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TheMoniker plays Corrupt Theocracy


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Sorry to disappoint the rampant speculation, but there's no second final boss. That first one was IT, that's all you get. Yes, I know it's pathetic.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it was at least a tiny bit more than this.

As Random Swordsmaster said, you didn't lower your expectations enough!

Yep, it's true. Anything with over 63 uses gets knocked down to mod 64.

That's good to know. I imagine that 80-use hamerene wasn't as good as I thought then.

Hello babes and bros. Welcome back to...



Ohana: I’m so proud of all of you…

Iris: Lady Ohana, are you alright?

Ohana: Yes child. I just have one last thing I must do….

Donovan: ! What are you doing?

Ohana: …Forever sealing Pyron’s power. The only problem is that…


Of course the old crutch lady dies. She didn't even join us for the final battle like Athos. And the seal will be rather pointless, considering the existence of the sequel.

Ohana: I am old. It matters not what happens to me.

Donovan: That’s pretty noble of you.

That's really a good thing to say to someone who sacrificed their life.

Iris: Thank you for your help on our Journey…

Ohana: You’re welcome child… Here. Take this. Back in my youth I was quite the artist.


I think Ohana's gone senile!

Donovan: What an odd…painting.

Brammimond: … It looks nice.


I'd like to say we do actually get a "falling down" sound here. Better than most of the plot events!

Brammimond: for now. I pray that we never have need to meet again…

Donovan: I agree. I’ve had enough war.

Brammimond: Farewell…


Donovan: You need to rebuild the country. I, on the other hand, am going to go on a little journey.


Is this ending affected by their supports? At all?

Donovan: You wish to travel with me?

Iris: If that would not be a problem…

Donovan: If that is what you really want, then I’d be happy to have you join me for a while.


Astra: with you as well!


Iris: I couldn’t leave without you could I?

I bet they spend the whole journey constantly finding excuses to get her away from them.



???: ready then…


Nova walks into the FIELD OF GHOSTS

???: Yes, I’m sorry Nova. Would you mind ruling in my stead for awhile?

Nova: Sure. It would be my pleasure.

I don't think that's how monarchy works...and it gets worse when we see him still ruling later, even though Iris is back.


Uh...why did he go through the gate? There wasn't even a gate there before! Was it a warp gate? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!

Donovan: Now, let us be off!

Iris: Yes! Let’s go!


Star: doing, what are we going to do?

Craft: I’m going back home. I’m tired of constant fighting.

Sandy: I’m going back home to Merc.

Star: Oh… Um… I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. Maybe I’ll go with one of you. Or not. Hmmm…

Support-neutral dialogue!


And this CG plays for some reason.


No, I'm not gonna keep you waiting. Let's continue.


Gunni: since we all meet like this.

Henry: Inded it has. It has been one year since that war ended.

Ether: And the world has only benefited since then. The people are happy, birth rates are up, and no wars seem to be in sight!

Oh, is your water also purer?

Eli: And hopefully, this peace will last for a long time to come.

Henry: By the way, where is king Zypher?

Gunni: My brother has been quite ill since the war ended. He rarely leaves his room.

Ether: I see. I hope he gets better then.

*everyone leaves*

???: …Larry?


Is this supposed to be Larry's dialogue?


Larry: and is leaving very soon.

Hellen: Is that so? I’m disappointed.

He's only leaving because YOU were all such jerks! At least HE gets a happy-ish ending!

Larry: Oh, Hellen, I want you to know something. When things are a little more settled, Lila and I plan to be married. And…this may be a bit premature but, Hellen, we’d like you to name our first child. Father and I talked it over. You’ve done so much for us and we truly want this.

Having a friend name your child? ...Okay. At least Hellen has one of the non-sucky names in this hack...

Hellen: Of course, Larry!


Flo: I’ll miss you Elliot. Stay safe. Oh, and take this wedding Photo of your father and me to remember us by.

Elliot: Thank you mother. I promise to comeback some day!


Oh, so it's a photo now?




Eli: It’s a promise… my Son.

