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EIMM - Buddy Cop Edition [Game Over] - THIS WAS NOT A GAME


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Remember Johnny bravo? I told literally everyone my alias and well didn't end up getting too far

If you were shot by people who knew your alias, they must have had a reason to deem you as a worthy kill.

exact same thing happened to me

btw I told you my alias asking for an alias trade and you killed me Proto

Huh, what? I don't remember that...

The only time I remember talking to you in EiMM (because you never come on IRC >_>) is this one time where you PM'd me while I was asleep and I only received the PM after I woke up when the night was almost over and it turned out that the random alias I was shooting happened to be you.

If you contacted me earlier, we could have negotiated a cease-fire (which includes revealing our aliases). I didn't shoot that alias while knowing who it belonged to.

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I knew it targeted players but there is no reason it should get partner when that was not even in a role PM, just a quicktopic, that's like a cop learning the entire mafia when they investigate one of them

dude did you not read your role PM your partner is right there at the bottom

Dear Reinfleche Impact,

You are Juri, a psychotic martial artist from Super Street Fighter IV.

You enjoy the thrill that comes with beating your opponents to a pulp, probably killing them eventually, but only after making them extremely uncomfortable with a barrage of innuendo. You like to think you're manipulating everyone to achieve your goals of revenge (also your goals of killing people, but ~details~), but in the grand scheme of things you're a pretty minor character, only added in a later rerelease of Street Fighter 4.

You also lost your eye some time ago, but it seems pretty hard to tell, since your robotic replacement looks identical to a normal eyeball. What isn't hard to tell is that your replacement eye gives you super powers, as it is somehow a miniature version of the device that gives your boss his powers. In fact, your eye was recently upgraded, just in time for the holidays; in addition to making you harder better faster stronger, it makes you more powerful with each enemy you successfully kill.

Each time the player you used your factional kill on dies that same night, your killing power will increase.

With the first death, your factional kill becomes strongwilled; unable to be roleblocked or redirected.

The second allows you to shoot players using their names instead of aliases.

The third and final kill allows you to strike with lightning speed, outspeeding essentially every other action.

In short, you are the Mafia Murderer. You may communicate with your ally, Juliette, in this quicktopic.

You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

EDIT: also I maintain that basically any info role sucks in EIMM unless it's ridiculous powered up, especially in the meta of "give everything away for free" we have going on here. I do not believe SB's role was overpowered. The difference here is that if a cop learns the entire mafia the game is over for the mafia because once you're known you're dead. This is completely different.

Edited by Euklyd
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your other statements are also wrong

basically any info role is shit with how we play eimm (and in general, but less so), what SB had wasn't nearly as strong as you're making it out to be

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Rein wrong about everything as usual ;/

Seriously though rein fullcop was good but not op as it didn't swing anything towards any one player enough, watcher/voyeur was good and definitely not bad once directed properly. Info roles are not bad at all.

People need to look at the role list and realise the real problem: there's a jailer.

Edited by kirsche
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Info roles are not bad at all.

info roles without stupid amounts of buffs are bad

at least in my experience, after N3 or so info becomes largely worthless - there are a few things you want to know, but those can mostly be solved with shooting the unknowns, and it's unlikely you have The Right Role to find out that one thing you want to know

earlygame it's just okay

EDIT: also jailer is a fine role

Edited by Euklyd
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info roles without stupid amounts of buffs are bad

at least in my experience, after N3 or so info becomes largely worthless - there are a few things you want to know, but those can mostly be solved with shooting the unknowns, and it's unlikely you have The Right Role to find out that one thing you want to know

earlygame it's just okay

Actually I found the perfect role (Eury's) to find out the one thing I wanted to know so point disproven? Watcher especially is good for keeping track of loyalty even lategame by catching liars not shooting who they said they would.

EDIT: also jailer is a fine role


Real talk: Jailer is just an inferior version/grotesque amalgamation of like 5 different roles and no, isn't flexible to make up for it, in fact it loses all of the flexibility that the other roles have. Adding more restrictions is just the icing on the cake.

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Actually I found the perfect role (Eury's) to find out the one thing I wanted to know so point disproven? Watcher especially is good for keeping track of loyalty even lategame by catching liars not shooting who they said they would.

that is my point; a weaker/less flexible role would most likely not have been able to do so

EDIT: I'll explain my thoughts on jailer in a larger, later post, I think

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A happy coincidence, then. They're not useless, but they're a lot less powerful than basically any other role, close to endgame.

[spoiler=also Role PMs and cursory thoughts/background on roles][spoiler=Juliette+Rein]

Dear Reinfleche Impact,

You are Juri, a psychotic martial artist from Super Street Fighter IV.
You enjoy the thrill that comes with beating your opponents to a pulp, probably killing them eventually, but only after making them extremely uncomfortable with a barrage of innuendo. You like to think you're manipulating everyone to achieve your goals of revenge (also your goals of killing people, but ~details~), but in the grand scheme of things you're a pretty minor character, only added in a later rerelease of Street Fighter 4.

