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What skills should I pass down?


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Lissa - Henry (Owain will be a Sorcerer)

Sully - Donnel (Done) (Kjelle will be an Assassin)

Miriel - Ricken (Done) (Laurent will be a Sorcerer)

Cordelia - MU/Robin (Done) (Morgan will either be Grandmaster or Sorcerer, don't know about Severa.)

Sumia - Chrom (Done) (Cynthia will probably be Dark Flier, don't know about Lucina.)

Tharja - Gaius (Noire will probably be a Sniper.)

Cherche - Gregor (Gerome will be a Berserker.)

Nowi - Vaike (Nah will be a Manakete.)

Olivia - Stahl (Inigo will be a Dread Fighter.)

Panne - Lon'qu (Done) (Panne will most likely be an Assassin)

Maribelle - Frederick (Done) (Brady will be a Sage.)

Note: 'Done' means that I've gotten the pairings married already, if it doesn't say 'Done', they haven't married yet.

I'm obviously passing down Galeforce on Maribelle, Olivia, Sumia, Cordelia and Lissa, don't know about the others though.

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Lissa: GF

Henry: Vengeance ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Sully: doesn't matter

Donnel: Aptitude ingame, Underdog postgame

Miriel: DSp+

Ricken: doesn't matter

Cordelia: GF to Severa and AT to Morgan ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Avatar: Veteran to both ingame, AF for postgame if your Avatar is +Spd or +Mag/+Res and not -Spd/Mag/Res, otherwise AF/Wrath/Despoil for postgame

Sumia: GF for both ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Tharja: Vengeance ingame, doesn't matter for postgame

Gaius: Sol

Cherche: doesn't matter ingame, DSp+ postgame

Gregor: AT ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Nowi: doesn't matter

Vaike: doesn't matter ingame, AF/Wrath/Despoil postgame

Olivia: GF

Stahl: Discipline/Aegis ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Panne: Str+2/Swordbreaker ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Maribelle: GF

Fred: Discipline/Luna ingame, doesn't matter postgame

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Since I have no idea of what kind of strategy you want, I'm just going to rattle what comes off the top of my head (Galeforce excluded). I'm also going to skip any parents who don't pass on unique skills - if a child can reclass into everything the parent can, then it doesn't really matter IMO.

Kjelle - HP + 5, Zeal, Rally Strength, Counter, Underdog. Pick one. Out of those, I WOULDN'T pass Rally Strength, as you have better options for a rallybot. If she'll be a support unit, I wouldn't go with Counter, either.

Laurent - You have better choices for a rallybot, so it's either Demoiselle, Dual Support+, Renewal, or Resistance + 2.

Morgan/Severa - If you want to use her as a rallybot, pass Rally Strength. If you have other plans for her. . .uh, take your pick between HP + 5, Zeal, Counter, Gamble, Axefaire, or Wrath. I wouldn't pass Despoil, because you've got plenty of other people that can do it. The rallybot thing applies only to ONE of the two.

Noire - Counter, mostly for giggles. You can also pass HP + 5/Zeal/Armsthrift/Sol, but I'm a fan of being silly with Counter bow users.

Gerome - I don't know how much of a difference Resistance + 2 will make, but if you think it's worth it, go for it. Your other options are Dual Support+ or Demoiselle.

Nowi - You've got HP + 5, Zeal, Wrath, or Gamble. I suppose you could do Counter, if you felt like it, but she doesn't strike me as a front-line unit.

Of those, Laurent/Gerome look like they'd be excellent support units, so I'd go with Dual Support+ for both. No comment on the rest, since I can't really tell who's going to be doing what.

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Lissa: GF

Henry: Vengeance ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Sully: doesn't matter

Donnel: Aptitude ingame, Underdog postgame

Miriel: DSp+

Ricken: doesn't matter

Cordelia: GF to Severa and AT to Morgan ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Avatar: Veteran to both ingame, AF for postgame if your Avatar is +Spd or +Mag/+Res and not -Spd/Mag/Res, otherwise AF/Wrath/Despoil for postgame

Sumia: GF for both ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Tharja: Vengeance ingame, doesn't matter for postgame

Gaius: Sol

Cherche: doesn't matter ingame, DSp+ postgame

Gregor: AT ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Nowi: doesn't matter

Vaike: doesn't matter ingame, AF/Wrath/Despoil postgame

Olivia: GF

Stahl: Discipline/Aegis ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Panne: Str+2/Swordbreaker ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Maribelle: GF

Fred: Discipline/Luna ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Thanks, but can you tell me what AT/AF means? I'm not sure lol.

