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Can bad characters still be used and still be an "Effeciency" run?


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Many people have done effeciency runs before and they've used at least one bad character just out of personal choice, but still sticked with the Top tier characters to take the lead. Is the run still effecient despite using 1 or 2 bad characters?

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Well, efficiency is a style of playing. It's perfectly okay to say 'I'm going to use these weaker characters and try to play as fast I can". You're not going to complete the game in as few turns as if you used better characters but you're still playing efficiently.

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What I mean is you'll still be using the great characters like Marcus to pull the team. With that in mind, assuming your bad characters don't drag you down. It's still effecient, right? Effeciency and LTC are different because LTC can be a lot more luck-based, as long as you get the lowest turns possible. In effeciency, you're not necessarily going as fast as possible. You're doing what's reliable and what can be completed in a reasonable time frame, with reasonable amounts of luck and the least cost (whether it be in terms of funds, time and/or turns). In LTC, I've managed to used some bad characters without dragging me down (and they may even contribute in ocassion).

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ltc and efficiency are both playstyles

you can play ltc without touching anybody above low tier and it'll still be an ltc run, it just won't be as low as one where you're allowed to use anyone

same goes for efficiency

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I take efficiency to mean "Using what you've got, make the best of the resources you're given". If part of your criteria is to be as efficient as you can with mid-tier units, that's efficiency.

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Yes in both senses of the word.

If all you care about is getting as low a turncount/high a score as possible the quality of a unit doesn't matter so long as they can shave that one extra turn off or give that one extra boost. Calill could be a drooling idiot with 1's in every stat (no offense to Calill fans) but so long as she can wield a siege tome in just one level where it can shave off one turn she'll be 'used'.

If you only care about going fast but only care about being 'efficient' then you can use them. They just won't be the 'most effecient' choices possible.

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You're given Seth

You're choosing not to use him

That's not efficient

If you're set out to use mid-tier units and be as efficient as you possibly can with them, it's a form of efficiency. Whilst it's not overall the most efficient way to get things done if your sole goal is completing the game with no other restrictions, if you've got self-imposed restrictions, it's possible to be efficient within them,

Of course one could argue not playing FE8 in the first place is even more efficient, but you start getting rather silly at that point.

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