You also lost your eye some time ago, but it seems pretty hard to tell, since your robotic replacement looks identical to a normal eyeball. What isn't hard to tell is that your replacement eye gives you super powers, as it is somehow a miniature version of the device that gives your boss his powers. In fact, your eye was recently upgraded, just in time for the holidays; in addition to making you harder better faster stronger, it makes you more powerful with each enemy you successfully kill.

Each time the player you used your factional kill on dies that same night, your killing power will increase.

With the first death, your factional kill becomes strongwilled; unable to be roleblocked or redirected.
The second allows you to shoot players using their names instead of aliases.
The third and final kill allows you to strike with lightning speed, outspeeding essentially every other action.

In short, you are the Mafia Murderer. You may communicate with your ally, Juliette, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Juliette Pisces,
You are Sheik, Princess Zelda’s cross-dressing alter ego.
You strive to free your kingdom from the tyrannical rule of Ganondorf, King of Evil. This primarily involves running around teaching the real hero songs, and making fangirls swoon, only to be shocked when they discover you’re really a woman.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Teaching <alias> a new song

You will teach <alias> a song and convince them they are needed to drive off the evil threatening Hyrule in time for Christmas. However, Hyrule is a long way away, so they'll use their newfound righteous motivation to be able to use each of their potential actions twice the following night.
Unfortunately, kids these days aren't used to the rigors of hero-ing, and won't realize they'll be forced to idle the following night to restock their potions, arrows, bombs, and other supplies until it's too late.

In short, you are the Mafia Motivator. You may communicate with your ally, Reinfleche, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

In retrospect, both of these roles should have been significantly more powerful; I had wanted to have them work at least okay together, but the nerf on the motivator made that basically unworkable. I probably should've just made the motivator not roleblock the next night, and just non-consec target.
Rein's role grew too slowly for not having any secondary ability and the buffs not being that great; I think that powerup killer is a workable role in EIMM, but his just wasn't strong enough. Not sure if this version would've been viable with effectively an extra kill every other night courtesy of Juliette, though.


Dear General Ciraxis Blitzen,
You are Blitzen, washed-up reindeer boss.
Man, back in the good old days you were on top of the fucking world. You led a team of flying reindeer through the sky, visiting every house in the world in a single night delivering toys with Santa Claus. But then one fateful, foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say (ho ho ho), "Rudolph with your nose so bright / won't you guide my sleigh tonight."
With that, your career was over, another victim of some freak with a unique skill. Well, that's not happening again on your watch!

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Stealing <alias>'s nose

You will tear off <alias>'s glowing red nose, along with anything else that makes them unique, disabling their role for the following night - you will even discover what it is that made them special.

Additionally, once you are in possession of a nose, you may instead submit the action:
##Polishing my nose to look like <alias>'s: [<alias>'s night action]

You may use (one of) <alias's> active abilities as if it were your own instead of stealing another nose. Be warned: you may only hold the most recent nose you've snatched at a time, and you can only use any one nose once.

In short, you are the Mafia Disabler/Copier. You may communicate with your ally, Eurykins, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Eurykins Pikmin,

You are Ema Skye, forensic investigator- jk you're just a detective :(
You first debuted in a bonus case that was added to the DS port of the first game, in which everyone loved your upbeat personality and wanted more or something. Unfortunately, Capcom has a twisted sense of humor as you were much less perky during your appearance in Apollo Justice. Your Christmas wish is for a career in forensics, but you know that's not happening, so you're taking your anger out everyone else in this game. That being said, you're definitely no slouch when it comes to investigating and detectoring and whatnot.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Examining the crime scene around <alias>
Using your considerable knowledge of forensic investigation techniques, you will determine each alias that targeted <alias> that night, as well as each action that <alias> was targeted with (although not which alias performed which action).

In short, you are the Mafia Watcher/Voyeur. You may communicate with your ally, General Ciraxis, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

I think these roles were okay; Eurykins was able to use her role very effectively the first few nights, and got a lot of info doing so. My intention was to have Ciraxis' role combo with whatever role/alias info she gathered, which it looks like the two of them did at least a bit.
A reasonably constructed team imo.


Dear Koneko Semira,
You are Krampus, Santa Claus' evil twin. Or maybe you're the devil himself; we're not sure.
Either way, you're not exactly a very nice guy; your job is deliver coal and bundles of sticks to naughty children. Sometimes you're not in the mood, though, so you just devour them whole instead. Except lumps of coal, and bundles of sticks, those are like, so 15th century - guns are where it's at.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##<alias>, you've been naughty!

You will deliver a defective gun to <alias>; when they try to use it, it will explode in their face, causing an attempt on their life.

