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Hopes for Zelda U

Misses Elise-chan!

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@Rabbattack: "Mr. Developer Man" is Eiji Aonuma. He directed nearly every Zelda game.

My biggest concern for Zelda on WiiU is the amount of content compared to the size of the world.

Case in point, the first bit of this video.


The new world looks huge, but it better have enough high quality content in it to justify its size. I suppose a giant world does have intrinsic advantages (a great sense of scope, for example), but I'd really like to see some new and rewarding content. Nothing is more disappointing than entering a cave and immediately finding a chest or heart piece with no challenge in between (*cough*ALinkBetweenWorlds*cough*).

Edited by Zera
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Wind Waker should be their model for this one. That game had an island with something to do on it in every square of the map grid, plus treasures scattered around the ocean, watch towers, enemy ships, etc. Of course they should take it further with the Wii U and put more towns and settlements, (mini-)dungeons, collectibles, mini-games, fairy fountains, you name it.

I disagree, TWW felt empty to me aside from places like Outset Island and Windfall Island (and even then, Windfall Island was rather boring to me). The islands in general were too small, so you couldn't really do much exploring on them. The sea felt too empty because of that, and even though you could hunt for treasure chests in the water, that got boring after awhile. I like finding all kinds of secrets.

TP didn't have as much hidden stuff, sure, but at least they were varied. I found secret grottos, hidden caves, Spinner tracks, Clawshot points leading to hidden areas, and more. You sometimes even had to use those statues that you control using the Dominion Rod to reach hidden goodies!

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I really like how much they showed it off.I also like how the brought back TP sword fighting on horse back.But my question is:Where is Link's tunic?Is he just some random hero until he gets the Triforce of Courage?Or does the green tunic mean anything in that timeline?

Back during E3, Aonuma said that the character in the trailer may not be link. Of course, they did refer to the character as link in the more recent trailer posted already on this topic.

Source: http://venturebeat.com/2014/06/10/zelda-creator-teases-that-we-didnt-see-link-in-wii-u-trailer/

Edited by Severlan
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That was a joke. Aonuma admitted that he literally did that to mess with us and that it really is Link. I'm serious. :P

Also, why are people even asking where the green tunic is? It's not the first time we've seen Link without it. TP Link didn't have it at first. SS Link didn't have it at first. TWW Link and ST Link didn't have it at first either.

Edited by Anacybele
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Because unlike every other Zelda title, this Link has only been seen in this blue tunic. Every other Link, in their promo, has always been in their signature green tunic. So it's not surprising that people would be curious about it.

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Because unlike every other Zelda title, this Link has only been seen in this blue tunic. Every other Link, in their promo, has always been in their signature green tunic. So it's not surprising that people would be curious about it.

Oh yeah. That's true, I forgot about that.

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Forgot to post that art thing so here you go.

would be totes cool

Neat. With that image in mind I hope Zelda U will be Ganondorf's originstory, with Majora's Mask difficulty and Twilight Princess' fun.

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I'd rather see SS difficulty. Skyward Sword challenged me more than any of the other 3D Zeldas. Sure, MM's Great Bay Temple stumped me at first. And I needed a walk through to figure out the Stone Tower Temple. But that was it. The game was pretty easy besides that. I wasn't even stumped by the Water Temple in OoT. Given my love for just exploring every nick and cranny I can in a temple, I didn't have much trouble finding the keys and stuff. I hardly ever died in any of the 3D Zelda games except SS, where I got beat all over the place, mostly by Ghirahim. Some of the puzzles left me stumped for a bit too. Then Demise, took me a little while before I discovered the awesome, but kind of cheap tactic of absorbing the lightning with Link's sword and striking with it. :P

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SS felt too easy when the controls weren't being ass. Everything was too linear and not even once did I feel like I was genuinely exploring, just reaching another arbitrary checkpoint. Though the combat in 3D Zelda's has never been great, mostly in regards to all the waiting you had to do to hit an enemy. I think Arin/Egoraptor was spot on in his sequelitis about it.