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Since I have no idea of what kind of strategy you want, I'm just going to rattle what comes off the top of my head (Galeforce excluded). I'm also going to skip any parents who don't pass on unique skills - if a child can reclass into everything the parent can, then it doesn't really matter IMO.

Kjelle - HP + 5, Zeal, Rally Strength, Counter, Underdog. Pick one. Out of those, I WOULDN'T pass Rally Strength, as you have better options for a rallybot. If she'll be a support unit, I wouldn't go with Counter, either.

Laurent - You have better choices for a rallybot, so it's either Demoiselle, Dual Support+, Renewal, or Resistance + 2.

Morgan/Severa - If you want to use her as a rallybot, pass Rally Strength. If you have other plans for her. . .uh, take your pick between HP + 5, Zeal, Counter, Gamble, Axefaire, or Wrath. I wouldn't pass Despoil, because you've got plenty of other people that can do it. The rallybot thing applies only to ONE of the two.

Noire - Counter, mostly for giggles. You can also pass HP + 5/Zeal/Armsthrift/Sol, but I'm a fan of being silly with Counter bow users.

Gerome - I don't know how much of a difference Resistance + 2 will make, but if you think it's worth it, go for it. Your other options are Dual Support+ or Demoiselle.

Nowi - You've got HP + 5, Zeal, Wrath, or Gamble. I suppose you could do Counter, if you felt like it, but she doesn't strike me as a front-line unit.

Of those, Laurent/Gerome look like they'd be excellent support units, so I'd go with Dual Support+ for both. No comment on the rest, since I can't really tell who's going to be doing what.

Alright, thanks. Also, I won't be using any children as Rally Bots, I'll just use some Spotpass units as Rally Bots, and I'll probably go with Support units for both Laurent and Gerome, although they'll also be kind-of offensive units. And the rest will most likely be all-out offensive units.

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Donnel: Aptitude ingame, Underdog postgame


Question, Sir Yoshi?

What's so important about Underdog that it should be inherited Postgame? Can you explain it's mechanics to me?

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Question, Sir Yoshi?

What's so important about Underdog that it should be inherited Postgame? Can you explain it's mechanics to me?

I'm not Sir Yoshi, but I'll answer nonetheless. Underdog boosts hit and evade by 15% if the unit's level is lower than the enemy's (in the case of promoted classes, 20 is added to level, ergo, a level 5 Paladin would count as a level 25 unit)

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I'm not Sir Yoshi, but I'll answer nonetheless. Underdog boosts hit and evade by 15% if the unit's level is lower than the enemy's (in the case of promoted classes, 20 is added to level, ergo, a level 5 Paladin would count as a level 25 unit)

So... For it to be efficient, you'd have to keep constantly be using Second Seals?

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So... For it to be efficient, you'd have to keep constantly be using Second Seals?

Pretty much. IMHO, I'm not very fond of it, partly because I consider it too much work for its worth (it requires leveling Donnel to level 15 Villager), and second, I think it's like Counter, where it's better when it's being used AGAINST you than when you try to use it.

Back tot the topic of inheritance, I generally don't consider it all that important other than in the case of gender exclusive skills (and needless to say, I consider it even less important in the case of father-to-daughter inheritance).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Pretty much. IMHO, I'm not very fond of it, partly because I consider it too much work for its worth (it requires leveling Donnel to level 15 Villager), and second, I think it's like Counter, where it's better when it's being used AGAINST you than when you try to use it.

Back tot the topic of inheritance, I generally don't consider it all that important other than in the case of gender exclusive skills (and needless to say, I consider it even less important in the case of father-to-daughter inheritance).

So why suggest to have Owain inherit such a skill, then?

Wouldn't something like, say, Counter be more useful?

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So why suggest to have Owain inherit such a skill, then?

Wouldn't something like, say, Counter be more useful?

Counter? No. Counter's shit for the player.