However, with the recent budget cuts the North Pole is facing, you're also being forced to pick up Santa's slack, the lazy bum. Instead of the above action, you may submit:
##<alias>, you're okay I guess

You will deliver a working gun to alias, loaded with a single bullet. At least someone winds up dying, right?
Note: It is impossible to tell defective guns and working guns apart just by looking at them; the blood elves at your workshop do a good job. Good boys and girls only get one gift; you can’t give the same alias a working gun multiple times. However, you can give as many defective guns to the same alias as you want (over multiple nights, of course); they deserve what they get.

In short, you are the Mafia Gunsmith/Fabricator. You may communicate with your ally, Railgun (Proto), in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Proto Kagari,

You are Courtney, Team Magma Admin.
Back in the old days of Gen III, you were essentially another faceless grunt, but at least you had a name. You had a slightly larger role in the manga, but Euklyd hasn't read that. In Omega Ruby, however, you've been given a unique personality - you now have autism, congratulations. Proto insists this is a step forward, but it's not super convincing. Sadly you do not feature in Alpha Sapphire, the objectively superior version, so not many people can appreciate your progressiveness.
Anyways. You've been separated from Maxie this holiday season. In the spirit of the holiday season, you have decided to reconcile with Team Aqua. Except they're not around, so you'll need to find some other team instead.

Once per game, you may submit the action:
##Merging Team Magma with <alias>'s villainous team

As long as both you and <alias> have no living allies, your teams will combine and the wincons of all members of each team merge together. This ability may only be successfully used once for the entire game.
Unfortunately things tend to get lost in mergers; your newfound ally will lose their role.
Note: If <alias> still has living team members, your action simply fails, and you can try again some other night.

In short, you are the Mafia Merger. You may communicate with your ally, Koneko, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Really strong. Too strong. Koneko's role was good enough, and I just didn't think through how powerful the merger idea was when we were kicking around ideas.
I probably ought to have restricted the funsmith to one working gun per team, and possibly forced it to alternate between real guns and exploding guns.
I feel like there's probably a way to make merger work, probably something along the lines of vanillaizing the target and making the two share a kill, but even then it would need to be paired with a weak partner role, or possibly have been an ITP that didn't nerf the target partner. "but cults aren't real eimm"
Proto getting nice items the entire game didn't exactly make this team any weaker, either.


Dear Junk Water,

You are Shiki Tohno, latent assassin.
You are notable for your mystic eyes of death perception, carrying a fancy knife, and also for banging like six girls. Mostly for that last one, I suppose, given that you star in an eroge. You also die in like a million different Bad Ends, but hopefully you can avoid that this game!

During the night, instead of submitting your standard factional kill, you may instead submit the action
##Slice <alias>'s lines of death [specify your choice]
You will take extra time to examine <alias>'s lines of death before killing them. Your kill will bypass your choice of [bPVs and other innate protection] or [active protection (docs, hooks, etc)]. Unfortunately for you, your eyes aren't quite as fucking broke as That Other Shiki, so you need a bit more time before striking; your strongkill will occur the next night.
(If you use a strongkill one night, and a standard kill the next, you will be carrying out two kills that night.)

In short, you are the Mafia Delayed Strongman. You may communicate with your ally, Kirsche, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Kirsche Mistletoe,

You are Freddy Fazbear, animatronic pizza mascot.
As the mascot of the eponymous Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, it is important that you remain in tip-top working condition. To ensure your motors and joints continue to function properly, you are left in "roaming mode" all night - what's the life of a few security guards, anyways? Besides, I'm sure they're much happier after being stuffed into animatronic suits. Also much more dead :):.
(Un)fortunately, this holiday season all the animatronic suits have been replaced by teddy bears. Children love teddy bears, right?

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Stuff <alias> into a teddy bear
You seem to be out of animatronic suits, but you still feel the need to stuff unsuspecting humans into bears.
Anyone who targets <alias> will see only a huge, adorable teddy bear, and will leave without doing anything to it. On the other hand, <alias> will be unable to move from their soft, warm, adorable costume to carry out their intended actions that night.

After the first jump scare, though, your victims will see it coming and escape your attempts.
If only people learned that fast in the game itself!

In short, you are the Mafia Jailor. You may communicate with your ally, Junk, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Junk's role was pretty shit. I probably should've had it be poisoner strongman or something - maybe with an option to redirect the kill to someone else if the target died before it could take effect - but even then it wouldn't be ~that good~ (not extra kills).
I still think Jailer is really strong, since it basically lets you force a commute on someone. Save your ally, roleblock an enemy, etc, and with the allied strongman role it would've let you shoot people you were "protecting."
(Rein's role also would've gone well with it, although I didn't have that in mind when I was designing the setup.)
Might've done better to make it non-consec? I still think the sheer flexibility of allowing an ally to commute or to roleblock an enemy is really strong. In EIMM, protection is strong, blocking is strong, and flexibility is alway important.


