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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Hi Glac!

1. What is the secret to unending dandiness?

2. Are you interested in history?

3. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

4. Are you interested in law?

5. Do you cycle?

Edited by Hattusili I
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1. Why didn't you vote for me, you bastard?!

1. Can you briefly describe your ~*~hopes and dreams~*~?

2. What song would you like to wake up to every morning?

3. First and current impressions?

4. Benoit is ____?

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I guess I'm the first questioner!

1. Favorite Fire Emblem character?

2. Favorite pizza topping?

3. Do you like cats?

4. Ever been to a petting zoo before?

5. Ever ridden on a train before?


2. black olives

3. I LOVE CATS. My favorite animal!

4. Yep.

5. Nope. Curse Ohio and using cars primarily.

Omahgosh, it's finally happening.

1. First and current impressions of me?

2. How did you get into Touhou?

3. Favorite video game?

4. Do you like living in Ohio?

5. Have you met anyone on Serenes Forest in real life?

6. Can I ask more than 5 questions?

1. You're a pony and you're cool.

2. By researching Sanae Kochiya

3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

4. It could be worse.

5. If it counts, two people on my friend list are people I knew in real life before any of us joined SF. Beyond that, no.

6. Have at it, if Makaze is okay with it.

1. First and current impression of me?

2. Do you play Touhou with a keyboard or a controller?

3. If you were to make a game, what would it be?

4. Favorite Touhou stage?

1. You're a cool guy and you like Touhou.

2. Keyboard


4. IN's Extra, "Doll of Hourai"

1. First and current impression of me?

2. Why do you like Touhou so much?

3. Why do you like DQ so much?

4. Who is your favorite Wind Waker minor character?

1. Goofy and adorable for both.

2. Fun, mainly. Also, the soundtrack is awesome.

3. See 2

4. Mila, the rich -> poor girl on Windfall.

What got you started on making these custom badges?

What are some of your hobbies?

Fera's general badges on Eientei were... eh, in a lot of cases, so I set about making new ones for many characters.

Drawing, gaming, fumbling around the internet, usual.

1. Obligatory impressions question

2. Have you ever walked out of a movie?

3. Do you like sci-fi?

4. Read any good books lately?

5. Can you rank the main DQ games?

1. Then: gifs Now: MURICA

2. wat

3. I guess.

4. Not really recently.

5. VI >=VII > VIII > IX > V > IV > III > I have never played II or X.

First and current impressions of leafeon?

Leafeon is an eeveelution therefore is cool.

Hi Glac!

1. What is the secret to unending dandiness?

2. Are you interested in history?

3. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

4. Are you interested in law?

5. Do you cycle?


2. Depends on the kind of history

3. A little, not great at it though


5. Used to more than I do today.

1. Why didn't you vote for me, you bastard?!

1. Can you briefly describe your ~*~hopes and dreams~*~?

2. What song would you like to wake up to every morning?

3. First and current impressions?

4. Benoit is ____?

1. I rarely show up here!

1. nope.

2. Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke, the Extra Stage Boss theme from Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.

3. Goon and Goon

4. I dunno lol

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1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

2. What are your greatest weaknesses?

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

6. Touhou character most similar to you?

7. What constitutes a good day for you.

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

9. What FE character do you relate to most?

10. First/current impressions.

1. I try to be nice to everyone. I guess

2. I forgive a bit too easily sometimes, and I'm pretty easily confused.

3. Hmmm... I can't really think of anything. Most of the time I track down stuff. Does the great desire for DQ7 3DS count?

4. It would be Nintendogs + cats

5. Easy

6. Appearance wise, Nue Houjuu. Personality wise, Suwako Moriya. Proto has also compared me to a combo of all three Prismriver Sisters.

7. Being alive and sitting, no incidents.

8. piano

9. Wolt~

10. Silly person who fits in more than he thinks/Silly person who I successfully got into Touhou.

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1. What are your current impressions on the general situation of the world?

