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Recruited Nyna, in which battle Lucina reached A Swords and the addition in Renown gave me the Mercurius, lol.

C15 3/39 2 Rescue

Severa rallies Movement (Frederick!Severa), Nyna barriers Fred, Fred is ferried by Cordelia with a Tomahawk (42 Atk after forging) and pulls ORKOes the lower squad aside from the General and the Steel!Cav that didn't reach Fred yet. MU pairs up with Morgan, MU kills a Cav, so does Morgan, MU jumps into the north-east enemies. Lucina OHKOed a Mage, then ORKOed a General. LissaxRicken rescues Say'ri. MU Galeforces herself to the boss and ORKOes on Turn 2. I managed to get two village items (2nd Seal and Physic). I actually used a Rescue so Lucina can visit the village, be danced and then kill the last AK lol. Physic isn't all that useful on LTC, so I'll probably sell it.

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C16 1/40 1 Rescue

Severa rallies movement, NynaxRicken rescues MUxMorgan + standard Galeforce bossrushing. Morgan got the bosskill.

C17 1/41 1 Rescue

Severa promoted to Bow Knight for the movement. Morgan and MU pair up. Severa ferries Ricken to Nyna and rallies Movement. Lucina ORKOes a the Hero to the right. Nyna goes 1 tile above Lucina and rescues Olivia. Olivia dances MU to the Valkyrie in the very central room, Morgan ORKOes. MU oneshots a Hero through-wall with Mjölnir, then uses the same tome to ORKO the boss (42 Mag Bolganone can't 2HKO, nuff said).

C18 1/42 1 Rescue

Nyna rescues MUxLucina, MU ORKOes a Griffon Knight, Lucina ORKOes a Sage, Lucina ORKOes Yen'fay with Mercurius.

C19 1/43 1 Rescue

Severa rallies Movement, NynaxRicken rescues Olivia, Olivia dances MUxMorgan, Morgan kills the Dark Knight, MU electrocuts Walhart with Mjölnir.

C20 1/44 1 Rescue

Severa rallies movement, Fred goes 4 tiles below Cervantes, Nyna goes above Fred and rescues Olivia. Olivia dances MUxLucina, MU kills a Hero, Lucina Brave Sword 2HKOes Excellus, MU nukes Walhart with Celica's Gale (no Mjölnir as the Mag doesn't suffice without the Morgan support).

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C21 1/45 2 Rescue

Figuring out a 1-turn strat required more planning here. Lucina reclassed to Paladin. LissaxGaius rescues Fred so he can flank the closest Assassin with a Brave Lance. Severa rallies. NynaxRicken, given a Mag proc and two Dusts, rescues MUxLucina down as far as possible with 24 Mag after a dance. Lucina kills the Thoron!Sorc with Mercurius, MU kills a Berserker, Lucina kills the boss with Mercurius.

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C22 1/46 2 Rescue

Severa rallies movement. Lissa rescues NynaxRicken, Nyna rescues MUxMorgan. MU kills Simia, LucinaxSay'ri is danced to kill Canis with the Parallel Falchion. MU nukes Aversa with Book of Naga. Not sure if the double Rescue is needed, but yeah, buyable and I have like a thousand tons of sellable weapons. I only can make actual use of the Balmung and the Valflame so I left the other regalia aside.

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C23 5/51

Tricky chapter. For the first two turns, Morgan and Lucina (paired up) handled most of the western enemies by dodging and Galeforce chaining. Luckily, Chrom can sit on MU, swap when they are 3 tiles beside Validar, and Chrom drops MU into Validar's range, which allows me to use MU from turn 2 on (enough to prevent reinforcements from appearing). It's hard to explain exactly, MU, Lucina and Morgan spammed their weapons and plugged up all the stairs by turn 4. FredxCordelia picked off some Sorcerers with a Brave Lance too. Validar was killed by Celica's Gale!MU and Mercurius!Lucina.

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23 is the chapter with the huge purple wall right? 5 turns seems like a LOT for a small rout chapter, although I'm guessing its due to MU having most of the exp and being stuck in the top half of the map. Regardless I'm seeing 3 tops being more likely, I cleared it in 2 turns in a draft using more or less 6 units + olivia and no galeforce, so I'm sure you'd be able to get at least three.