Dear FFM ArsArRagna,

You are the Wizard of Oz, the Great and Terrible!
Or at least that's what everyone else thinks, and you're not about to tell them otherwise! In reality your name is Oscar Diggs, former circus magician, illusionist, and master ventriloquist. These talents are more than enough to keep those silly munchkins and other sheeple in awe of you, and they worship you as a god!
All-in-all, it's a pretty sweet deal you've got going on. Unfortunately, no matter how large you make your tree, nobody puts any presents under it; it's almost as if the people of Oz don't even know about the holiday! Maybe if you went back to your land of origin you could finally have a real Christmas...

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Sending <alias> away on my hot-air balloon

You will stuff <alias> on your old hot-air balloon, and ship them off to the location your co-driver picked out in hopes of finding your way out of the Land of Oz. Likewise, your co-driver will send another player to the spot where <alias> used to be.
However, if your co-driver dies, that's it; you'd have no idea where to send anyone, so your role would be rendered useless! Better find your way out quickly, huh?

In short, you are the Mafia Co-Driver. You may communicate with your allies, Kay and Makaze, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Kay Elf on the Shelf,

You are Maxie, Team Magma Boss.
There is too much strife in this world; something clearly has got to change. You're pretty sure that the issue is that there's not enough land, and it's not sunny enough; maybe if the weather were nicer you'd finally be motivated to bulk up and be able to get a tan, just like Archie. Why couldn't you be as hot as him? Not like you've noticed or anything, of course.
But that's all besides the point; this Christmas, you want to give the world the best gift ever: World Peace. This involves catastrophic weather shifts and drying up the oceans, but it'll be worth it! You've almost finished, too; you just stole a fancy new submarine from Slateport City, and all that's left is to find Groudon.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Sending <alias> away on Submarine Explorer 1

You will stuff <alias> on your brand-new submarine, and ship them off to the location your co-driver picked out to search for Groudon. Likewise, your co-driver will send another player to the spot where <alias> used to be.
However, if your co-driver dies, that's it; you'd have no idea where to send anyone, so your role would be rendered useless! Better find Groudon quickly, huh?

In short, you are the Mafia Co-Driver. You may communicate with your allies, FFM and Makaze, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Makaze Locke,

You are Miria Harvent, immortal thief.
Perpetually optimistic, you bring smiles to everyone around you - even when you're robbing them blind. This is the true meaning of Christmas. You're annoyed that you can't seem to find Isaac Dian this holiday season, though. BUT you have come up with a brilliant plan! You two finally realized that you're immortal - clearly, your best bet to find Isaac is to shoot everyone and see who heals!
Isn't that a great plan?! You're almost as brilliant as Isaac!

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Planning a heist on <alias>

You will concoct and execute an elaborate plot by which you will steal all of <alias>'s items, as well as any BPVs they may have beyond their initial BPV.
In addition, you are always on the lookout for abandoned treasure; you will spot all items whose possessors died the previous without using their item(s). The next night, you may select a single item from the previous night's list to pick up and give a new home.

In short, you are the Mafia Thief/Scavenger. You may communicate with your allies, Kay and FFM, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

The three-man team. This was always gonna be awkward, but looking back an obvious improvement would've been to just have the three share two factional kills.
I intentionally made the roles pretty weak, but I really should've put in more item generating roles, because Makaze's was bad, even for intentionally being not-great. He would have gotten the descriptions of what any items he received actually did, though.
I wasn't expecting FFM and Kay to survive as long as they did, once people found out there were co-drivers lying around. The role was lost N1, which was probably A Reason, but eh.

I still think a three-man team was better than a lone ITP, but I should have done more to make it not as overpowered.


Dear Blitz Grace,

You are Minato Namikaze, Fourth Hokage.
You are hailed as the greatest ninja to ever live, and definitely the fastest. You can basically teleport, and additionally you've invented cool techniques like the Rasengan, the ultimate shape control technique. Too bad you died before you could master it as well as you intended...
Also too bad about your wife - she's also dead. Oh and you were forced to seal a demon into your son. All in all, things could've gone better for you that day. This holiday season, though, you're not about to let anything hurt you or your family!

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Keeping a wary eye on <alias>

If you notice <alias> preparing to harm you or your family - or your ally - you will instantly teleport behind them and strike before they can make their move. Their kill will be blocked, and you will make an attempt on their life instead of the kill you had planned for that night.
In addition, as you are a master ninja, nobody will notice your espionage unless you actually take action and strike.

In short, you are the Mafia Interceptor. You may communicate with your ally, MancerNecro, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear MancerNecro Mimi,

You are All I Want for Christmas Is You, popular modern-day Christmas carol.
Released by Mariah Carey in 1994, you received overwhelmingly positive reactions, and in fact you continue to regularly chart every holiday season. You are basically the greatest song of all time. Or at least that's what your Wikipedia article thinks, as well as the droves of adoring fans in the comments section on YouTube.
Who cares that you're taking the Season of Giving and turning it into a love song that really has very little to do with the season? Definitely not your fans!

