted!

Edited by Chen
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6. What's your alias?

6. Will you ever theme with me and Kinumi?

7. Can you speak another language?

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Have you read The Coldfire trilogy?

no, i have a lot of books that i SHOULD be getting around to reading

and also, video games and anime

i'm so lazy that i even skip out on my hobbies....damn!

6. What's your alias?

6. Will you ever theme with me and Kinumi?

7. Can you speak another language?

6). Not Important

6). possibly, but i'm keeping my signature

7). i can speak a fair share of chinese, but i can't read anything of it

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11. Besides electric guitars, do you have any other favourite instruments?

12. Considering you like GUITARS, have you listened to any rock bands? If so, any you particularly like?

13. What is your favourite dessert?

14. What kind of flavours do you like best? Give all the details! I-if you're feeling up to it of course.

15. If you had a castle, what would it be like? You can use other castles, real life or otherwise, to demonstrate.

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what made you join the eimm?

what were your back up plans to survive against the assault from Makaze? (if you think it will spoil stuff in the game, ignore it)

on a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you rate your role?

thoughts on eimm?

would you sign up for the next one?

what did you not like in this game?

what would you have preferred in the game that wasn't there?

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I can relate.

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?

37. Favorite trope?

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

40. Top 2 insults?

36). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI6ysIeco3A

37). OJOU-SAMA TSUNDERES (ohohohohohhoohhohoho!)

38). jesus christ so that i can take pictures of him and say that i've met jesus IN THE FLESH

39). "wow nice art"

"wow, you're really smart!"



11. Besides electric guitars, do you have any other favourite instruments?

12. Considering you like GUITARS, have you listened to any rock bands? If so, any you particularly like?

13. What is your favourite dessert?

14. What kind of flavours do you like best? Give all the details! I-if you're feeling up to it of course.

15. If you had a castle, what would it be like? You can use other castles, real life or otherwise, to demonstrate.

11). big trumpets and pianos? that's a bit of a mix

12). i just put on free bird all day

cuz that's the only rock you need

13). i like shaved ice/italian ice!

14). hmmm... for desserts, i like flavors that are slightly sour but also sweet. doesn't go for ice cream, where i like something very creamy and buttery

i love lemon flavored italian ice and watermelon italian ice...

i love hearty foods the best, though

chili in particular and soups are things i could eat all day

turkey chili is delicious, but so is regular chili!

minestrone soup is also great

out of all the food groups, i think i like meat the most

but you can't just eat meat alone, you also need to pair it with something else!

flavor is complication

15). if i had a castle, it would have a giant theater as the living room, and the floor would all be RED VELVET

the walls would be dark red with a golden design on it

also, the windows would all be stained glass

the exterior of the castle would have to look like it had statues embedded into it, like some kind of abomination of a modern art piece

there would also be a river surrounding it with shrubbery and flowers

at night, the castle would glow from all the lanterns surrounding it

the castle should be confusing in layout and have too many stairs

maybe i'll put traps inside for no reason?

the castle should also have a high point where you can overlook the ground! and, don't forget the flowers everywhere

i'd personally prefer... roses?

what made you join the eimm?

what were your back up plans to survive against the assault from Makaze? (if you think it will spoil stuff in the game, ignore it)

on a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you rate your role?

thoughts on eimm?

would you sign up for the next one?

what did you not like in this game?

what would you have preferred in the game that wasn't there?

kim told me to join so i joined because it looked like it would be fun

makaze was harmless anyways, because at that time everyone was going for his ass! i didn't waste any shots on him, oh no!

my back up plan would probably be getting whisked away to a far away place!

10/10, i am apparently considered dangerous?

it's pretty fun, but it totally ruins friendships! or something like that?

(makaze you kisama i-i thought we were totally like, nakamas!)

i would totally sign up for the next one!

since i'm impatient... i guess the period of waiting?

that's not much of a problem, though

random events that screw everyone over, just to add a flavor of rng

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1)...w-what are we fighting for?

i.... i don't know....

what ARE we fighting for?

2) When are you going to stream a Castlevania game?

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what kind of random events?

for example: x dies by a mis-shooting

or, x's BPV is made from cheap quality and doesn't protect against shots at ALL!!

x gets hypothermia and dies

silly stuff.. like that!

2) When are you going to stream a Castlevania game?

2). hey, i streamed that castlevania game over call, right?

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What flower do you think describes your personality best?

Do you think your astrological sign fits you?

If you had to give all of humanity one superpower, what would it be?

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H-hey, that doesn't count! That poor girl...

3) Who're your favorite Berserk characters?

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What flower do you think describes your personality best?

Do you think your astrological sign fits you?

If you had to give all of humanity one superpower, what would it be?

hmmm... i'd say a dandelion? those flowers are so dandy... and lionish

cancer? maybe? i'm not THAT emotional!



H-hey, that doesn't count! That poor girl...

3) Who're your favorite Berserk characters?

3). puck is pretty cute, and he's... funny

obviously, he's the best!

but guts is also likeable because he's FLESHED OUT!

he's the most realistic, maybe

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16. What is your favourite Biblical story/narrative?

17. What are your thoughts on religion in general?

18. Favourite of the Heavenly Host?

19. If you became the king of MAKAI, what reforms would you issue?

20. Wh-what do you think of wrestling?!

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how did you shitpost here and on seacats at the same time?

i am a god of shitpost

16. What is your favourite Biblical story/narrative?

17. What are your thoughts on religion in general?

18. Favourite of the Heavenly Host?

19. If you became the king of MAKAI, what reforms would you issue?

20. Wh-what do you think of wrestling?!

16). hmmmmmmmmmmm...... i'd say that part where jesus visited that one guy, yeah? with the sheep or something? and he was like

" whoa, jesus christ"

17). religion is good, but it does cause its problems

i'd say... that our society.... has been shaped by it?

18). does THIS count!?

19). first, i would give 10 dollars personally to everyone in makai-land

then, i would cover the land in flowers! a greener and prettier land for everyone!

it should be sunflowers.. or roses?

everyone who has no job shall work as my servant

i will also decrease the price of olives so they will disappear forever!!

and i will make anime real

those are my amazing reforms!!


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can i officiate your wedding?

of course, i'll be wed to the bed in my shed

i-it KINDA does but what about REAL ones?!


"Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings."

i always thought that seraphims had a cool description

they're angels with eyes all over their surface, and they probably have lots of faces

staring at one might cause blindness!?

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