Though I did have Panne, and I doubt any of your non-MU units have combat that resembles hers in the slightest. Due to the restrictions of said draft I couldn't use MU either, so I only was able to kill the weak Validar on turn 2.

EDIT: You probably should have got Helswath (if anyone can use it) since its 1-2 range and super strong.

Edited by General Horace
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ikr about the Helswrath, it's awesome indeed, on my less quick run, I had Armsthrift!Helswrath!Gregor with Rally Luck + Spectrum smash many maps, including some really tough ones like P23. The thing is, my only high-mov unit that could take on Tigris are my core in MU, Morgan and Lucina. Lucina already had to take the Valflamme so maybe rescuing Dark Knight!Morgan with another DLC unit would have been possible. I can't make much use of it anyways, as C25 and C26 get skipped and Basilio doesn't gain much of an advantage in turn counts by using it. Not really worth restarting imo (I have a save on C21). fyi, Basilio is probably going to use a Brave Axe on C24.

Edited by Gradivus.
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yeah kinda looks like you don't have anyone to use it, which is a shame, it's really good in chapter 24 too (that's the other rout before endgame right? The not Aversa chapter) although you can probably just get away with spamming magic with your dudes. I didn't think Basilio would be useful beyond maybe using rally strength though.

I was really more referring to the 5 turn clear though, it just seems way too long for the chapter. You don't have to restart or anything, but I was just sharing my thoughts.

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I think the 5-turn was because I needed Lucina and Morgan too far left on turn 2 because my other units cant really do shit against a General + Assassin combo (could've tried though with FredxVaike Brave Lance first, then Hammer. Oh well. And yeah, 24 is the other rout chapter b4 endgame.

C24 2/53

Basilio did contribute! Brave axe paired up with Flavia ORKOed two units on turn 1 and he could counterkill a Spear!Great Knight with a Silver Bow double + 2 Tyrfing dual strikes from Flavia (yeah, unreliable, but trust me: had the two dual strikes not occured, I'd have grinded Basilio to A bows and given him a Brave Bow!). MU killed a Valkyrie and a Paladin (fuck you Aegisrigging), then was danced through the southern part of the map. DK!MorganxNyna ORKOed some shits above the forest with Valflame (ORKOes Pallies that go Aegis once) and so did Lucina with Mercurius or Brave Sword. MU tanked the boss area and a remaining Wyvern Lord easily with Fred support and Book of Naga.

C25 1/54 2 Rescue

Basilio contributed yet again! I find him underrated tbh, but it's no big wonder as his stats do suck without a support. Basilio killed a General with Hammertime. Lissa, ferried by Fred, rescues Olivia. Nyna rescues MU. MU is danced forward and oneshots a Griffon Knight with Forseti, then onerounds Aversa with Forseti too.

C26 1/55 1 Rescue

Basilio rallied Str you thought right, Morgan rallied Spectrum, Severa rallied Mov. Lissa rescues MUxSage!Nyna. LucinaxFred is danced and kills the Berserker guarding Grima with a Brave 2HKO. Lucina deals 22*2 damage against Grima with the P Falchion, and a Celica's Gale from MUxNyna deals 9*4 points of damage. So, I forged a +4 Celica's Gale for the kill (Dragonskin doubles the forging might addition).

Prologue 3/3

C1 3/6

C2 3/9

C3 4/13

C4 2/15

C5 3/18

C6 3/21

C7 2/23

C8 3/26

C9 3/29

C10 1/30

C11 2/32

C12 2/34

C13 1/35

C14 1/36

C15 3/39

C16 1/40

C17 1/41

C18 1/42

C19 1/43

C20 1/44

C21 1/45

C22 1/46

C23 5/51

C24 2/53

C25 1/54

C26 1/55

Total: 55 turns.

/e Spoilers don't work, meh. And lol at your grinding statement. I didn't grind like, let's cap all our stats, I only grinded to meet some important thresholds (D lances on C5, Galeforce on C10), even though it forced overleveled MU. Plus, MU, Morgan and Lucina were my core units anyways. It's plain normal that they turn out overleveled if they solo like the entire midgame. Also I maintain that there is a Scroll on P4, so grinding Basilio wouldn't have been necessary anyways.