Get out Eli, you weren't even in the last cutscene.


So THEY'RE the ones responsible for this hack! I WILL FIND THEM, AND TAUNT THEM!






The more you think about it, the more you realize just how well this list summarizes the hack.

Are you guys ready for CHARACTER ENDINGS? I'd also like to say that we ARE missing some, from the people like Yin, Yang, and Eli. I think it has something to do with character slots.


So, Marcus but without FE6?


Non-marriage paired ending? I'm shocked. Also, how did Mary even die? Did she accidentally try to spar with Kat while she was holding Dragonbane?


It's almost hilarious.


"They lived in peace until Nick DIED"

You know, usually, eventual death is IMPLIED in the happy endings, not mentioned outright!

Blademaster has determined that no one gets a happy ending, despite all the crap they suffered through.


I don't know either.


Sequel appearance? No? Okay.

Also, on that note, ah, I have some bad news about the sequel, which I'll share next time.


Better than her paired ending with Elliot.


I have nothing to say about this.


See? Elliot is the only one who's even semi-intelligent and not a jerk. He's the only one who I'd say deserves a good ending. I mean, by plot conventions.


Oh, so they're friends now? All we did was destroy their entire military and leadership! Why didn't we just assimilate them into Repub?


Err...isn't this supposed to be a PAIRED ending?


I bet Janet cheats on her/him twice every month and gets forgiven, because she's a important female charactertm


I bet he wasn't as good as ME!


...And the cult was not mentioned again...


And Iris never ruled again, for some reason.


Okay, I get it. We put all out friends in the leadership so we can control them. Makes sense.


Conway? Another sequel dude?


This ending seems okay, until...




So, all of Troy's friends just sort of let this happen? And Troy didn't think to just get out of Ether's kingdom? Okay then.


Yeah, yeah. I've heard this before.


"Merlinus's dream was that one day, maybe, he would gain a level..."


How cute.




Donovan doesn't even get a happy ending. Wow. Not that the CHEATER really deserved it.


*computer goes out window*


Nova: I’m good Astra. You?

Astra: …I’ve been kinda worried lately.

Nova: And why is that?

Astra: Lately, I hear rumor of a disease spreading in Merc.

Nova: And?

Astra: …It’s affecting both humans and the horses…

Nova: I see… Hmm… I will have to look into it…

Uh huh...


Iris: painting I made?


Paintings: Successfully justifying unedited CGs since NEVER

Seriously, it's so stupid... I guess I can forgive him though, I hear these are hard to remove, and he only had 2011 knowledge to work with.


Eli: that we have now…

Where did you come from, Eli?

Nova: Yes, for a better tomorrow!


When, meanwhile, in the unedited keep...




And that's it! That's all folks! See you later!

I still gotta get to my death or glory LP sometime...

Final stats/thoughts coming soon. And after that, I still have the obligatory arena showdown, and then support logs. So don't worry, you won't need to give up your daily dose of terribleness yet.

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Okay, here we go...



Donovan was the main lord(note: He got some levels in the final fight that weren't counted), and he did of course have crazy good stats. If I had had the opportunity to train him more, I don't doubt he would have capped every single one. That late promotion though...it's crippling!


Craft is unhindered by Donovan's promotion problems, and his crazy good promotion class means putting levels and supports into him early on will pay off. He was basically "the guy who killed everything" in my first run, and he was still helpful here.


Sophie is an insane healer, with no real problems. She was always helpful.


Star suffers from the outright ODD alteration of flier caps, and her strength just wasn't that great in endgame. Say what you will about all her other stats, but if you can't one-round someone then you're pretty much useless in corrupt theocracy.


Fantastic from start to finish, and I doubt that would have changed even if I hadn't given her the Afa's drops.


He was a more tanky version of Sophie at the start, but as time passed they evened out. Either way, he was never a burden.


Janet, on the other hand...she was the only unit who WASN'T hilariously OP in ever way, She had normal FE7 growths, and with everything inflated the way it was, she just never had enough stats.


