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Thank you sir.

Now, as there are 3 applicants, including myself, I will be, my schedule permitting, starting the In-Character thread tomorrow. I appreciate the input of the people who have posted here and the applications from those of you who applied.

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I'm sure the pacing won't go to quickly. Monday is Monday for everyone, and there are currently only 3 participants.

The front page has received a few minor updates, nothing to special. I, for one, and looking forward to seeing how this goes.

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Haven't tried an RP before. I've always been interested in these. Hoping apps aren't closed.

Name: Aloysius

Class: Priest
Starting Level: 2
Skills: Miracle, Shade
Gear: Heal, Vulnerary
Backstory: Aloysius is the son of a bishop from Begnion. Despite not sharing his father's extreme beliefs, he is still a relatively religious man, and has worked for many a church. Recently, he has been interested in ancient history, and has traveled the world, both preaching his word and learning about these living legends. Now, he has decided to come to the cave to investigate rumors and hopefully help others who journeyed to it.
Personality: Aloysius is a vocal man, always saying what's on his mind. He's also a bit full of himself, and a bit of a neat freak. However, deep down, he's a nice guy. A "Jerk With a Heart of Gold," if you will. He'll get along with anyone and everyone if he's known them for long enough.
NOTES: Aloysius is, as hinted at by his class, not suitable for combat. He's not the most physically fit, and he doesn't want to get his luxurious white robes TOO bloodstained.

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Oh no, not at all! In fact, things are just about to start, so I dare say your timing is perfect. If you check the first page, you'll see that your application has been added. I hope you have a good first experience.

In fact, I've completed the in character thread a bit ahead of schedule, and decided to post it ahead of schedule as well!

Due try to give everyone a chance to post though, but I'm certain we're all reasonable enough to do that. Also, don't feel the text colors are necessary, it's just something I do instinctively. Also, don't feel like you need to start right away talking to Albus and Pierman, this beginning is supposed to give everyone a brief moment to establish themselves before the real action begins.

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I suppose i'll give this a shot. Given my last forum rp was years ago and I didn't last very long.
Editting in my character. I may or may not use the character to port into my hack if it ends up being more than decent.



Name: Valerina
Class: Soldier
Starting Level: 2
Skills: Adept
Gear: Iron Lance, Javelin, Vulnerary
Backstory: Valerina harbors a dread secret, a secret horrible that she mustn't permit the secret to be discovered by outside party aside from herself, due to this she was forcibly banished from her adopted household because she refused to give them what they wanted. Only a teenager, she went to a nearby mercenary band and made a bet with them. If she could win against the leader, she would be allowed to be a member, if she lost, they could do as they please with her. Needlessly to say, she won of course. The leader believed her as a prodigy and made use of his newly acquired asset training her as much as he could. Unfortunately, before she could reach a principle, he died on her sixteenth birthday when they went off to a battle they were hired to alongside with everyone else in the band, as the sole survivor, she now realize she is not permitted to have a family ever again and embarks on a lonesome journey.
Personality: A rather silent but serious and stoic. She choose to be anti-social due to her history. She views the battlefield as a method to discovering her self rather than a field of massacre. She believes she may find an answer as to why she lives, and why she's not permitted to disappear with her secret. Due to this, she may choose to continue fighting rather than finishing off an enemy if she thinks the enemy may have a specific information for her whether or not they are capable of telling it.
Appearance: A white woman slim build with fairly built muscles to accounts for her frontline capacity. She is incredibly pale and always encase her upper half of face in a protective mask hiding her barely visible eyes. (Think Bertram without the horn or backside) Her hairs are silver blonde blending with dirt and blood of her lonesome adventuring extending down to her breast line. She wear an incredibly ordinary type of armor shaped for a woman's breasts save for peculiar runes inscribed on the gauntlets and to some degree on part of her shoulder. The armor are painted in dim blue preventing a particular identify of her homeland. The only area where her body are exposed are as following: her thighs, her upper arms, her neck, her lower face, and tiny portion of her stomach.
Her truth may be revealed depending on the situation around her.