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Bring back the raft for moving across bodies of water.

I am all for this. I am also all for it being on the end of the timeline that the original game is on. If this new game explains some junk (Zelda II's backstory, im looking at you.) ill be a happy camper.

Forgot to post that art thing so here you go.

would be totes cool

I ship it. Oh man, if that happens, the shipping is going to be incredible.

SS felt too easy when the controls weren't being ass. Everything was too linear and not even once did I feel like I was genuinely exploring, just reaching another arbitrary checkpoint. Though the combat in 3D Zelda's has never been great, mostly in regards to all the waiting you had to do to hit an enemy. I think Arin/Egoraptor was spot on in his sequelitis about it.

Indeed. Anything resembling SS would just be a bunch of bullshit, and im really not ok with that. Can you tell i hate that game? I want to explore in Zelda, and find inventive ways of smushing bad guys. One thing i loved about ALBW, is despite its recycled overworld, is that you could explore and do things in any order for the most part. Plus, you can come up with various ways of defeating bosses and enemies.

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Being as linear as it was was one of the things that made it easy. And Zelda games shouldn't be so linear anyways, given that one of the main points of Zelda is exploration, and railroading kind of ruins that.

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I don't think so. Like I said, it was a hard game for me regardless because of challenging battles and puzzles. MM, OoT, TWW, and TP were the easy ones. Especially TWW, that one has to be one of the easiest games I've ever played.

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Being as linear as it was was one of the things that made it easy. And Zelda games shouldn't be so linear anyways, given that one of the main points of Zelda is exploration, and railroading kind of ruins that.

Not every game has to follow the same pattern, but I do agree that Skyward Sword should have been less linear.
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And Zelda games shouldn't be so linear anyways, given that one of the main points of Zelda is exploration, and railroading kind of ruins that.

I cannot agree with this more. SS went against what made Zelda, Zelda in the first place. I'm really hoping they go back to the roots of the original game in terms of exploration.

Edited by DragonLord
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SS was definetly the hardest 3D Zelda game out there despite being more linear. You had to actually hit enemies a certain way to damage them and not to mention you lose a full heart at minimum to attacks just like in the original on the NES bump up to hero mode and you lose 2 at minimum without hearts appearing in the wild yeah its a challenge especially if you try a 6 heart run.

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SS was definetly the hardest 3D Zelda game out there despite being more linear. You had to actually hit enemies a certain way to damage them and not to mention you lose a full heart at minimum to attacks just like in the original on the NES bump up to hero mode and you lose 2 at minimum without hearts appearing in the wild yeah its a challenge especially if you try a 6 heart run.

Yes, exactly. The Stalmaster was hell for me because of how you had to swing a certain way to deal damage. You always had to keep an eye on how it was guarding. The same held true for the Stalfos, just they had less swords to worry about.

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What if they scrapped the open world and brought back a sequal or recreation of Zelda II for the Wii U.

They could do that, but Zelda II is not exactly a welcome addition to the fanbase by many.

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I think it's possible that they could make a combat system with buttons that is still focused on precision and well-placed attacks, personally I wouldn't mind some modifications to the basic fighting mechanics.

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I think it's possible that they could make a combat system with buttons that is still focused on precision and well-placed attacks, personally I wouldn't mind some modifications to the basic fighting mechanics.

I think that Twilight Princess was getting there. The problem was that the enemies in the game were not designed around using the hidden skills acquired to beat them. They almost became useless in a sense, only useful on a select few enemies at most.

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If perhaps there were enemies that required the Helm Splitter, the Shield Bash, Mortal Draw and/or the Back slice to defeat, then Twilight Princess' combat would have been much more fun, but by having them optional, in addition to not having R to shield, I find Twilight Princess' combat to be the easiest of the 3D Zelda games, you can just Backslice your way through most enemies.

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