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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Which hunty monster do you want to keep as a pet?

Which hunty monster do you want as your steed?

Which hunty monster do you think is the prettiest?

Which hunty monster is your favourite?

Which hunty monster do you most enjoy huntying?

A baby Rathian. Raising your own dragon from scratch sounds like a fantastic idea

Kirin. It's a unicorn that controls electricity!

Does baby Rathian count? If not, then maybe mini Uragaan

Agnaktor. I love its look when its armour turns black, it looks menacing, and is also my favourite monster to fight. I just answered two questions in one sitting! Ha!

[2/3/15, 1:53:56 PM] Koneko: also so I told <name 1> and <name 2> your middle name @kieran

[2/3/15, 1:53:57 PM] Koneko: they love it

enquiring minds want to know

My mind would like to know your name, Fucklyd

It's Lee

what's your favorite color


i got nothing else. :T

I don't know, to be honest. I have taken a liking to indigo and brown as of late, however

Kill fuck marry:

Whatever your three favourite xenoblade characters are

I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles, but I'm going to say:

Kill: Metal-Face

Fuck: Reyn

Marry: Shulk

What are some technological advances you hope to see within the next 10 years?

If you could undo one event in the life of someone else you know, who would it be and what event would it be?

Which word do you find fascinating?

What do you think humanity's most important priority is right now? In general?

If you were forced into a high-ranking government position, except for resigning, what (political) actions would you do?


Shit, Interest questions

I... have never thought about it. I think they're in the works right now, but flying cars would be pretty great

I wouldn't, even if I had the power to do so. The chain of events that could potentially occur might change them into a person I would find intolerable

Again, I've never thought about it. Sniglet has a somewhat interesting premise behind it

Working together as a species is pretty important, in my opinion. Honestly, though, I'm not sure if I care enough to give that question any more thought

I don't know

Who's your favorite Pokemon

What's your favorite YGO monster

French fries or potato wedges

Apple pie or cherry pie


I used to beat all the kids in school with my Ambulance Rescueroid (I think it was this, anyway. Might've been Steam Gyroid) + Fusion Weapon. So I guess that

Potato wedges

Don't like either of them

when are we gonna meet for a pint and some smash/general gaming

i have a friend from university who works in revolution in swansea. idk where you work but maybe you might know people who work in revs


Budweiser or 1664?

tits or ass?

Whenever you come over to Swansea, bub. I'm lucky if I earn more than £40 a week

I wouldn't know, to be honest--I don't really go out. I need better local friends. Or just local friends


Ah, the age-old question. I am a man of The Chest

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what is your favourite gradient

*insert answer Kim would approve of here*


You meant gradient as in slopes, right?

what's your current aspiration as of now?

what was your first and current impression of me o/

Currently, it's to become a storywriter for video games. We'll see how long that lasts though

first: "wow look at this bozo trying to befriend me on skype"

current: "wow look at this bozo who just so happens to probably know me more than anyone else on serenes forest"

Nah, you're a pretty fantastic person, and one of the very few people I know who I can openly talk to about any problems I have. That is, when I want to talk about them. Great listener, and generally a fun person to be around. We have to play BGO more!

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My mind would like to know your name, Fucklyd

wow mods

just for that: first and current impressions of me

also I thought you knew my name?

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first and current impressions of 8]

first: some cool emote that reinfleche and I think wist and nightmarre use a lot

current: best emote

I'm aware that I'm not dusk but I'm trying to head off Wrong Answers™

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Oh, yeah. One more since I only asked 4 questions:

What's your impression/s of me?

I think you're a funny yet dirty-minded guy. That description could probably go to about 40% of the people I've met in my entire life. 8/10, would buy a pint for. I don't know what else to say

This does not mean I would buy a pint for 40% of the people I have encountered, by the way, since most of them are assholes

just for that: first and current impressions of me

also I thought you knew my name?

I don't remember my first impressions of you, to be honest. Nowadays, I find you amusing, and a pleasant person to speak to. You're also weirdly influential

Err, no

Isn't you're irl name something that starts with an E?

No, it begins with K

Favourite movie?

Hobbies other than video games or internet browsing?

Wrys or Jill?

I don't watch movies. That being said, the first Inbetweeners movie was hilarious, so my answer goes to that

Listen to music and writing

Wrys > Jill. Though I really like Jill's appearance in Radiant Dawn

first and current impressions? 8]

My opinion of you hasn't changed since I first met you. You're a fun person to talk to, and always brings the life to chats that are dead. Who knew a five-year-old could be the central attraction to that which she graces with her presence?

first: some cool emote that reinfleche and I think wist and nightmarre use a lot

current: best emote

I'm aware that I'm not dusk but I'm trying to head off Wrong Answers™

Bolded is wrong, by the way [:

Edited by DodgeDusk
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How/why did you join sf?

Whose avi do you think rocks the shades better?

I was looking for tips on how to beat Lunatic mode in Awakening, since Awakening was my first FE game, and I was terrible at it back then. That led to watching ShadowOfChaos videos. I remember one of his Lunatic+ videos mentioning Interceptor and Serenes Forest, so I thought I'd take a look at this magical place. Two days later I decided to join


I'd say yours, to be honest. Can't beat a sharp dressed man with shades

what do you think of this song

I actually like Spanish songs, though I don't actively listen to them. The bass riff that plays throughout is pretty appealing. Not really a fan of that drum kit though. At least, during the intro and outro. A nice 7/10

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how surprised were you to be an interviewee?

Crumpets or tea? You can't say both [[[[[[:

Why must you slay me with your voice?


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he should keep speaking in calls


you know how it feels to be killed with a pleasant noise ms. cat girl

pls see yourself out :3

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how surprised were you to be an interviewee?

Crumpets or tea? You can't say both [[[[[[:

Why must you slay me with your voice?


Considering the high demand for me in the appreciation thread, not at all

Tea, easily. I prefer bagels to crumpets anyway!

Hey, I just speak in my normal suave accent; it's all on you how to react to it [:


Have you traveled before?

Do you want to travel outside of the UK?

What kind of place do you want to live in, in the future?

I have travelled to Spain, Cyprus, Turkey, Holland, Egypt, France, and Australia

Not really, no. I mean, I wouldn't mind meeting up with a few people from SF overseas, but I'm not sure if that answer will satisfy you. I wouldn't mind going to Japan once, but I can't see myself doing it

If you mean country, then anywhere that isn't Wales. No matter where I end up though, I'd prefer to live in a rural area rather than urban; I like the quiet

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