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ITT: We whine/complain


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In this topic, we whine/complain about the things that bother us, as silly and small they may be. Let it out, folks!


I find it annoying when people drink so slowly, especially with that "sigh" (not so exaggerated, though) you see in drink commercials.

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I find it annoying when work keeps me up later than I like to stay up~

And then I try to sleep in later in exchange and I've become so used to waking up early that I fail to sleep in

And I can't just fall back asleep because then I get too hungry and have to get up and eat which just wakes me up

I only really lost an hour of sleep but missing any amount of time just very easily bothers me

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When people shift lanes on the highway but don't use their turn signal indicator

When you're in charge of a project that you require signoffs from your company president on, and he doesn't respond to your emails for 6 days

When Skype pretends that no one is talking, then loads over 1200 IMs at once

How little Mountain Dew I have at this moment

How I can't be hip and fashionable because budgets

Edited by Sara.
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Oh yea,

When I enter a restroom of any kind (Public, Home) and there's toilet paper in the toilet. Even if someone just picked it up off of the floor and tossed it in a clean, never used toilet, flush that please

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When people bump in to me and act like it did not happen, when no matter what I do my blood sugar won't behave and when people think they are doing a good thing and they end up doing something really horrible.

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the small things that bug me the most are the worst:

people leave like a quarter of a glass of (insert beverage here) left in the container in the fridge. Why not finish it and replace it?

people who just permanantly leave their high beams on when driving at night

I had one more but I forgot it while making breakfast.

EDIT - wait what normal spoiler tags are fucked now? I guess I can whine about that but it really doesn't bug me that much.

Edited by General Horace
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people walking side by side to the point where they fill up the whole hallway. have some regard for the people around you PLEASE B|

people who publicly air everything that happens in their relationship all the time oh man that gets so old so fast to me

spotify does this thing where it'll give you like 3 commercials in a row and if you mute your sound to try and ignore fuckin' flo from progressive singing horribly at you it AUTOMATICALLY PAUSES THE COMMERCIAL until your sound is back on that annoys me a lot tbh

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When people shift lanes on the highway but don't use their turn signal indicator


also people who don't check their fucking blindspot

when people pass and cut in front of me and I'm already going like 5 over the speed limit

people who drive slow

people who don't know the right of way!!!!!!

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People who move really slow, especially when you have to go somewhere in a hurry.

My sleep schedule.

I have to get up earlier for school than the time I like to wake up at, and I've become so used to staying up late that I can't go to sleep early when I have to.

Peter Jackson's adaptation of The Hobbit.

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I'm literally full of complaints like 100% of the time and I cannot even think of anything to complain about here.

I just don't want to seem overly whiny I guess :U

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When driving around West Seattle, my mom almost never uses her turn signal and it bugs the hell out of me, but I don't say anything because I don't want to sound like an asshole.

My sister, for being an abhorrent and despicable person with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I can't think of anything else right now. Maybe later.

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People who say Floyd Mayweather who are fans saying he is better than Manny Pacquiao with illogical claims, unsupported bases and one piece of evidence with a broad point of view that try to discredit Manny.

Seriously they're annoying fucktards who go off records if anything.

EDIT: Sorry boxing season is in the air for me right now...

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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