Nick was pretty okay. He never really fell behind, and his MOV was helpful. He ended up permanently chained to Kat, though.


Kat was excellent purely for her amazing crit powers, even if she was fragile. As long as she stayed with Nick, she wasn't in trouble.


Iris joined really late and unpromoted, but was just fine once I trained her. Not sure who Donovan would have supported if she hadn't showed up.


30 natural strength...wow...yeah, Larry was an excellent assassin. You saw him take out Chill, you know what I'm talking about.


Mary also suffers from the random 20 skill limit, but she was way better than Star, An excellent aid to Larry, who could fight on her own if need be.


Elliot got some screwage on the high end of his levels, and suffers from the same promotion problem as Donovan, and has a crippling RES problem(which is bad when the endgame enemy teams are all so magical), and he never really EXCELLED like all of my other units. Bad support availability didn't help either.


Sandy was another victim of the promotion problem, but she turned out much better in the hand. Seriously, the caps in this game are so imbalanced. Assassin is better than swordsmaster now, and Blade Lord is better than BOTH of them!


Louis was a fine mage, but he also never got many supports, which led to him dying in endgame.


Sal was a worse Iris who came earlier. She was good in the midgame, but had a harder time as we advanced.


Yeah, screw you mr level 5 forever.


She was never destined to be more than a dedicated healer, but she did an okay job of it. She was a bit more defensive than my other magic users.


He supported Lila, but never really was that helpful. Low MOV hurt him badly, and he didn't hit that many caps.


Here's my final ranking for Lyn Mode/Part 1. I'd just like to say that this is the first time I've ever gotten less than 5 Exp stars. I blame the prepromotes.


And here's my ranking for the "main" story. I resent the 1 tactics star, but I can understand the funds star, since I was selling all my broken/useless weapons instead of properly putting them in the lower unit's inventories. Having units whose inventories I DID fill disappear because of that glitch didn't help either.

69 stars oh man what do those even mean


So...anyone wanna hack into Hector mode and see what's there? No? Okay.


Well...it's safe to say that this was the worst hack I've ever played. I mean, there are worse hacks in existence, but those are either obvious betas or half-done projects. But, this is the only hack I've played that claims its complete and that it's done a great job, and yet still plays like its in its first public beta. And believe me, I've seen first public betas that are way more enjoyable.

Despite this though, the hack has a strange kind of...allure. It's weird, like bile fascination. Once you START playing, it's very hard to stop, even though the entire time you know you should. And when you're finished, you have to seriously question your life decisions. Think about it, why have you been reading this LP? Are you really enjoying it? Do you just want to see it finished? Is that the only reason? I'm guilty too, I went back for a SECOND run after I finished my first! I don't know what gives it this quality, but I do have some advice: Don't play it yourself, because it will be a massive waste of time.

Anyways, back to the flaws. I think Blademaster(no offense, btw) just tried to go beyond his scope way too early. Make your first project, but instead of trashing it when it's obviously unsalvageable and using the experience to make something better, keep going anyway! He tried to do too much too soon, with too few people(the only one who helped him at all was ShadowofChaos, and I still don't know what it was for). Let this be a lesson to you all, I guess!

And again, I don't hold it against Blademaster. He's said he's okay with this LP, and he knows its bad. It's okay. It's fine.


Well, I was planning on putting this off, but I knew you guys would pester me about, so I'll tell you straight up:

I have some bad news everyone... I won't be playing the sequel.

The reason is, Blademaster PMed me a while back. He told me that, while he was going over his notes for Sun God's Challenge(presumably because of this LP), he discovered a fatal flaw that was SO horrific it disgusted him, morally. Or at least, that's what he said. It was apparently so bad, he had to ask a mod to remove the patch link from the original thread. Me and several others still have it, of course, but since I already did this LP, I think I'll respect his wishes and not play it. I know you're mad curious, but I'm sure you don't want to know. I know I don't. Actually I kinda do maybe I'll play it on my own time

Not to mention, there's plenty of good hacks out there that need playing! I gotta focus on those!