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Lending one of my groupies to <alias>

A member of your legion of groupies will follow <alias> around, and in fact is so devoted that they will take the next hit on that persons life. Maybe they think the dude has an original signed CD? Who knows?
However, your followers are primarily devoted only to you; you can only send a single groupie to any one alias.

In short, you are the Mafia BPV Maker. You may communicate with your ally, Blitz, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

while imo BPV Maker is a stronger than it's made out to be (see also: Nightmarre and Proto surviving long after they would have died), this team was relatively weak, although would've been amazing lategame, if Blitz survived
unfortunately he died N1, probably because people don't trust Blitz (good for them)
not sure if this was a reasonable role even then; Rein is right that it's probably too good lategame and probably not quite good enough early (although not as bad as he says it is; it would've protected Blitz from Nightmarre N1 if Quote didn't roleblock him)


Dear #HBC J Kinori Shinotobi,

You are the Villager, cold-blooded killer.
While your adorable cartoonish appearance may fool most people, one look into your eyes shows the truth: those are the soulless eyes of a murderous psychopath. While not catching bugs or fish, playing the stalk market, or selling furniture for a tidy profit, you do battle with a smile on your face and a gleam in your eyes. Does this look like the face of mercy?!
That being said, right now you've just been finishing up conning Jingle out of his furniture set; your pockets are almost full, and you just want to get home to deposit your look. That, and kill anyone you come across :):

As you are cold, calculated killer, you have the presence of mind to stuff all the corpses from the previous night into your pockets. In doing so, you will discover any active abilities they possessed.
Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Pulling <user> out from my pockets: <<user>'s action here>

You will retrieve <user>'s fresh corpse from your pocket and perform the action they possessed while alive. They must have died the previous night, and have a usable active ability. This does not work on limited shot abilities that have been expended.
Unfortunately, your pockets are already nearly full due to the furniture you're carrying around; you only have enough space for the previous night's corpses.

In short, you are the Mafia Gravedigger. You may communicate with your ally, SB, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear SB Lighthouse,

You are Byakuya Togami, Super High School Level Heir.
Selected as the foremost in your field (being a rich asshole), you attend the elite school Hope's Peak Academy. In retrospect, this might not have been the best choice, now that people are being murdered and your escape route has been cut off.

While you are a rich snob first and foremost, you've also proven yourself to be extremely clever, and a competent investigator, thinking swiftly and logically. What you can't deduce from the facts, you fluster your targets into letting clues slip - and there's no better way than acting as arrogant as you do. Luckily, it seems to come naturally to you.
So, once per night, you may submit the action:
##Insulting <user>

You will subject <user> to a battery of questions while simultaneously getting them as riled up as possible. The user (not alias) you target will let slip everything about themselves: their alias, their role, their character, and the name (username, not alias) of their ally.

In short, you are the Mafia Fullcop. You may communicate with your ally, #HBC J, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

My reasons for the composition are similar to the Ciraxis+Eury team; find people with good roles, and kill them so J can use the role instead.
Gravedigger is really strong (although I don't think it's overpowered), and SB's role is probably about as strong as an info role should get, although not exactly a super powerful role as far as changing the game goes.
All in all this was a relatively strong team, I think? Not overpowered, probably, especially compared to Merger or 3-man team or something.


Dear Elieson Plank,

You are Plank, 2x4 imaginary friend.
Nobody is sure whether you're sentient or not. Except for Jonny 2x4, and who needs anyone else when you have a best friend like him? He carries you around, speaks up for you, understands you, makes sure you're included in activities, etc. - what a great guy, huh? Unfortunately you seem to have been separated from him this Christmas - better find a new form of transportation!

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Convince <alias> they're Jonny 2x4

<alias> will carry you around as if you were their imaginary friend. Anyone targeting you will ignore the obviously irrelevant hunk of wood and notice only <alias>; all non-lethal actions targeting you will affect <alias> instead (lethal actions fail).
However, if <alias> happens to die, you will as well.

In short, you are the Mafia Hider. You may communicate with your ally, Polydeuces, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Polydeuces L.D.O.E.N.,

You are Daken, sadistic mutant assassin.
As far as I can tell, basically everything you do is either to inflict suffering on others for the lulz, or because of your daddy issues. Often it's both at the same time; Wolverine is a frequent target of your schemes. As Wolverine's son, you possess many of the same powers as he does, although somehow you can also produce pheromones at will because comic book logic. This is fine by you; it just adds yet another way to manipulate people and cause them misery - isn't that nice?

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Secreting pheromones near <alias 1> and <alias 2>

Your powerful pheromones will cause <alias 1> and <alias 2> to fall madly in love with each other; when one dies, the other is so distraught that they'll commit suicide as well. This generally happens very quickly, as it's just the sort of manipulative dickery you specialize in.
However, your pheromones won't kick in instantly; both <alias 1> and <alias 2> must survive the night before they become lovers.