And I'm not sure why you're bringing up Owain.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Counter? No. Counter's shit for the player.

And I'm not sure why you're bringing up Owain.


Oh. OH!

I read that as, "Lissa-Donnel" for some reason.

But yes, that makes much more sense, passing down a male-only-skill to Kjelle.

You can see why I was confused, haha.

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Oh. OH!

I read that as, "Lissa-Donnel" for some reason.

But yes, that makes much more sense, passing down a male-only-skill to Kjelle.

You can see why I was confused, haha.

Not sure why you read it that way, but ehhh.

IMHO, I think that males got the short straw as far as what they can pass down to daughters - most of the male exclusive skills are varying degrees of crap, which is why I'm so casual about it..

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Not sure why you read it that way, but ehhh.

IMHO, I think that males got the short straw as far as what they can pass down to daughters - most of the male exclusive skills are varying degrees of crap, which is why I'm so casual about it..

See, I looked at Lissa, and ignored Henry completely.

Next male down is Donnel.

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Question, Sir Yoshi?

What's so important about Underdog that it should be inherited Postgame? Can you explain it's mechanics to me?

Counter and Aptitude do nothing in Apo, she's not going to be a Rallybot and +15 Avo is better than +5 HP or +5 crit. None of his exclusive skills are very useful, but it's the best one he's got.

For future reference since this Kjelle is bound for Assassin, but if she's put into Bride, her level cap will be permanently 10 below all the 20/20 enemies, meaning Underdog will always be active.

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Counter and Aptitude do nothing in Apo, she's not going to be a Rallybot and +15 Avo is better than +5 HP or +5 crit. None of his exclusive skills are very useful, but it's the best one he's got.

Yes, but it's conditional, unlike the others. Is it really that safe to rely on, then?

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Yes, but it's conditional, unlike the others. Is it really that safe to rely on, then?

Counter is also conditional - it requires that you be attacked by an enemy unit at melee range.

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There's no RNG to when it activates, meaning you have complete control over it. If your definition of conditional extends to things where it's possible to not see an effect, then Faires, GF, even LB (if you haven't raised the unit enough), well, then it is. But Apo, Risen, RaR3 and the Challenge Pack everything is 20/20 so as long as you're not level capped it'll always be on.

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Cordelia: GF to Severa and AT to Morgan ingame, doesn't matter postgame

Avatar: Veteran to both ingame, AF for postgame if your Avatar is +Spd or +Mag/+Res and not -Spd/Mag/Res, otherwise AF/Wrath/Despoil for postgame

This basically falls in line with what I most recently did with Avatar x Cordelia's children, Severa and Morgan, with respect to the postgame.

Cordelia passed Galeforce to both of them (as I was doing postgame consideration, the fact I needed to bring Morgan through Mercenary to get Armsthrift didn't really matter).

Avatar passed Axefaire to both of them (and he was a +Spd Avatar).

I decided not to go for Rally Strength because I have a pair of Avatar Logbook units I was planning to use anyways in that function.

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If you're specifically making a unit to pull the Mire DFs in S.Apo wave 4, they have 74 Res and Res+10 usually makes them tink you if you're a magical pair. Otherwise it's not that good in S.Apo (Mag isn't too common there, and stuff that does have it tends to come with Luna+ anyway).

For non-Apo postgame, it's partially obsoleted by LB (you rarely have room to run both at once, and if you've got LB odds are you don't even need to tank).

When grinding for Apo, not capped yet or midway through a Lunatic(+) with grinding playthrough, it's a fabulous skill.

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If you're specifically making a unit to pull the Mire DFs in S.Apo wave 4, they have 74 Res and Res+10 usually makes them tink you if you're a magical pair. Otherwise it's not that good in S.Apo (Mag isn't too common there, and stuff that does have it tends to come with Luna+ anyway).

For non-Apo postgame, it's partially obsoleted by LB (you rarely have room to run both at once, and if you've got LB odds are you don't even need to tank).

When grinding for Apo, not capped yet or midway through a Lunatic(+) with grinding playthrough, it's a fabulous skill.

Alright, thank you very much for the feedback.

I've made skillsets I plan to use for the future, but didn't know if I should actually ask.

But knowing Resistance +10 is a rather, "Meh," skill, clears up some confusion.

Not all, but some.

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