Edited by Fateborn
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Okey I posted. Not very long, but...

That's fine, this is just to establish everyone. Your posts don't have to consistently be long either, and I'll doubt they'll ever need to be that long. They just need to establish or advance something.

Great! I do hope I enjoy it.

Indeed. Remember, as an accepted applicant, to post in the in character thread.


Name: Valerina

Class: Soldier

Starting Level: 2

Skills: Adept

Gear: Iron Lance, Javelin, Vulnerary

Backstory: Valerina harbors a dread secret, a secret horrible that she mustn't permit the secret to be discovered by outside party aside from herself, due to this she was forcibly banished from her adopted household because she refused to give them what they wanted. Only a teenager, she went to a nearby mercenary band and made a bet with them. If she could win against the leader, she would be allowed to be a member, if she lost, they could do as they please with her. Needlessly to say, she won of course. The leader believed her as a prodigy and made use of his newly acquired asset training her as much as he could. Unfortunately, before she could reach a principle, he died on her sixteenth birthday when they went off to a battle they were hired to alongside with everyone else in the band, as the sole survivor, she now realize she is not permitted to have a family ever again and embarks on a lonesome journey.

Personality: A rather silent but serious and stoic. She choose to be anti-social due to her history. She views the battlefield as a method to discovering her self rather than a field of massacre. She believes she may find an answer as to why she lives, and why she's not permitted to disappear with her secret. Due to this, she may choose to continue fighting rather than finishing off an enemy if she thinks the enemy may have a specific information for her whether or not they are capable of telling it.

Appearance: A white woman slim build with fairly built muscles to accounts for her frontline capacity. She is incredibly pale and always encase her upper half of face in a protective mask hiding her barely visible eyes. (Think Bertram without the horn or backside) Her hairs are silver blonde blending with dirt and blood of her lonesome adventuring extending down to her breast line. She wear an incredibly ordinary type of armor shaped for a woman's breasts save for peculiar runes inscribed on the gauntlets and to some degree on part of her shoulder. The armor are painted in dim blue preventing a particular identify of her homeland. The only area where her body are exposed are as following: her thighs, her upper arms, her neck, her lower face, and tiny portion of her stomach.

NOTES: Her truth may be revealed depending on the situation around her.

Hm...this application overall seems fine, but there will need to be a provided reason for this character to be at Red Cave, unless they join the story later. I would assume they're one of the mercenaries to watch it?

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Hm...this application overall seems fine, but there will need to be a provided reason for this character to be at Red Cave, unless they join the story later. I would assume they're one of the mercenaries to watch it?

She is wandering, so yes, she'll come and go on a battlefield and mercenary contract since that's only thing she really knows right now.

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((...I'm getting confused, Nice Guy. Are you writing for Anon? Because that's generally frowned upon...))

That is it. In order to clarify, I have added a rule about that to the first post under mechanics. In the future everyone, please stick to using your own characters, as that is the courteous thing to do.

Mr. Nice Guy, could you please edit your last post so it doesn't do that?

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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It was supposed to be through Aloysius, but I guess I didn't make it clear. Third person's not the easiest for me to write.

I see. I'm sorry, but I'm still a bit confused. Maybe if you gave a breakdown of your post here it might be easier on everyone? I understand what the end result is, but I'd like a little clarity for the process.

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Basically, it begins after Albus leaves. Aloysius prepares to leave as well, but he's given the idea to translate it himself. He didn't want to bother Albus further, as he visibly was in a poor mood. In actuality, Albus never understood the language; he just had a translation guide in his possession. Aloysius uses that, steals Albus's pen, and writes down the results.

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Oh, that part. I wrote that bit as comic relief; didn't think much of it. If it bothers you that much, I'll remove it.

EDIT: Removed, edited, and I'll probably just do the rest of this in first person. Too vague otherwise.

Edited by A Nice Guy
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