Arena updates coming soon! I'll also try to get my hands on a .sav with the supports unlocked... Some help with that would be appreciated, but I can always just google it.

Edited by TheMoniker
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This was overall pretty fun to read, so thanks for playing and LPing (even if the hack is terrible)! Playing this more than once is quite the feat to do since even I never played it more than once.

Also, SoC didn't help me with anything directly, he's just credited since I probably used a tutorial of his but I wasn't sure.

If you know how to use gamefaqs gameshark code stuff you could just use that? Any .sav with 100% supports should work.

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The other way to find out everything is to open the hack up with Nightmare. It looks like the self-deleting units also come with no ending. How sad. . .

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Can we at least know that flaw so we can understand how terrible it is.

But that would ruin the whole point of me not being able to play it wouldn't it? Either way, if there is a flaw, I doubt it's something that can be explained in a simple way.

This was overall pretty fun to read, so thanks for playing and LPing (even if the hack is terrible)! Playing this more than once is quite the feat to do since even I never played it more than once.

Also, SoC didn't help me with anything directly, he's just credited since I probably used a tutorial of his but I wasn't sure.

If you know how to use gamefaqs gameshark code stuff you could just use that? Any .sav with 100% supports should work.

No playtesting explains a lot

Okay about the SoC thing. Anyways, I'm glad you liked the LP. Even if a project is bad, it can still be entertaining. I guess. In it's own way.

And now for...




Here we go! Yes, I do have to do this for every LP, why do you ask?

This time around, we're doing 4-person teams. I don't want to have to mix in prepromotes just for the sake of having lots of people.


Here's the first team, who shall be named LEADERS and will be MY team!


This one has the majority of our magic users and thus will be called MAGICKS.


This one will be called FEMALES?. There is a very good reason. Probably.


Final team! Since they're all support partners, the team will be called PARTNERS.


Here are the trams! As usual, I ask you to say who you think will win! However, since the OBVIOUS choice for victory is me, I want you all to instead vote for who you think will take second place. There, see? Now it's fair.

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Despite this though, the hack has a strange kind of...allure. It's weird, like bile fascination. Once you START playing, it's very hard to stop, even though the entire time you know you should. And when you're finished, you have to seriously question your life decisions. Think about it, why have you been reading this LP? Are you really enjoying it? Do you just want to see it finished? Is that the only reason? I'm guilty too, I went back for a SECOND run after I finished my first! I don't know what gives it this quality, but I do have some advice: Don't play it yourself, because it will be a massive waste of time.

I enjoyed this perfectly. You've given me the majority of my laughter over the last month and for that, I thank you. This hack is for laughter and over-the-top-incredi-units™ so that you can feel accomplished when you see all the stats flash in green; no more, no less and that's what I came into this thing expecting.

As for your advice, I may ignore it... just because it looks like way too much fun (at the very least I have to see Raptor's death in-sorta-person. I'm not kidding, I was unable to breath for 40 minutes the first time I saw that). But since you have done this LP, I may not... because you did it for me already.

EDIT: I think it's assured the Magiks team is going to come in last, especially with all the physical units aligned against them. As for the Silver, I think it'll be a tie between Females? and Partners.

I'll be super surprised if you lose.

Edited by Doctor Robert
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Okay everyone, the bets are in! I'd like you all to know that I recorded this BEFORE you voted for the teams!

I enjoyed this perfectly. You've given me the majority of my laughter over the last month and for that, I thank you. This hack is for laughter and over-the-top-incredi-units™ so that you can feel accomplished when you see all the stats flash in green; no more, no less and that's what I came into this thing expecting.

As for your advice, I may ignore it... just because it looks like way too much fun (at the very least I have to see Raptor's death in-sorta-person. I'm not kidding, I was unable to breath for 40 minutes the first time I saw that). But since you have done this LP, I may not... because you did it for me already.

EDIT: I think it's assured the Magiks team is going to come in last, especially with all the physical units aligned against them. As for the Silver, I think it'll be a tie between Females? and Partners.