In short, you are the Mafia Loverizer. You may communicate with your ally, Elieson, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Hider is strong and selfish, but it can also go wrong extremely easily; I feel like it might just be a bad role, and I don't think there are reasonable nerfs for it.
Unrestricted Loverizer is bullshit. This version isn't a great role, but it's not bad at all, imo. Unlike Hider, I think there are many different things you can do to this role to make it reasonable; this is just one possibility.


Dear Kinumi gay,

You are Suzy Snowflake, cosplaying journalist.
You've heard rumors of a mafia war starting up, so you've disguised yourself as Suzy Snowflake to better fit in at Christmastime. In reality, you are an ace journalist, and also a terrible person. Maybe this will take your mind off that gosh-darned Activity Club! Stupid posers.
The game has barely started and you've already dug up dirt on literally everyone in the game; no wonder you're called an ace journalist.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Blackmail: <alias>

You will present <alias> with 3D BLACKMAIL, and and warn them they better do what you tell them to.
The next night, along with any other actions you submit, you may specify a single target for the alias you blackmailed the previous night; they will be forced to use both their kill and another ability they possess on the alias you specify.

Note: The night you blackmail someone, they are informed that the next night their actions will not succeed; limited-use abilities will not be forced.

In short, you are the Mafia Delayed Hijacker. You may communicate with your ally, Xinnidy, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Xinnidy Kanti,

You are Boba Fett, badass bounty hunter.
Notable for your distinctive armor and lethal efficiency, you are feared by criminals and freedom fighters across the galaxy. Hell, basically everyone fears you; you'll go after anyone if the payout is right. While most people first saw you in Star Wars: Episode V, it is a little-known fact that you actually debuted in the The Star Wars Holiday Special. Maybe the quality of that movie was a sacrificial offering to make you cool, who knows.
While you'd normally have many tools and techniques at your disposal, you're on vacation right now, so you've got to think on your feet and plan unexpected strategies to win.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##<alias>, get hype for the new Star Wars movie!
<alias> will be super excited for Star Wars: Episode VII - finally, a new Star Wars movie! They'll conveniently forget about the prequels, of course.

Alternatively, twice per game, instead of your normal action, you may submit the action:
##jk guys it's the holiday special haha psych
All users you have primed with hype for Episode VII will be disappointed to death: their own body will make an attempt on their life.

In short, you are the Mafia Arsonist. You may communicate with your ally, Kinumi, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Kinumi's role was too weak. imo Hijacker is too strong in EIMM, but it's also a really fun role, so this was my attempt to make it reasonable. It definitely failed. I'll probably keep pondering ways to make this role workable, but I don't have any good ideas at this time (although I probably won't host another EIMM for a while, and definitely not without a lot more thought and preparations, so it's not like I don't have time!).
Arsonist is just about the only role that has straight-up extra kills that I like in EIMM; it takes both luck and foresight to have the kills actually go off. I think it might actually be a bit too weak? It can be pretty good insurance, though.


Dear Bluedoom I'm ten years old,

You are Larry Butz, professional slacker.
You are a recurring character in the Phoenix Wright series. For some reason or the other, you always fuck up which has caused the popular saying “When something smells, it’s usually the Buttz” to come into existence. Hopefully you will be more successful in your endeavors this time around, and get a girlfriend who sticks with you for more than a few months (fat chance on that last one).
Your last Christmas was kind of suboptimal; not only did you lose your giant inflatable Steel Samurai (popular fictional TV show hero), but your childhood friend was nearly convicted of a murder he didn't commit! Maybe this year things will be different...all you need to do is stop losing Steel Samurai balloons, right?

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Lose my Steel Samurai balloon near <alias>

Goddammit. You really just can't stop losing that thing, can you? Anyone who visits the person you lost it near will be distracted by the STEEL SAMURAI himself, and will be too scared of righteous justice to carry out any killing actions they might have intended to.
Luckily for you, anyone you lose your dummy two nights in a row will remember the last time, and will take it down to give to you. Isn't that nice of them?

In short, you are the Mafia Doctor. You may communicate with your ally, Paperblade, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Paperblade Raven,

Good news, everyone! You are Professor Farnsworth: maniac, genius, and founder of Planet Express.
You founded Planet Express delivery services to fund your inventing addiction some time ago, and that seems to have gone pretty well for you, despite being a risk to both your employees and the universe itself. While your preferred Christmas activity involves running around naked, you're currently on several different sex offender watchlists, and you can't risk not being able to continue inventing. It’d be a shame if you were to die before your designated year, after all.