2. What political situation do you find the most concerning and why?

3. What would you want to find at the "edge" of the universe?

4. How much do you know of black holes and what do you think one would find inside of one?

5. What (if any) theories do you have for events prior to the (supposed) Big Bang?

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11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

12. Why Kanako?

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

17. Favorite interview to read through in this thread?

18. How good are you at following your goals?

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?

11. Toughie. I'd choose having happiness I guess.

12. I admire her. She's capable, buisnesslike, usually calm. And she's pretty.

13. This is a book

14. I don't know.

15. I'm far more outgoing on the net.

16. Small, definitely!

17. I never really read this thread.

18. Not very good, sadly.

19. Intro, means less to distract you from stuff.

20. Maybe UFO normal or SA Normal, but I'm probably going to stick to Extras and IN Hard.

First and current impressions of me?

Do you think you have good opinions?

Do you think i have bad opinions?

How hyped are you for FE14?

1. You like FE6 and hate TWW and Micaiah. And you need to like TWW and Micaiah!


Yes by virtue of disliking TWW and Micaiah

I could be more hyped tbh, we need more GBA like games

1. What are your current impressions on the general situation of the world?

2. What political situation do you find the most concerning and why?

3. What would you want to find at the "edge" of the universe?

4. How much do you know of black holes and what do you think one would find inside of one?

5. What (if any) theories do you have for events prior to the (supposed) Big Bang?

1. Not my problem

2. Also not my problem

3. Another universe.

4. They are the result of gravity becoming too much, apparently, but I expect nothing

5. Nothing.

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2. wat

As in, have you ever been to a movie theater and hated/disliked a movie so much that you left before it finished.

4. Not really recently.

6. What was the last book you read?

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7. Is that your favorite book? If not, what is?

8. Have you seen any Star Wars/Trek stuff?

9. Favorite RPGs besides DQ and Pokemon?

10. Do you like Dairy Queen?

Edited by shinpichu
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I'll ask you some questions now since you asked some in mine

1. Hey Glace?

2. Have you ever had paella? If so what did you think of it?

3. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

4. What defines a hero to you?

5. Why won't you let me teach you how to cook?

6. WOW?

7. Which of the seven sins do you relate the closest to?

8. Favorite element on the periodic table?

9. Which of the 12 zodiac (east or west) that isn't yours, do you like the most?

10. Are you a better leader or a better follower?

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On a scale of not busy to very busy, how busy are you?

What do you study on university?

From a scale of not bored to very bored, how bored are you?

I don't like FE6 that much anymore. How does that make you feel?

Did you expect to be interviewed?

Edited by Nobody
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I'll ask you some questions now since you asked some in mine

1. Hey Glace?

2. Have you ever had paella? If so what did you think of it?

3. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

4. What defines a hero to you?

5. Why won't you let me teach you how to cook?

6. WOW?

7. Which of the seven sins do you relate the closest to?

8. Favorite element on the periodic table?

9. Which of the 12 zodiac (east or west) that isn't yours, do you like the most?

10. Are you a better leader or a better follower?

1. Yo Sol

2. Nope.

3. Uh.... /me doesn't know much about them

4. They have to be helpful for the good of something. In a way, even Zephiel was a hero, to Yahn.

5. I like being waited on!

6. WOW

7. Hm, pride, I guess. I can be full of myself.

8. Carbon. Its structure is needed by life

9. Aquarius

10. follower

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1. What do you prefer hot or cold weather?

2. Slightly related I guess, but what is your favorite season?

3. Generic, but what is your favorite color?

4. Have you played or would you be interested in playing Xenoblade?

5. First and current impression of me

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I did not want to ask more, but wow, I have to know question 19

11. Favorite food?

12. Preferred time of day?

13. Favorite fruit? And can it be juiced? (Bonus points if you've had it juiced)

14. Can you describe your day in 3 words in another language?

15. Are you implying that you want me to wait for you to learn how to cook?

16. What was your favorite dream and worst nightmare?

17. Do you remember your first SF avatar?

18. How much do you believe you have changed in the past year? Do you think you are better or worse than before?

19. Why Aquarius?

20. How often are you dependent on others in comparison to being depended on?

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1. Are you pleased with your current life situation?