I'll be super surprised if you lose.


can't be helped about the sequil, had alot of fun knowing that someone BESIDES ME experienced this game and shared alot of the same thoughts

To be honest, I sort of felt the same way reading your comments. This isn't exactly a well known hack, and you feel kinda...alone while playing it.

Hello babes and bros. Welcome back to...



Here are the teams, now let's get started!


Let's begin with Donovan!


The engagement goes fine, but because of Donovan's super-high class power, he gets very few points from the whole thing, even though he isn't even level 20. I can't kill anyone else with him!


Kat DESTROYS Mandrake, bit by bit(he had an Iron Rune, she had to hit him 4 times).


See? If I use Donovan I'll fall behind quickly!


Keep in mind that Iris STARTED this engagement. What? Surely there could be a better target? And no, Kaze isn't poisoned, she's just purple. For some reason. Arena palettes man.


You can guess how well it goes for green team.


On purple teams turn, they attack Sofie, finishing off MAGICKS. They didn't even score one point, the poor guys.


Sandy wrecks Elliot, gaining SUPER POINTS because he has a high class power as well(not as high as Donovan's, though...I wish I'd put him on a different team just to see the payout when I kill him).






Thank you!




Poor Sal. At least you get to see more purple Kaze. I wish she was like that in the main story.


I spend my turn just weakening her. Sure, maybe I could have done a bit better job of it, but I was getting cocky(not that it was unjustified).




Yeah, I'm not sure what he was thinking. Love the bloodred spear, though.


We have so many points.


Kaze didn't QUITE kill Sal before, but the job is done now.


Nick gets his entire upper half chopped off.


And Craft gets lots of points. The red team is done now.


Honestly, the AIs doing the whole "go for the kill even when it's not realistic" thing with Sandy.


Mind you, for me, kills are QUITE realistic. Bye, purple lady!


Phew, close one! Mary had an Iron Rune as well, apparently.


So, we have to have Craft take her out.




And we are DONE.


Even more points for me. But this battle isn't about who takes first...


It's about who would have taken second! And, as everyone correctly guessed, it was Partners!

Honestly, the arena battle was no less imbalanced than the main game. It was an unavoidable necessity.

I'm having a heck of a time trying to get those supports unlocked. I tried to get some .savs, but all I could find was .sps files. I couldn't find any codes that would unlock the supports either, and I have no idea how to use Nightmare or any other tool. Could anyone give me a link to a .sav or code? Because I'm kinda lost right now and I MAY have to cancel the support posting!

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To use a .sps you would need to go to (in VBA) File->import->load gameshark snapshot. For hacks, I think you need to use them on a clean rom first and then add the patch afterwords once the .sav is made.

I kinda wish I could access my old sendspace account to see how many people have download this hack(don't remember the login). It was never a lot, but back in mid 2011 I'm pretty sure it had broken 100 downloads at least? I'm surprised that this thing has two let's plays at all.

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exactly what i meant Moniker, it really did help with me finding peace about the hack.

"Find peace" might be a bit of an overexaggeration, hah, but yeah.

To use a .sps you would need to go to (in VBA) File->import->load gameshark snapshot. For hacks, I think you need to use them on a clean rom first and then add the patch afterwords once the .sav is made.

I kinda wish I could access my old sendspace account to see how many people have download this hack(don't remember the login). It was never a lot, but back in mid 2011 I'm pretty sure it had broken 100 downloads at least? I'm surprised that this thing has two let's plays at all.

Maybe I should watch that video LP you mentioned...mind you, it's not uncommon for the horrible stuff to attract as many people as the good stuff. You're only really in trouble if you're mediocre.

That's, uh, actually pretty helpful! Thanks!

Hello babes and bros. Welcome back to...

Corrupt Theocracy: Bonus Episode 2: Someone LP This


Klok's save worked! We can do all this stuff now! But first...


Remember that comment I made about seeing what Hector mode is like? Yeah, we're doing this.

Also, I tested hard Lyn mode offscreen, there aren't really any noticeable differences.


Also, lol@Nick's portrait.


So, everything starts out normal, but then the altered portraits start showing up.