As a brilliant inventor, your creations are far beyond the the understanding of ordinary people, which is clearly why they don't appreciate you as they should. Being senile definitely doesn't have anything to do with it.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Give <alias> one of my brilliant inventions: <item>

You possess one each of the following inventions:
- Rolecop: "ray gun"; shooting an alias with this gun will return the target's role.
- Gun: "cryo-resuscitator"; you have yet to fine-tune the temperature settings on this. Anyone attempting to doc an alias with this device will freeze them permanently, making an attempt on their life.
- Self-roleblock: "personal force field"; unfortunately, you've only perfected a one way force-field at this time. While this is, scientifically, an amazing achievement, anyone attempting to commute using this this device will merely roleblock themselves instead, while remaining open to attack.
- fake BPV: "BPV"; While this device looks very fancy, and its possessor will believe it to be a fully functional BPV, it in fact is completely useless, and won't protect against any shots at all.

In short, you are the Mafia Inventor. You may communicate with your ally, Bluedoom, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Doc is really strong. I would say it's probably one of the strongest roles you could get in a teams game like this - I have no idea why Paperblade would consider gambling away a Doc partner. I kind of agree with Rein that it probably should've been nerfed differently (more).
Paper's role had a couple good items, but it probably could've used more, since an Inventor can't even use their own items. I don't have a lot to say here.


Dear Prims I Am Prims Also Aliases In EIMM Is Fucking Stupid,

You are Blizzeta, Twilit Ice Mass.
A kind yeti encountered by Link up in the Snowpeak Ruins, you aren't really having a great day. First you get so sick you can't even move, and then, after you recover with the aid of your husband's Superb Soup, when you stopped to admire your reflection in a mirror, you got turned into an ice monster!
Some holiday this is turning out to be!

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Dropping icicles on <alias>

You will drop a hail of icicles onto <alias>, breaking any BPVs they might have. However, as you are a boss in a Zelda game, you take so long to broadcast your attacks that the icicles only hit after all other killing actions that night have been executed.

Alternatively, you may submit the action:
##<alias>, have some Superb Soup

While you may have been turned into a monster, you can still appreciate some good soup. Your husband makes such wonderful soup that you just want to share it with everyone you can! When a player drinks the Superb Soup, they will be fully healed, and all BPVs they might have will be restored.
However, most people don't appreciate soup as much as you do, so you can't offer the same person soup two nights in a row. Their loss, I suppose.

In short, you are the Mafia BPV Breaker/Restorer. You may communicate with your ally, Weapons, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Weapons J. Esus,

You are Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.
While this is called a "holiday EIMM," everyone really knows it's in celebration of your birth, roughly 2018 years ago (give or take a year or two). You led a pretty interesting life before being publicly humiliated and crucified. Unlike most losers who meet such a fate, there is still a religion today that worships you, almost 2000 years later. Not bad for a traveling preacher. I mean, maybe the whole "resurrection" thing might've helped, but ~details~.
Regardless, everyone knows that when you died, you died for the sins of we sinful humans, so that we may be redeemed. Because apparently God demands justice for sins so hard He Himself is forced to cheat His own system.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Die for <alias>'s sins

As the Christian savior, you will transfer all the sins of <alias> to yourself.
In this case "sins" roughly translates to "non-lethal actions targeting <alias>." Of course, being Jesus, you are immune to negative actions (roleblocks, etc.) you might end up redirecting to yourself in this way. Also you've already done that "dying to save people" thing once, so you're not really dying for anyone's sins at all.

In short, you are the Mafia Martyr. You may communicate with your ally, Prims, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Prims' role is pretty good; BPV restorer is pretty great, and BPV breaker isn't bad either (although it's kind of hard to know that your target still has BPVs).
Weapons didn't use his role ever, I think, which imo is a real shame. Safeguard that steals positive effects is a pretty nice role, since you have things like Docs / items going around. Again, flexibility (for making an enemy vulnerable / stealing their stuff OR making sure an ally isn't interfered with) is nice.

[spoiler=PKLucas+Radiant Dragon]

Dear PKLucas Going My Way,

You are Jack Frost, adorable snow demon.
Hee-ho! You've appeared in like a million SMT and/or Purse Owner games, and are in fact the mascot of Atlus itself. Despite that, you’ve only starred in the obviously amazing Virtual Boy game, Jack Brothers. Sometimes you're a single dude, sometimes an entire species, sometimes one of your various alter egos, but you're basically always adorable, and definitely always a snow demon. Most notably, a Jack Frost in Nocturne named Hee-ho was actually plot-relevant, and in fact eventually joined your party.

Being a demon, you have various spells at your disposal, pulled from different games you appeared in. However, you may only use each once.
Once per night, you may submit one of the following actions:
##Casting Bufu on <alias> - You will freeze <alias>, causing all actions they would take that night to fail.
##Casting Hama on <alias> - You will attempt to instantly kill <alias>, but you're too weak, so all that you'll accomplish is breaking a BPV.
##Casting Sutakora Foot - You will flee from all battles that night, but in so doing will be unable to perform any other actions.
##Casting Pulinpa on <alias> - You will confuse <alias>; they will think you're an ally, and tell you both their role and their ally's role, although not which is which.