Edited by Gradivus.
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You have to add the Prologue chapter for Morgan that you went to (and any others).

Wait, you grinded? Grinding is cheating in LTC playthroughs... no grinding is allowed. You'd have to add in all those turns you spent grinding..

Edited by Chiki
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Damn, wasn't aware of that

Morgan 5 turns

Severa 11 turns (lmao)

P1 9 turns

Of course I comfortably went for all the treasures without knowing that Paralogue TCs count too.

As for the grinding bs, it should be about 45 turns, so that adds to 125, which sort of sucks again

Edited by Gradivus.
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And lol at your grinding statement. I didn't grind like, let's cap all our stats, I only grinded to meet some important thresholds

Unfortunately, trying to quantify grinding doesn't work that way. Either it's absolutely nothing or you used it- trying to keep track of exactly how much you ground is useless because nobody is going to play to the same standard as you (even if the tried to, they'd get different Risen spawns and whatnot), which renders your turn count completely meaningless. So either you don't grind at all (what most people do) or you go completely all out and 1-turn everything after Cht.3 (which isn't very impressive. Also, iirc Chiki already did this with Logbook and Renown but no grinding).

Ha ha who even grinds nowadays

Someone who thinks the game will be more fun if they do. What did you expect?

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Someone who thinks the game will be more fun if they do. What did you expect?

Or someone who wants to finish the game, and thinks that it's more efficient to gain levels in DLC than to take numerous attempts to get a single map right.

(source: me and my happily screwed Avatar on Lunatic)

You finished your run, so congrats on that! Whether you want to do another one, with the criteria specified is up to you.

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So either you don't grind at all (what most people do) or you go completely all out and 1-turn everything after Cht.3 (which isn't very impressive. Also, iirc Chiki already did this with Logbook and Renown but no grinding)

The difference is that grinding would have been much slower (and that Logbook costs money, but it's not too bad). He might aswell have grinded all his units, but that would be a bit hobbyless. Plus grinding requires Master and Second Seals to reach those stats, Logbook can just be leveled comfortably on another save file. Don't get me wrong though, I won't grind any longer on LTC runs lol. It's hardly possible that the grinding saves more turns than it costs (costs four turns and gives a level 12 MU probably like two levels, hell I can just stay two more turns on C13 to reach Galeforce for Lucina anyways and otherwise it's an obvious loss in turns)

I wasted a lot of turns anyways. Had I left out the C5 grinding, Lon'qu could have plugged up the fort in the WR's range with a Wyrmslayer equipped. For C6, I might have taken four turns, but I don't really know. P1 Rescue saves less turns than it costs (lol), Severa's paralogue was completely unnecessary, and I was four turns slower than I could with double Galeforce on P12. I will probably replay this later on, but if I will post anything about it, then just the outcome as I'll try to use pretty similar strats anyways (and the stats of my units will differ anyways).

You finished your run, so congrats on that!

Thanks! And you mentioned somewhere that C21 one-turn requires a 38 Mag Falco, though I think you didn't have double Galeforce as two mounted Galeforce units after a Rally Mov and a 12-tiles Rescue would do (which I used on my strat, and I think this strat is applicable to Lunatic as a random promoted Mage class with (forged) Celicas Gale can be rescued to kill the assassin).

well, look at the positive side

at least you are now under my proposed turncount

indeed :P

And I derped one thing on my run which I just figured out. Helswrath could have shoven out a turn on C24 if Basilio gets a Str Tonic, Spd Tonic and a Vaike support, as it ORKOes the Spear!Great Knight from range lol, so it would have allowed me to reliably 2-turn C24. Though I guess Lissa could have rescued Basilio towards the GK anyways for Hammertime as she had no real job on the top of the map,

TL;DR Always take the Helswrath!

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The difference is that grinding would have been much slower (and that Logbook costs money, but it's not too bad).

It's not too bad later on when every other boss has a Bullion(L), but early on cash is very tight and the early chapters are where they make a difference anyway (it's not as simple as getting a team of LB-capped units to route everything. You can't afford that and would still have positioning work to do).

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