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Did you want to fight Ephidel


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Unlike a lot of major NPC's Ephidel from FE7 has very generic stats suggesting that from conception, he was never intended to be a boss or enemy. Why do you think this is and would you have liked to fight him?

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I actualy like it when a villain dies for some reason besides for the heroes beating his face in. I gives the impression that stuff happens in the world when the heros are not directly involved. Plus, he is really only doing nergal's bidding, so beating nergal up satisfies most of my urge on that front. As for his stats being placeholders, you were probably simply never supposed to fight him because the developers liked the idea of a mid-tier villain who dies without you getting involved.

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Plot death, I think, you know cannon fodder to demonstrate for the strength the supposed strength of the Dragon iirc.

And sure, I would've liked to have fought him, he would've been another mage, sure, but I would've liked to have seen him as an opponent.

Edited by Soledai
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I don't really have strong feelings either way...also, it isn't really that important, but the hack MK404 did of FE7 has Ephidel appear in place of Sonia as the boss of that shifting tiles gaiden.

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I don't really have strong feelings either way...also, it isn't really that important, but the hack MK404 did of FE7 has Ephidel appear in place of Sonia as the boss of that shifting tiles gaiden.

Huh really? Did Sonia get moved somewhere else?

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I'm pretty sure Ephidel's death was meant to illustrate just how little Nergal cares for his creations.

Other than that, I can't say I care much one way or the other about fighting him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The way Ephidel died was very silly, considering he had shown the capability of warping himself around at will in the very same chapter. His motivations are also very strange but that's been discussed.

I think that discussion was before my time but it's a lovely rant. I need to save a link to that somewhere. I feel somewhat proud that I managed to notice one of it's major inconsistencies on my first playthrough.

Edited by Jotari
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