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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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are you ever going to play a rance game

sorry kopf I already told you "no"

what are your hobbies?

what's your favorite kind of weather?

are you addicted to coffee?

do you play an instrument?

1) shitpost on the internet news, reading, vidya (smash especially), LEGO

2) mild; some sun, but overcast, reasonably warm, maybe a slight breeze

3) nope

4) (used to play) classical guitar; I should pick it back up again sometime

what are your first and current impressions of me

first: some new person who posts in the HHH thread

current: a shameless thief of avatar ideas

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2. what are your first and current impressions of me

3. how do you feel about kim conscripting others to ask the above question

2) fun fact I have skype logs of that one time you joined ip.chat after like five people from HHH were just there talking about how great you were

[7/11/14, 3:34:27 AM] Euklydia: it is my conclusion that PKLucas is indeed a Pretty Cool Guy

[7/11/14, 3:35:08 AM] <some guy>: hahaha, well I had that impression of him as well.,

[7/11/14, 3:35:17 AM] Euklydia: yeah

opinion is as of yet UNCHANGED

fun to talk to and enjoyable to be around, which is something I predict I am going to be saying at least twice more

3) not as bad as stealing avatars

what do you think your future impressions of me will be

before or after you're voted president of earth?

what are your first and current impressions of me and more importantly what will your impression of me be in the future

goddammit I hate this question so much

first: some guy who plays mafia and doesn't use the shift key

current: some guy who plays mafia and has correct opinions about bionicles

also who somehow often manages to say relatively a lot in relatively few words

future: some guy who plays mafia and recommends rance in ip.chat

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fuck you (this is a question)

you brought it upon yourself

actually you didn't at least not entirely but I don't have a real answer

also, to answer your question: no thanks


given that I plan to vote for you in that event I'd say "positive"

no idea about how your administration will go tho so I will withhold judgement

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wow Nightmarre your sig rotates

I changed my mind my future opinion of you, as of when you asked that question, is "improving"

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given that I plan to vote for you in that event I'd say "positive"

no idea about how your administration will go tho so I will withhold judgement

didn't you trust me enough to vote me though

so that seems like a COP-OUT

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didn't you trust me enough to vote me though

so that seems like a COP-OUT

but you see the question is really

"Nightmarre: Great President, or GREATEST President?"

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2. Got any good chicken recipes?

2) Not really, besides a curry. We generally just open a cookbook or find something that looks interesting, or put on some generic seasonings, and go with that (or soak something in a teriyaki marinade we make, but that's generally beef / seafood).

I can ask my dad though; he's The Cook in my family.

update: as I thought, not much

a curry and a stir-fry, basically

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1) What is your favourite movie?

2) Do you know me?

3) What were you last two profile images? (I tend to remember more about people when I see their past avatars so...)

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1) What is your favourite movie?

2) Do you know me?

3) What were you last two profile images? (I tend to remember more about people when I see their past avatars so...)

1) not actually sure tbh

off the top of my head IRON MAN and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION

LotR were good as well so was Dark Knight and Inception

favorites are hard

2) not really, sorry


[spoiler=hold on]j42KOCtELllmH_e.jpg





in reverse order

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1) not actually sure tbh

off the top of my head IRON MAN and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION

LotR were good as well so was Dark Knight and Inception

favorites are hard

2) not really, sorry


[spoiler=hold on]j42KOCtELllmH_e.jpg





in reverse order

Those are some of my favourites too. Though none are my absolute favourite, LOTR comes pretty close.

That's fine.

I remember you better now, hmm, what else to ask...

Oh, if you were stuck on an island and that island were infested with one type of animal, what type of animal would you prefer?

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Oh, if you were stuck on an island and that island were infested with one type of animal, what type of animal would you prefer?

humans, probably

I was gonna be all "alternatively, X" but I really don't know

maybe dragons because that would just be COOL

Those are some of my favourites too. Though none are my absolute favourite, LOTR comes pretty close.

what's your absolute favorite?


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Should have expected that loophole.

what's your absolute favorite?


Hmm, I'm wondering if I should answer or wait my turn for an interview (if I ever get one). Oh, I have an idea!

I'd have to watch some of my old favourites to be sure, but it's probably a tie between my nostalgia-fueled love for Jurassic Park and the suspenseful film that is... I'll wait my turn. So there, I answered 50% of the question. Some of my other favourite movies include Star Wars, Django: Unchained, LOTR, a whole bunch more that I can't recall atm, I could spend all day listing them.

What's your favourite Christmas movie?

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What's your favourite Christmas movie?


(I don't watch many; The Shop Around the Corner is pretty cool I guess)

How have you been doing lately?

pretty good, actually; finals are over and I finished my transfer applications on time

also my classes went WELL, even, and I'm about to start real coding classes again

what do you think of me bruh

goddammit it's this question again

7.8/10 too much water football

really though

you tend to say what you think (afaict; I'm not inside your head) without like, being super mean about it

I feel like you're someone I could talk to about ~stuff~

except I don't talk to anyone about ~stuff~

also you're in physics grad school thing and TA and stuff and I can respect that

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Gotta love when instead of asking the interviewee something about them, they ask the person something relating to themselves.

In any case, would you rather fight 100 Duck sized Ciraxis's or 1 Elephant sized Ciraxis?

What were your favorite shows to watch growing up?

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