Hey! Donovan shouldn't be around!


You might actually recognize this dialogue. That's because it's playing scenes from that one chapter before the FE4-style chapter in front of the events of normal hector mode. It's...really odd.


It goes from one event to another, and eventually moves into the events of the FE4 chapter once it runs out.


This is the only one that makes even a little sense.


So...Craft is an Eliwood lord. That...doesn't even make sense from a technical perspective! What?


An Eliwood lord with an axe AND sword rank! Not sure about those bases, but I think they're better than normal Hector.


The thief is Ryan, and his bases can be described as "Oh, what?". Also, he has a rank in dark magic. DARK THIEF FTW!


All the enemies are Nigel.


Except for the boss, who is Maggie. Did you think this would be unchallenging?


Craft has a very ordinary palette. Didn't test Ryan's.


I don't think the growths changed.


I end up having to reset after this, so engaging the boss is the last thing I do.

But honestly, someone really should do a full LP of this "thing that will devolve quickly into insanitytm" Not me, I've already done my part for this hack!


Hey Klok, was this just a "messing around" .sav?

Donovan's supports:


Okay, first, his supports with Craft.

Craft/Donovan C:

Craft: Yo, Donovan. How you holding up?

Donovan: Ah, Craft. I’m doing well. You?

Craft: Same old, same old for me.

No, really. That's it.

Craft/Donovan B:

Craft: Hey Donovan.

Donovan: What’s up Craft. You look kinda troubled.

Craft: I’m just tired. I wish I never left home. I should have continued to work as a Lumberjack.

Donovan: You really enjoy the lazier parts of life, don’t you.

Craft: You know it!

I bet he made the best lumberjack ever.

Craft/Donovan A:

Craft: Hey Donovan, there’s something I’ve always wanted to ask you.

Donovan: Go for it.

Craft: Before I met you guys, did you and Sandy ever get anything going.

Donovan: Well, we tried to get something going, but we just didn’t love each other. Why? You wanna ask her out?

Craft: Nah. You two just always seemed so close. But you were never together like that. It seemed odd. Well, whatever. I’m gonna go take a nap now…

*Craft leaves*

Donovan: …He does realize this is a battlefield I hope…

No Donovan, it's really not.


Next are Sandy's supports. We already got their C, so let's do the B.

Donovan/Sandy B:

Sandy: Hey Donovan. Back when we were working the streets, did you ever actually sleep with those two men those times?

Oh man, remember that thing I possibly took to seriously? This will resolve it...but I bet the answer will make it-

Donovan: Nah. I used a blind fold and Sausage.


And yes, Sausage was actually capitalized.

Sandy: Oh. I always knocked out my customers after getting them really drunk.

Donovan: …I wish I thought of that…

Donovan/Sandy A:

Sandy: You know, you and I sure had some crazy adventures.

Donovan: Yeah. And Star did two. It’s to bad that Craft joined us so late.

Sandy: Yeah. And Ricky was never with us either.

Donovan: But I think it’s time we went our separate ways.

Sandy: Yeah. After our business here is done, I’m going home. Maybe I’ll find a man…

Donovan: I think I will go out to sea… I want to see more of the world.


We've seen all of Iris's, so let's skip straight to Mark.

Donovan/Mark C:

Mark: Incredible…

Donovan: Hmm? You’re that old guy. What’s up?

Mark: You really were taught by Beyard. You’re swordsmanship and attitude is the same as his.

Donovan: So you knew Blondie, eh?

Mark: I fought alongside him in the past.

Donovan: Do you know any good stories about him? I would like to know more about the kind of warrior he was.

Mark: Of course! I know many! But where to start…

Donovan/Mark B:

Mark: …And that is how he became the leader of the Water Clan army.

Donovan: Incredible. I can’t believe he took out an entire bandit troop himself…

*Implying that's a difficult task*

Mark: He was a great man.

Donovan: I know… He was the closest thing to a father I ever had. I am sad that he is gone now…

Donovan/Mark A:

Mark: Donovan, tell me. What is it that you seek in life?