In short, you are the Mafia Jack Frost of All Trades. You may communicate with your ally, Radiant Dragon, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Radiant Dragon Rufus,

You are Gaige, Mechromancer.
You were a pretty normal high school student, building killer robots, getting picked on by spoiled rich brats, you know the drill. But everything changed when the Nation Atta– I mean, everything changed when your rival at a science fair got herself killed by your killer robot. And now you have like a trillion dollar bounty on your head. But even worse, you only got third place in the science fair! Talk about unfair.
So now you're on the run with your trusty robot sidekick, Deathtrap. At least you're not alone, right?

While you don't have any active abilities, Deathtrap will identify any user that targets you with a non-lethal action as hostile and make an attempt on their life. The programming is a little wonky, though; you still haven't managed to get it to attack people who are actually trying to kill you.

In short, you are the Mafia Action PGO. You may communicate with your ally, PKLucas, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

PKLucas' JoaT is actually a lot stronger than I intended it to be; I forgot how good commute is in EIMM, for one thing. Roleblock is also very good, and BPV break has its uses. Rolecop is okay I guess.
I feel like while Radiant Dragon's Action PGO is an okay role, and isn't as boring as most passive abilities, it was probably still a boring role in that you don't have a night action, so all you can really do is fool people into using an action on you.
I considered going for synergy and putting an action hijacker or action redirector or something as his partner, but I felt like that would be too powerful, since ~free kills~.


Dear Nightmare Merkabah,

You are Metatron, the voice of God from Christian Mythology (also Megami Tensei, I guess).
You have what can (objectively, of course) be considered one of the best designs in SMT, which I can only sum up as Mecha Angel. Unfortunately, it seems the powers that be at Atlus don’t necessarily agree, as for the most part you are relegated to being an optional boss/super demon. Since you’re so tight with God, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the holidays proceed as smoothly as possible. This of course entails the deaths of most other players, but that’s how it goes sometimes.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##The LORD commands <alias 1> to swap roles with <alias 2>.

Being the voice of God, you have the ability to enact his will each night. Apparently his will entails swapping the roles of two users, maybe giving a role to someone more deserving or something to that effect.

In short, you are the Mafia Roleswapper. You may communicate with your ally, Quote, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Dear Quote Snapple,

You are Abomasnow (Obamasnow?), a Grass/Ice type Pokemon from Pokemon DPP.
Generally ignored in your debut game, you finally got your chance to shine in the sun (er…snow) when the sixth generation gave you a spiffy new Mega Evolution. Unfortunately, you don’t have a Mega Stone on you (or a trainer), so you won’t be able to use that for this game. Apparently you were based off of the yeti, which was an enemy in Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow that could be drawn out by throwing curry at it (I cannot make this shit up); just some food for thought because I don’t really know anything about Obamasnow. I’m not really sure what exactly you have to do with Christmas, but you are based on an evergreen tree, which is probably reason enough to try to save it.

Once per night, you may submit the action:
##Deep Freeze <alias>.

You will activate your signature ability, Snow Warning, which will force the user to waste their time trying to get rid of the weather effect (because let's be real, Hail sucks) over whatever else they were doing.

In short, you are the Mafia Roleblocker. You may communicate with your ally, Nightmare, in this quicktopic.
You win when any of the last two surviving players is of your faction.

Nothing interesting done to these roles; they're pretty standard. Both are fairly strong without being broken, etc.
Nightmarre was definitely able to put his roleswap to good use the nights he actually had it; it was a bit stronger than I imagined but still a reasonable role imo.
In the short time before being killed, Quote's block saved Nightmarre like twice over; would've been cool to see that continuing.

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In EIMM, protection is strong, blocking is strong, and flexibility is alway important.

I'm sick of seeing people call jailer flexible. Think it's strong or whatever that floats your boat but definitely not flexible. All it does is take away options: the amount of times in the first phase alone with the limited resources available to me I went "oh no that won't work because jailer has safeguard/roleblock/doc" was ridiculous. Even comparing to other standard roles if you're roleblocker stuck not being able to protect your allies because you can't get ahold of the names of the people targetting them then that's not roleblocker being inflexible that's you doing something wrong.

I honestly don't get how people roll jailer and don't just go "man I wish I was just plain doc/hooker/kidnapper/commuter/safeguard" every 5 seconds and flake, even outside of EiMM. Dunno how I made it through doomsday.

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Safeguard targets [user].

[user] is blocked from All actions except killing ones (meaning Cop fails, Doc fails, Hooker fails, etc)

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I see. Thanks.

Is that like/the same as commuting someone else?

yeah basically

I generally think of commute as being further removed than an omniguardjailorthing target, but I don't actually know if that's the case

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yeah basically

I generally think of commute as being further removed than an omniguardjailorthing target, but I don't actually know if that's the case

Commuted people can't be shot, so it is more removed based on the description.

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Commuted people can't be shot, so it is more removed based on the description.

I'm talking more about in general than just This Game

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