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What would you do with a super power?


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I'd like to be a vampire. I live mostly at night already, and feasting on bad people isn't too bad. Vampiric lores, from the good to the bad, fascinate me. With vampirism comes immortality, super strength and speed, and even other things if the writer is too liberal. :P

My favorite hero, though, is Batman, and he doesn't really have any superpower. If there's anything "super" about Batman, it's his intellect.

I don't think a vampire could survive the destruction of his or her planet. A vampire is not immortal, just hard to kill.
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The set of Thor's powers for menial tasks

like charging my laptop

and free air conditioning

and just getting to school really fast

Make it stop raining when I have to walk to class

actually I'll just send some extra rain to Cali because NY get way too much

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I don't think a vampire could survive the destruction of his or her planet. A vampire is not immortal, just hard to kill.

Maybe they mean vampires just don't die of age? Otherwise there are lots of ways to kill them, like silver, crosses...planetary destruction. Oh, and sunlight. With some of these suggestions I might want something that generates sun light, but...probably not, as it's not much good outside of being a night light and killing vampires.

Mine would be the ability to mainpulate probability. For example, what are the chances of me rolling a pair of dice and getting a double 6 three times in a row? I would manipulate the probability to becoming 100%. Or what are the chances of me failing a test? i could manipulate its probability to 0%

I'd use it for my own good i guess. To make sure that i never go wrong. And i'd definitely make sure i dont tell anyone about it too

You know, thinking about it, I don't know if probability manipulation would work like that. I mean, for example, a test is determined by the answer you put, so I don't imagine luck, even super luck, would work for it. Not to-I'm discussing the logic of super powers, aren't I?

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Does anyone remember that power that your protagonist possessed in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? The 'Dimensional Scream.'

It allowed you to see the past or future of anything you touched.

Not always super practical but it would have some uses and I think it's still a cool power nonetheless.

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The best are the most obvious ones for a reason. True immortality/eternal youth is an obvious choice for obvious reasons, but if I wasn't immortal...

Too be honest there is a lot of choices. Superspeed/stamina can be combined to run a giant electromagnet to power the world, but that wouldn't stop a lot of problems even if I was able to power the world for 70 or so years. The main problem is accessibility. I mean, if I picked time manipulation and stopped time, do you know how long I'd have to live to keep a city legit-free of crime for one day? I could turn New York City into a paradise for a year or two (maybe, if I'm lucky and figure out a good timeplan), then I would die from old age.

A Deathnote-style power would work great for keeping the world decently clean, but it would only take a while for people to realize that speaking their real name alive is akin to saying 'I want to die via dry-humping a wall-socket while singing Kpop songs' (no offense to Kpop lovers everywhere) which ruins the whole power.

Then there are the selfish ones which, while bringing me wealth, would also not help others out in any way. Soooo...

I think my superpower would be... I don't know what to call it... the ability to shift perspective? Make Kim Jong Un feel a thousand lives in his prison camps in a second, let the good people now how much they're appreciated, and the bad people see the world for what they really are.

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TBH in my opinion time control gives you every power u need and i mean not time aroun you, i mean time in spaces like: you can make time go faster before you, your "body time" stops so you can't age and you can e.g. let time go fast and reverse time on one space to create lightning or fire because you create thermal energy.

also you will be able to fly if you reverse time behind-under you, so you will pushed forward by gravity because it is reversed.

the za-warudo-wryyyy combo could also be possible.

nuclear fusions too.

time space stuff too.

dem teleportz too when you or stuff were once on the place/space you want to go.

you are god.

also immortality is shit

also killing is fun

also earth destruction is fun ^ω^

Edited by Flareragnarok
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Actually, the power that tends to come into mind, is Wolverine's. Prolonged aging and immortality type something (which means he can die by age, just not that much against physical factors).

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Actually, the power that tends to come into mind, is Wolverine's. Prolonged aging and immortality type something (which means he can die by age, just not that much against physical factors).

You'd want a healing factor, then, because his delayed aging is a result of his body's superhuman healing powers.

That also means that killing you would be pretty hard. Pretty cool.

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You know, I just remembered a power I really like: Infinite Energy Generation! It could be used to power the whole world!

but Wolverine died recently, in an event.

Yeah, I remember Carbonium negates healing factors, and exists only in Marvel comics. Or was there a different way he died there? Either way, you know he'll come back. Hm...maybe that's the power we should go for. Being a popular comic character, and thus always coming back from the dead.

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Probably elemental powers, you know, water/fire/wind/earth, etc. Also I'd love to have the power of healing, power to fly (though maybe that's an extension of wind powers?).

My non-mainstream power would have to be...overwhelming people's senses with a particular kind of sensation. In a fight, this would be super helpful. Make them super sleepy, or feel super sick, or....well, I wouldn't want to use pain outright. But they would be effectively incapacitated without actually being physically harmed at all. That'd be nice.

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