Donovan: Eh, nothing much. I just possibly want to see more of the world. I guess at your age you already found everything you wanted in life.

Mark: I guess. I have a loving wife, though no real children of our own. I always thought of Flo as my daughter though. My wife and I raised her when she was first given to us by the previous Fire Lord.

Donovan: I see. I hope that I will find a happy ending like that.

He'll die at sea. And it will be terrible.


We never did see their A support...

Larry/Donovan A:

Larry: That’s it! I’ve had it with you! Today, you die!

Donovan: Nah, I don’t think so. You’re the weakest person in this army. You would embaress yourself fighting me. Just leave it alone man.

30 strength? He has one of the HIGHEST strengths in the army!

*Donovan leaves*

Larry: …What is it about him that I hate so much? He’s so infuriating!

What, were you expecting things to change? Any sort of repentance? I sure hope not!


Cyrus doesn't support his own brother, but he DOES support Donovan, so...

Cyrus/Donovan C:

Cyrus: Oh. You’re Donovan.

Donovan: Oh. You’te Cyrus.

Cyrus: You’re my brother’s friend.

Donovan: You’re my friend’s brother.

Cyrus: Hmmm…

Donovan: Hmmm…]

Not sure about that bracket, but...

Cyrus/Donovan B:

Cyrus: GASP!

Donovan: It’s you!

Cyrus: Hahaha! All your base are belong to us!

Donovan: Curses! Foiled again!

...Really? Was this funny at the time of the hack's release?

*Donovan leaves*

Cyrus: Craft was right. It’s fun to hang out with this guy.

Cyrus/Donovan A:

Cyrus: Hey Donovan. Look here.

Donovan: ! The Emblem Lance.

Cyrus: After Giafried died, I felt it call out to me. I think I should be it’s next wielder. But I am not ready yet.

Donovan: I see. Well, you will be one day. Use it to help forge the new world after the war.

Cyrus: Indeed.

Dangit Cyrus, why didn't you give it to someone who COULD use it?


Finally, Lila's supports.

Donovan/Lila C:

Lila: Oh. It’s the brute again.

Donovan: Oh. It’s the spoiled brat again. What’s wrong?

Lila: Spoiled! Me?! HMPH!

*Lila leaves*

Donovan: Yeah. Spoiled.

Is this gonna be DonovanxLarry again?

Donovan/Lila B:

Lila: So tell me brute. What is it that you do for fun?

Donovan: Well, unlike you who only gossips, drinks tea, and studies, I work, play games, and train my skills as a swordsmen. I also drink, sleep, and go out with women.

I love ambiguous that last sentence is.

Lila: …I should expect no less barbaric tendencies from you! …Though… I must thank you for the other day… It is… only proper.

Donovan: Oh. For helping you clean your horse. It was just sad to see you strugling so much, ya know?

*Donovan leaves*

Lila: Maybe… He isn’t such a brute…


Donovan/Lila A:

Lila: So tell me Donovan. What kind of work have you preformed.

Donovan: Work? Well, I’ve done a bunch of things. Cleaning, fighting, selling, and collecting. To many to name.

It's a good thing Lila doesn't ask what exactly he sold.

Lila: I see. And after this war you will have to go back to work…

*Lila leaves*

Donovan: ? What’s with that look? She looked like she was ploting something. I’m going to travel after this war. No more work for me.

I have a feeling the paired ending is important to understanding this, but we can't see it so... Ah well. At least they actually IMPROVED, instead of just hating each other forever!

Anyways, that's all for today. Man, I am so TIRED of transcribing dialogue... DoG has so much text, and this isn't helping...

If there are any specific supports you'd rather see sooner than later, you'd best tell me! Also, all the characters appear out of their normal order on the support list, so expect the order I do supports to be kinda...schizophrenic.

Don't worry though, Janet is third on the list

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...Really? Was this funny at the time of the hack's release?

CATS rocks. XD

Seriously, though, I do believe this is a case of Blademaster running out of ideas and whipping up a support in about three or four minutes...

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