2. Are you pleased with the government in your country?

3. What was / is your favorite subject at school?

4. What was the best day in your life?

5. Could you imagine to do LPs?

1. It's okay

2. I honestly don't care for politics. But I can marry girls now, so that's cool?

3. Mathematics

4. I was so ridiculously proud of myself when I beat FE10

5. I would have trouble sticking to them.

1. What do you prefer hot or cold weather?

2. Slightly related I guess, but what is your favorite season?

3. Generic, but what is your favorite color?

4. Have you played or would you be interested in playing Xenoblade?

5. First and current impression of me

1. The middle. I don't like blazing heat, but I hated -40 windchill when that was a thing

2. Winter

3. Blue

4. Someday, but I lack a New 3DS and can't emulate Wii on my laptop

5. You're a calm guy. You're a calm guy.

I did not want to ask more, but wow, I have to know question 19

11. Favorite food?

12. Preferred time of day?

13. Favorite fruit? And can it be juiced? (Bonus points if you've had it juiced)

14. Can you describe your day in 3 words in another language?

15. Are you implying that you want me to wait for you to learn how to cook?

16. What was your favorite dream and worst nightmare?

17. Do you remember your first SF avatar?

18. How much do you believe you have changed in the past year? Do you think you are better or worse than before?

19. Why Aquarius?

20. How often are you dependent on others in comparison to being depended on?

11. Basmanti rice with green bean and tomato sauce.


13. Limes, and yes

14. I probably could but I don't feel like it.


16. Best dream: CARDBOARD FORSAKEN FORTRESS Worst nightmare: when I was a kid I had this njghtmare where I was neing chased by a shark with Mario and Mario got away while I was eaten

17. It was Micaiah palette swap a FFN friend made for my birthday once

18. I don't think I'm that different, but its better to know the opinion of others for that

19. I associate it with a pretty mermaid from Fairy Tail

20. I'm more helpful for non everyday life things. I contribute more to study things in return for helping me live

7. Is that your favorite book? If not, what is?

8. Have you seen any Star Wars/Trek stuff?

9. Favorite RPGs besides DQ and Pokemon?

10. Do you like Dairy Qeen?

7. Best book is actually The Prisoner of Azkaban

8. Trek a bit, don't care for Wars

9. Fire Emblem

10. Its okay

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On a scale of not busy to very busy, how busy are you?

What do you study on university?

From a scale of not bored to very bored, how bored are you?

I don't like FE6 that much anymore. How does that make you feel?

Did you expect to be interviewed?


Rather not say that stuff


Go like it again

I knew it would happen eventually.

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11. Which Trek shows/movies have you seen?

12. What Star Wars movies have you seen?

13. Have you ever played an Ys game?

14. Ever had a reuben? Did you like it, if so?

15. Pet peeves that can ruin stories for you?

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Rather not say that stuff

[spoiler=I don't skype post, but kinda relevant]

[2015/08/21 21:57:28] Soledai: Unless the course is called secret, then lol.
[2015/08/21 21:58:12] Glaceon Mage: Yes, I am taking a course called secret
[2015/08/21 21:58:16] Glaceon Mage: in Secret
[2015/08/21 21:58:48] Glaceon Mage: We learn how to use our indoor voices and communicate by whispering into one another's ears
[2015/08/21 21:59:32] Soledai: How meta
[2015/08/21 21:59:47] Glaceon Mage: indeed
[2015/08/21 21:59:51] Soledai: Glaceon the Meta Mage
[2015/08/21 22:00:13] Glaceon Mage: oh my

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11. Which Trek shows/movies have you seen?

12. What Star Wars movies have you seen?

13. Have you ever played an Ys game?

14. Ever had a reuben? Did you like it, if so?

15. Pet peeves that can ruin stories for you?

A few... Not a lot. I dunno which ones

12 none

13 no

14 no

15. Grammar errors. Bad explanation

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